The card is a fable of soaping creation and the possibility of a dream. It comes with a little bar of soap inside and is meant to be sold along with the pillow. The pillow is designed to be a pillow of comfort. Gigi Carrie originally started making them for children and cancer survivors.
Carrie Gigi also included a letter, excerpted here:
“This gift is a little thank you for helping my branches grow. Little did you know but when I went back to school (after 30 years) Bramble Berry actually helped “soothe” my soul. During this time, I returned to making handmade soap and with a short search, I found Bramble Berry and fell in love with of the most amazing fragrances and bases to inspire my passion….So, for the next 30 years, I will keep soaping, creating and loving every minute of it.”
Carrie Gigi also included a lovely bar of soap, made with Bramble Berry’s Almond fragrance and packaged in a unique and attractive manner.
I love the textured top on the bar of soap. It adds interest and spark to to the bar.
Carrie Gigi from Under The Willows has done an admirable job of creating something unique and different, a niche market, with her Billows.
What can you do to elevate your craft, your job, your business to make it truly unique and special? What are your key differentiators in your business?
Anne-Marie~ Time & time again there is a touching story when someone receives the Billow. Perhaps, call it special timing like what happened several months ago~ I had sent a Breast Cancer Awareness Billow & Storybook card to someone just out of the hospital with a double mastectomy. This lovely lady was telling her sister about the small hospital pillow she came home with, but really needed another one…and at that moment the door bell rang~ the postman delivered her special Billow. She said she cried, and when she wrote me I cried…
I’m glad your Billow was opened after a tiring night…and thank you for sharing…and helping my branches grow.
I just have to add this: I just checked out her site and was reading about the billow and breast cancer. My mother died a few months ago, but 7 years ago she had breast cancer. I only wish I had a billow for her. It would have meant so much. Those are so wonderful. If ever it comes into my life again (a friend or family with breast cancer) a billow is the ideal gift.
A billow. How adorable. Very creative, I love it!! 🙂