If you received the Bramble Berry Newsletter last week then this is the blog post you’ve been waiting for. This is the post where you have a chance to win some of the hottest summer soap molds! See contest rules at the bottom of the post).
Palm Tree Mold (and unicorn toy)
Shirt and Swim Trunks
Surfboard (and Honu, which is Hawaiian for turtle).
Do you like the colorants we used? Check out the non-bleeding Neon Colorants from Bramble Berry.
To enter, just answer once simple question: What’s your dream soap mold? If you could create any mold in the world, what would your design look like?
Comment below with your answer and Team Bramble Berry will randomly pick 4 winners on Monday, May 9th.
Oh…you want to know what you win? Winners will get to choose FOUR of any of the Aloha molds that we carry. See them all here!
Fine Print: We welcome international entries but we will be unable to cover the cost of international shipping.
Good Luck!
The contest ended May 9th, see the winners here!
I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to find a soap mold for Lupus! I have Lupus and there are so many people that have been so kind to have given (donate) in my name to help us find a cure as well as have done walks and other drives. It would be a wonderful different kind of way to say thank you to give them something that they could use and look at that would honor the fact that they helped someone with Lupus. Most people think that Lupus is just a little pain or a rash BUT often times it is NOT…to make a long story short I am only 30 years old and every single day is a fight for me to make it to the next! Lupus is killing me and it touches me so much to see people wanting to help find a cure. So if I could find a Lupus soap mold that would be the one that I have dreamed of and wished for! I am just now starting to try to make my own soap and I would just like to say THANK YOU for your site! IT has been and will be such a huge help to me. Stuff like this always helps me to feel better. It gets my mind off of being sick for a little bit!
Hi Sara!
I can’t imagine how hard that must be for you. We are so glad that you are starting to soap, and if you ever have any questions, let us know and we can help you out. Thanks for the suggestion on a mold, we will keep it in mind. Happy Soaping! =)
-Becky with Bramble Berry
My dream mold would be a ginko leaf. It’s the favorite tree of my daughter and I….we love nature and they have been around forever. And they’ve a beautiful shape!
By the way…congrats on the baby. He’s a sweetheart!
I love shoes! I think a line of 3D Stilettos would be awesome!
Cocktail molds! Martini glass and margarita glass shaped soaps would be awesome!!
My dream mold would be one that had to do with rock music. I’m a drummer, married to an electric guitar player, and one of my dearest friends plays the bass. I never see anything for bass guitar players, and I make his soap because he has extremely sensitive skin. It would be really cool to be able to surprise him with a bar of soap shaped like a bass or with a bass guitar on it.
I would love molds of my company’s mascots, Ailu & Rofa. I won’t lie to you; I love Ailu more than Rofa if I could only have one ^_^.
Hmm….coffee bean shaped mold. Could be life sized….
I would love some Christmas scene molds. Three wise men looking at a star, a baby in a manger, that sort of thing.
I’ve been obsessing over little “wimsy tea cakes” that would be small round and square soap cakes with bright fontant type swirls similar to the bright colored wedding cakes.
Also why isn’t there a pirate ship mold out there? Just that cute little pirate skull . .
I think a teacher mold would be great! As a teacher, I could use it to make soaps for my colleagues. As a parent, I could use it to make soaps for my son’s teachers. With the beginning of the year, Christmas, Teacher Appreciation Week, and the end of the year, there are many opportunities to show his teachers how much we appreciate them. Some ideas are:
1. an apple
2. a little school house
3. a school bus (These would be cute to make for my classroom as well. Germs can spread so quickly, so it’s really important for the students to wash their hands often.)
4. a bar soap mold with “Thank You!” written on it and some designs off to the sides (like a ruler, book, apple, etc.) — This would be wonderful for making appreciation gifts for my son’s teachers, but I could also use it to make gifts for parents that have helped out in my classroom.
I have 3 dream ideas. I am a hawaiian soap maker and i really love your aloha line. I have two necklaces that I would like to see made into a mold. The first, is a circle with a wave and an inner cicle that swirls inside it. It signifies the circle of life and a new beginning. It kinda looks like the inside of this necklace.
