When I was working on the latest Soap Queen tutorial for the Lucky Star Soaps, I made a batch and ran into a problem. There was a strange bubble trapped over my pretty embedded hearts. See that silvery film over them in the picture above? Well, I’m going to tell you how to avoid that and save you hours of anguish! (okay… make that “a few minutes of puzzlement.”)
The way you make the Lucky Star Soap is to pour a layer of the main color, let it set, then place an embed on the hardened layer and top off the mold. This way, the embed is floating inside the star.
The first time I made the soaps I put the embed directly on the hardened layer, then poured soap on top of it. Unfortunately, the heated soap didn’t get all the way underneath the embed, creating an air pocket. That is why there is that silvery air bubble, which is really distracting.
It’s easy to avoid this. Anytime you are placing an embed into your design, pour some heated soap in first, then place your embed into the soap, and continue to fill your mold. This way, the embed is completely encased in soap with no chance for air pockets. Another way to guarantee a seamless look is to spray your embed with alcohol before placing into the melted soap.
I have included photos of other embedded projects which use this technique. They can all be found in the “Soapylove – Squeaky Clean Projects” book. Have fun!
-Debbie, Soapylove
I agree – the tip is awesome. Debbie is a great resource for melt and pour tips 'n' tricks.
Kelly, a tutorial on the Joy soap that it's in our Flickr account? Sure, I can do a tutorial on it. But, you probably can guess how it goes! =) Draw a little bit of this soap up into a dropper, put it into the details. Draw a little bit of that soap up into the dropper and drop it into the details. Allow to harden. Spray with alcohol. Pour your base soap over at no warmer than 130. Allow to harden. And, viola, all done! =))))
very cool!
Aaaaaahhhh (that's a wonderment Ahh, not a frustrated one!)! Great tip!!!! So simple, but yet someone had to tell me!
Oh, I would so do something like that, so thank you for the tip!
Hi Anne-Marie,
Did you ever do a "Joy" tutorial on that lovely mold that says Joy on it?
If so, can you send me the link? I destroyed my PJ's detail syringe, i know i know. i am brutal in the kitchen. but maybe you could spare me hours of frustration if there is already a tutorial on this lovely mold!
xoxoxox and enjoy the rest of your long weekend!
what gorgeous soaps you have!
Excellent, Debbie! I finally figured this out for myself awhile back after being frustrated with all the bubbles I was getting. Thank you for sharing it with everyone. 🙂
Excellent tip, thanks so much!
great tip! thanks 🙂