Click here for Part One of the Pinwheel Soap Tutorial.
Step 5: With a very small bladed knife make a mark in the center of the circle.Proceed to cut the round soap into eight sections using the mark as a starting point on each cut.You get extra bonus points if you cut the sections curved. It’s harder than it looks to cut them curved!Out of the eight sections, pick the four that align with each other the best.
Step 6: Place the four sections back into the round mold.Pour a THIN layer of clear soap into the bottom of the mold. Let this layer of soap harden (approximately 7-10 min). This is to make sure the curved pieces stay in place when the fill color is added.
I have to wonder if an over sized round cookie cutter or biscuit cutter of some kind would aid in cutting curved pieces? There are a lot of possibles for this.