There is also the well known Cow-bone or shark-tooth hook, which protects voyagers across sea or if you go out into water.
The third Idea I would love to see would be the mother earth (a woman) within the willow tree. It would be alot of detail but would appeal to many who adore nature or those who sell all natural soap to match their product.
I tried to add pictures of the necklace to show what I was talking about but they did not post sorry. But I hope you get the idea…
I would love a sleeping baby mouse with a long night cap on his head.
A beach ball !
I live in CA by the ocean and to have a tube or flat mold for sea kelp, I could lay the kelp inside and on
top of the CP soap for that natural look. I would
add kelp and a blue & green color for the ocean, yep
thats what I would make a KELP MOLD! You make the mold I will make the soap!
Scottish Terriers…I’ve been looking for one and have resorted to just using a cookie cutter and embedding. I really want a super cute Scottie. They are perfect for the holidays with a little tartan bow.
I’d like a 3D baby bootie mold, I think that would be great for a baby shower!
My dream mold would be a 3D Kayak. I have searched for a kayak mold, and they just aren’t out there. So, many kayakers would get a kick out of having soap made especially for them.
I would like the Rowan tree or the Tree of Life as a mold, in either relief or a 3-D mold.
But my DREAM mold would be a silicone mold, divided into three or four three pound loaves (for production) AND, to have at least one of them, two if it is a four section one, with a bumpy bottom (like the plastic massage bar molds have).
I would like a “FULL” moon. All I can find are half-moons!
A beer mug…with a frothy head!!
I would love if there could be a dolphin mold, with a little island in the background! And the dolphin could have a beach ball on the top of his nose! ~Bliss from Seattle.
I would LOVE to be able to find 3D molds of fantasy/mythical creatures, like unicorns, pegasi, elves, faeries, etc. I love mythology and fantasy creatures so if I had to pick one type of mold as my favourite, than that would be it! Happy crafting everyone!
~Mary Ann
I would love a Lego mold because my son is a Lego fanatic! He would go bonkers for it (and I would be so happy to see him so happy).
That would be super cute!
P.S. You sound like such a wonderful mother =)
Courtney from BB
My dream mold would be USMC mascot the bulldog with the Marine hat.
I would love to have a flamingo mold. Also one for basket collectors would be great.
My favorite soap mold is the 18 or 36 wooden Birch slab soap molds.
My DREAM soap mold would be a silicone liner for either of these molds with impressions of 1.24 inch deep with half the liner of flexible daisy impressions and the other half of the mold in the Orchid flexible mold impressions!
Then I would be able to do Cold Process soap daisies and orchids all day long!
I would LOVE a peacock feather mold! I’ve been searching for one and they just don’t seem to exist. You could make some STUNNING soap with one of those!
I would love to see a a vine with simple leaves on a rectangle, much like your bird on a branch mold (I love that mold). My logo consists of a simple leaf and that would be a good addition to my line.
I have been on the hunt for a tube fish mold for years used for embeds for the larger loaf molds. Remember Pristine molds…geez, I hope that’s what they were called. Also, a pelican mold, a pink flamingo mold,I could go on and on!!
A fish with big lips would be cool, too!
I think a pelican would be awesome too. This is the second request for it =)
Courtney from BB
I have been on the hunt for a tube fish mold for years used for embeds for the larger loaf molds. Remember Pristine molds…geez, I hope that’s what they were called. Also, a pelican mold, a pink flamingo mold,I could go on and on!!
I love Honu! I have an awesome tattoo, I support the Sea Turtle Conservancy by adopting turtles, and I even use the symbol as my logo! I would love to see a honu mold. I think the turtle mold that you offer is cute, but I would want the little pictogram. Less detail, but exactly what I would want.
I would love a mold that looked like my dog! I know it’s ridiculous, but he’s a mystery mutt/heinz 57 from the pound, and I have yet to find anything with a dog that looks like him (soap mold or otherwise!). Of course, I do see a lot of mutts that look like him….
I would love to be able to have a 3D molds than can produce more 6 or more bars per batch. All the 3D molds I’ve found are for a single bar.
