Another ingenious idea from Johanna in the warehouse (check out her Etsy store here) to make even the most plain soap absolutely burst with personality.
She used temporary tattoos to adorn her Halloween soaps. Johanna tells us it is a little tricky since the tattoo wants to slide around and not stick to the soap. But once you get the technique down and let it dry, the result is well worth it!
Find the Skull Mold and the Milky Way Oval on Bramble Berry’s website.

The two soaps above were made using a similar technique as Soapylove’s Cameo soap project. Johanna just embedded tattoos instead of soap cut outs. Let the countdown to Halloween officially begin!
Johanna does come up with amazing ideas. We’re lucky she’s passionate about soap.
Body Natural, Let me know how the tattoo project goes when you do it. I can’t wait to see the photos.
SO AWESOME! Go Johanna!!
Johanna you always come up with the coolest ideas. Bravo I think I will do this for my sons halloween party at school
Love the temp tattoo idea! We have a bunch lying around that the kids never use. 😉 Thanks, oh talented Johanna!