Thank you!
That would be a dream come true. I’ve never seen multiple cavity 3D molds either. That would probably have to be a custom job.
Courtney from BB
I would love a rectangle with rounde edges that had a cavity built in the bottom where with the molding products you could put in your own name or logo.
Hi Brambleberry,
Hibiscus Flower will in the silicone concept that you’ve got will be my dream mold. Hibiscus is the national flower in my country.
I once saw a silicone soap mold that looked like a 10″ round cake pan. Inside it had score marks for pie wedge shaped “slices” of soap. Inside each wedge was a elegant heart pattern. It was very intricate. I loved the idea, but I have always wanted one with a floral pattern. I found a similar cake pan, but it’s not floral.
It’s cute though!
We love silicone molds. Cute!
Courtney from BB
How about Kawaii character molds – those cute little Japanese animals are such a hit!
I’d like a princess castle soap mold. If in 3D even better. Great for weddings and bridal showers.
I think some more southwestern molds to go with the kokopelli and Zuni bear would be cool. A howling coyote and saguaro, fancy cowboy boots, some of the other desert tribal animals, gila monster, lizard, scorpion….that would keep the machines busy for a while!
Right now my dream mold is that of a pair of bibbed overalls. My grandson is 6 and has just started to make and market his own melt-and-pour soap. He is a farm kid at heart and his “best Christmas ever” was this year when he got a pair of bibbed overalls and “farmer boots.”
I’d love to see my initials in a soap mold. #)
I would love to see a Tiki soap mold! We got married in Hawaii and one of our most treasured souvenirs is a tiki we bought that is supposed to bring Love. 🙂
I didn’t know that they brought love. That’s sweet and a great idea for a mold. I’ve seen a couple out there in the soap world.
Courtney from BB
retro mid century modern designs atomic looking
My dream mold would have to be an under the sea mold. It would be filled with all different sea animals and plants. That would be cool right????
I think a cool mold would be a 3D garden with tons of blooming flowers, dragonflies and butterflies gliding around.
If i could design the one and only mold in the world for me. It would have to be… the whole united states in one mold!!!
There have been a couple of requests for individual states. I love the idea of the entire united states!
Courtney from BB
Thank you for reviewing my post hope i win!!! thanks!!!
I would love to have a loaf mold that makes an equilateral triangle!
That’s a tough decisiona to make.
There are so many that I would like to have/get/make.
I think though, for my “dream” mold I’d want one(s) of family members. Specifically busts of my Dad or of my Mom & Dad. Either in 3D or bar style.
Dream Mold: different continents or states or country molds.
Sticking to the islands mold..it would be so neat to have a mold of the Hawaiian Islands or Japan or the Philippines.
You could build a soap map or globe! 🙂
I would of course love a mold with my logo, but just a mold of a West Highland White Terrier would be good too.
I really like the Alice in Wonderland “line” idea and of course a 3-D Rubber Duckie would be great! Perhaps a whole line of them, each with a different “character.”
Various fruits, vegetables and desserts would be wonderful too! A how about a piece of hard candy with a wrapper? The possibilities are endless!
I am also wanting a West Highland White Terrier Mold!
Has anyonyone found any good one?
I’d love to see more food-based molds such as oreo cookies, smores, pie slices, and candy. Yummy!
We don’t really have any foody soap molds other than cupcakes so I’m on board with that too. Food soaps are always popular (and probably always will be).
Courtney from BB
I would love soap molds that had constellations on them. The zodiac signs would be great, but also some of the other ones like the Big Dipper, Lyra, etc. I would want the stars to be deep enough to make it easy to add white soap before the black background.
I would love a 3D Rubber Duck Soap on a Rope.
If I could make a mold it would be a. Perfectly twisted spiral mold or a wedding ring mold!
There are alot of molds out there already… Maybe a lattice work or doily that you can spread on top of logs or bars to decorate them.
UKULELE (OO-koo-LAY-lee)! There isn’t a soap mold for the ukulele. There are some guitars, but ukuleles have 4 strings, not 6. It would go perfectly with all of your other Hawaiian molds.
The uke was brought to Hawaii in the late 1800s by Portuguese immigrants, and its name roughly translates to “jumping flea.” It’s such a happy little musical instrument!
My uncle lives in Hawaii and plays the Ukulele so naturally I love this idea. And thanks for the brief history on it =)
Courtney from BB
And supposedly “jumping flea” referred to the action of the player’s fingers flitting across the strings!
Okay. I want to change my answer. And I want to request a “line” of molds… lol.
Woodland Creatures!
Maybe a cute squirrel, a mushroom, you already have a gnome, an acorn, a leaf, a tree, an owl, a beaver…you get the idea!
These would sell like hotcakes on Etsy!
I would love to see an embed column mold. One mold with various cavities of unique shapes/sizes (perhaps theme based) within it. The embeds can later be used when making soap in my loaf mold.
I would love a perfectly square 2.5 by 2.5″ cube – multy cavity mold! And if you can do it in silicone…that would be awesome!
Thanks for asking!
My 4 year old daughter would love to see molds of disney princesses or barbie’s. I know I would have no problem with bath time if she got to use Ariel as her soap!
I would LOVE a skunk mold (preferably 3D)!!! I help with a domestic skunk rescue and we are a non-profit organization helping people with their pet skunks and doing educational programs. Skunks get such a bad rap and it would be great to make skunk soaps with wonderful fragrances!!!
I would LOVE to find a mold reminiscent of the African serengeti! So like a rectangle, with a lone acacia tree (that would be raised so it could be coloured separately) with maybe a mother and baby elephant in the background.. and a watering hole.. and the sun.. WOW that would be one heck of a mold! 🙂
Thanks for this Aloha contest. This is difficult to choose but I love music, So I would love a CD mold. I dream also of a calendar soap. Each month on a bar, so I would have my january soap, february etc.. It is crazy but we’re talking about dreams, aren’t we ? 🙂
That’s the fun of the contest! The months idea is very cool. You could sell a years worth of soap in one package (12 bars). I like that idea!
Courtney from BB
That would be really easy to do with the rubber stamp technique! They sell “calender kit” stamp sets, and you could just use the month titles in the bottom of a rectangular or oval soap bar mold! (And I think a 12-pack would be a GREAT idea!)
I would like a series of silicone “Diva” molds, showcasing evening gowns. They would be perfect in silicone, 3-D.
I’d love a smiling fish which is my mascot on my web site….it is smiling at the world!!
I would love to someday have a mold that incorporated my “SallySue” portrait. Sally is my daughter’s goat that the business is named after. We took a photo of her donning a garden bonnet and pearl necklace…then used photoshop to tweek it out…
I would actually settle for a stamp in the likeness!! ;O)
I would *love* to have a mold of two hands washing, on an oval background. I think I might have to cast one myself someday…
And the new colorants are killer! Nice work! 😀
I would like 3D pastry/pie molds. I love cupcakes but just more choices
We love cupcakes too. Foody soaps are always such a hit!
Courtney from BB
My dream mold would be SILICONE!
It would have my logo and botanicals
on it….
Otherwise, I love the orchid theme and
anything nature as long as it is realistic.
Someone already took the words out of my mouth and said Microphone for singing in the shower! But I’d also love to see some old school 3d soaps..like Mario Bros or something 🙂 Blast from the Past is always cool.
That’s such a tough question! But being from the Greater New Orleans area, I’d say my dream mold would be a Mardi Gras bead mold – a circle of tiny spheres that you could embed a string into to make a soapy-bead from. 🙂
My dream mold right now is split between two – First, I think a French Macaroon mold would be adorable. They are so popular for parties and as deserts right now, that a mold in which you could make cookie-like soap (w/ or w/o filling) would be perfect – and the soaps would be small enough that they could be included with all sorts of gifts/orders.
My other dream mold would be an I <3 NY mold. I have a lot of NYC pictures in my house, and I always thought a soap that matched the famous phrase would be cute, and a nice finishing touch.
I would like a simple bar mold that says “Happy Birthday”. You could make soap that is elegant and classy or soap that is cutesy depending on what colors and techniques you used. I think it would be great for gifts.
This is the second request for a Happy Birthday mold. We don’t have anything like it. Definitely a great idea.
Courtney from BB
I would like to have a Morning Glory mold
We need a really nice 4oz BAR shaped mold for Careers, and military. Not little embeds, but full sized very detailed molds. A Caduceus for medicine,Scales of Justice for law etc. etc. Then every Emblem from the Armed forces.. in a LARGE rectangular stand alone bar 🙂 I would buy those in a heart beat. Trying to use little “candy” embeds, just doesn’t work!! When I was a medic, finding anything with a Caduceus was almost impossible.
Oh and @Hope sorry to hear about your father, I hope he kicks cancer’s butt! Thoughts are with you and yours. I like that idea as well!!! Encouragement for people who are battling to live! I battle Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus, the list goes on, people alwas say ” But,you don’t look sick” .. wel I am! http://www.butyoudontlooksick.com/ excellent site ! /love it.
Oh if you see someone getting out of a car parked in a handicap spot, please don’t yell at them because you don’t think they should be parking there 🙁 … we are embarrassed enough as it is!
A mold with 4 detailed Electric Guitar’s. Or Regular School Buses, not mini buse or flat nosed. There are so many bus drivers out there, they would make great little present’s.
I would love a helicopter mold. either a 3D one or a regular on that I could do the tattoo on. My husband works in aviation and I think it would be pretty awesome to put there stellar company logo on the helicopter soap. Plus what little boy doesn’t love a helicopter!
so many great ideas! i am thinking along the lines of(there probably is one already) a soap with encouragement for those with cancer or gone throught cancer. my dad currently is getting chemo and radiation and the hospital where he goes sells shirts with phrases on them about what you cancer can’t take. like youe hope, or love from family, things liek that.
We have a ribbon but I like your idea of encouraging phrases! Here’s a link tot he ribbon https://www.brambleberry.com/Ribbon-Tray-Mold-P4199.aspx
Give your Dad our best =)
Courtney from BB
Great surfboard molds for Kiki’s (Hawaiian for children) One could scent the Orchids with Tahitian Tiare (Gardenia) or something close from BB. My dream molds – well after 23 years in the Navy I would of course start making military insignia and such, especially in light of current activities by the Navy.
I would like to have mold with written text on it, like the the fragment of the poem.
It would be nice to create sphere “Earth” 3d mold, with continents etc. and as an addition – Moon with craters, Saturn with ring… and hot shining Sun
A Rubik’s cube would be my dream mold 🙂
Wow – some great ideas!
My dream molds would be of the wonders of the world.
Seven natural wonders of the world (Mount Everst, Great Barrier Reef, Grand Canyon etc) or Seven Wonders of the Middle Ages (Stonehenge, Colosseum etc) or even the New Seven wonders (Great Wall of China, Machu Picchu, Chichen Itza, Great Pyramid of Giza etc). You did say dream! 🙂
Although you would probably need some level of approval for those.
My more realistic dream molds would be of Adventure Sports (Mountain Biking, Kayaking, Climbing etc).
There have been SO many great ideas thus far, and you just added a bunch more =)
I’m on board with your “adventure soaps” theme!
Courtney from BB
I just spent 3 days looking for a doctor or nurse themed mold, for a med school graduation. How about a stethoscope, or a doctor’s bag?
I would love to see molds that resembled characters from Alice in Wonderland (especially the White Rabbit and Cheshire Cat.) They can be more in line with the story book characters because they are classic characters. The existence of such molds would make coming up with a gift for my mother so much easier since Alice is her all time favorite.
My dream mold would be a teddy bear sitting on his butt waving with a smile on his face.
My dream mold would be of my Mother so I could always keep her beautiful face with us. I miss you so much. Happy Mother’s Day Mom
That’s really sweet, Beverly =)
Courtney from BB
Our dream mold would be the I love you hand sign in. Sign. language – our logo.
I am a bird enthusiast so I would love 3D molds of a variety of birds.
Incredibly cute summer molds! Thanks for the entry!!
My dream mold is a 3D mold of one of my pet rabbits or one of my pet rats. I have yet to find molds that are lifelike, but adorable and not stupid looking. Esp the rat ones where they make them out to be some nasty vermin animal 😉
I’d really love LOVE love a 3d mini schnauzer soap mold!! That’ would be my dream mold to have my tail a waggin’!
I’d put it on a rope and wash my fav furry gal with it. I think it would be a best seller for sure!
Other dog breeds such as pugs, chihuahuas would be appreaciated by those I make dog soap for too!
I would like a realistic 3D microphone soap mold. Just slightly smaller than actual size. It would make singing in the shower so much more fun!
Ha ha! That would make one great novelty soap!
Courtney from BB
I agree with Amber’s suggestion above:
“my dream mold would be the typesetter mold soapylove made herself. I love the different letters on all 4 sides!”
I’m a graphic designer and love that mold! So cool!
I would be THRILLED with a Cthulhu mold, but would love a realistic octopus or squid mold. My geeky friends and I would flip out over any sort of cephalopod mold! 🙂
I would love to see a “B” for my last name and also the shape of Minnesota.
I would like to have a mold that is individual, guest sized letters of the alphabet
I would like to have state-shaped molds that produce a three or four ounce soap. Each would have an indent of a star where the capital is, and maybe the details of major interstates.
These would be super popular. I would love to make Washington State soap for all of my relatives!
Courtney from BB
What a bunch of great suggestions! My dream mold(s) would be boxes..in various shapes and details. This would be an extension of my box collection. I have wood, stone, metal, shell, basket boxes,so why not soap boxes?
I think some fantasy molds would be great. Dragons, elves, fairies, and maybe some gryffons. Slabs would be good but 3-D would be amazing with all the detail. It could be a whole line and would be a good sale piece as well. Everyone has some great ideas.
A mold that states ‘handmade with love’.
I’d like to find a galaxy shaped mold.
My dream mold(s) would have vintage or vintage inspired designs. Think ornate fireplaces, old picture frames, handheld silver mirrors, milk glass.. and the list goes on!!
Oooh, yes. Vintage. I love all of your suggestions. You could have a ton of fun with the colorants too.
Courtney from BB
I’d like to find some Kwanza themed molds
I would like ballet slippers. Either a set of two or a pair like the flip flops.
I’d like a little truck, like a land rover or a jeep, something in a square-ish 4×4.
Before today my dream mold would have been a palm tree…. But my dreams have come true because your palm tree mold is perfect!!!! I love all the Aloha molds! So… now I would have to say a Jeep mold… My 2 year old would LOVE it (as would I)!!
I’m a belly dancer and would love to have a mold in the shape of a dancer. My dance sisters would get a huge kick out receiving soaps like that! Oh the color combos we could come up with!!!
I would like to see some molds that fit in with the ‘natural’ theme in of most of my products. Maybe an earth, or a sea turtle.
People are looking for more natural molds these days. It definitely seems to be a theme. We actually have an earth mold and a sea turtle mold. Check them out =)
Earth https://www.brambleberry.com/Christmas-Peace-Globe-P3779.aspx
Turtle https://www.brambleberry.com/Sea-Turtle-Mold-P3165.aspx
Courtney from BB
I would like a basic mold that comes in a kit that has reusable numbers and letters stamps that you can change for many different soap ideas.
I would love to see a fairy blowing bubbles.
I would like tube molds for cp embeds. For single cavity molds- a flamingo, a clownfish, a whale or an octopus. Maybe a “Happy Birthday” or cake mold. Thanks for asking!
My dream mold would be an open rose with very detailed petals (3-D) made from silicone. I can picture it sitting in a floral teacup sitting on a saucer. What a special gift that would make.
I would love a 3D of a mommy and baby hands holding – you see similar ones that you can buy that are large, or are etched on a piece of glass, but I would love just those two hands holding – there is nothing more prescious than that.
My dream mold would be modeled after the Bramble Berry birch wood mold. Except mine would have removable slits for easy cutting, yet still be completely airtight. It would also have a lining made out of a special chemical that reacts to a certain amount of vanillin to discourage browning. AND it would keep soaps from ashing. And slightly fllexible and magenta. Impossible. Sorry about the comment above, its my sister’s auto-thingy acting up.
Hey…we asked for your dream mold. We didn’t say it had to be realistic. These would all be wonderful qualities in a soap mold =)
Courtney from BB
My dream mold would be a 3-D Kokeshi- I just LOVE those cute little Japanese Dolls! Or even a 3-D Babushka…one can dream lol!
My dream mold would be modeled after the Bramble Berry birch wood mold. Except mine would have removable slits for easy cutting, yet still be completely airtight. It would also have a lining made out of a special chemical that reacts to a certain amount of vanillin to discourage browning. AND it would keep soaps from ashing. And flexible. Impossible.
I would love like designer purses and shoes type molds.
We have a little clutch purse but I’m loving the idea of shoes. A big high heel would be super cute!
Here’s the link to the handbag https://www.brambleberry.com/Kudos-Sunflower-Handbag-Silicone-Mold-P4809.aspx
Courtney from BB
I think my dream mold would be a mold that you could customize, it would come with letters and numbers. You could then make words or abbreviations that would be imprinted in your soap. Kinda like a soap stamp only cheaper! and you wouldnt have to order a new stamp everytime! 🙂
Oh- such awesome suggestions have been posted already! I really like the miniature houses and the chess pieces suggestions as well as the Chinese Zodiac animals ^_^ As for my dream mold… a 3-D version of the soap crayons only on a smaller scale, maybe 1 oz. or less for each crayon so I can make them as a colorful set and not be really expensive in supplies.
My dream mold would be an autism awareness ribbon on a rectangle background. Awareness ribbon molds exist as do puzzle pieces but not the two combined in one.(That I know of) If each puzzle piece in the mold had a teeny lip so that the 4 ribbon colors could be used with each puzzle piece without bleeding over into the next one, this I would love to own.
Oh, this is so hard to decide. I’ve spent years fantasizing about the perfect pink flamingo mold (for my daughter who loves flamingos) . . . and scrabble tile molds (in all of the letters so you can make an entire scrabble game). But my current fantasy is to have a set of 3D Matroyska (nesting) doll molds in different sizes. The soaps wouldn’t be able to nest, of course, but how fun would that be!! People could even use soap paints to paint the outside.
And if we had them in all different sizes they could go together in a super cute set. LOVE! Good one!
Courtney from BB
I would love a mold of sewing machines, classic ones like the old singer.
I love snails, those cute ones with the house attached,I grew up with them in Germany, I can’t really find them here in America……
ohhhh- a dream mold of mine would be a 3D Gaia mold (she represents the earth so beautifully) or an awesome mother and baby turtle mold. Oh the huge amounts of soap I would make with those!!! And btw- got my first order from BB and you guys are Awesome!!!!!!!!!
I would love a Star of Life mold. My dad and brother both volunteer for our local fire and rescue and it would be super cool to give theme themed soaps. An ambulance and fire engine would be others on my wish list 🙂
I’d love to have a 3D mold of a drop of water hitting a rippling surface.
That would look great in a 3D mold. We have something similar in the Kudos Mold designs https://www.brambleberry.com/Kudos-Ripple-Silicone-Mold-P4793.aspx
Courtney from BB
I know at some point I really want a mold of my logo, but on a more practical wide scale level. I wish that Hebrew ( or for that matter you name the language that uses other letters) letters were available. Letter molds are such a valuable teaching tool. Children look at soap. Good Alphabet molds are hard to find.
Some soapy hardcover books (closed, so you could use the soap injector to make an intricate cover) would be adorable! There’s just so many options.
–my dream mold would be a concave basket….possibly 3D
Cat molds! I love cats and it would be so cute to have detailed 3d molds.
Cats are always going to be popular and we don’t have a 3D cat yet. Good thinking!
Courtney from BB
Little states that you could put together and form the country (Alaska and Hawaii too).
I would love to have some molds shaped like board game pieces like chess,Sorry, Trouble, Monopoly,ect.Of course on a bigger scale. I think the Sorry and Trouble pieces would look great with the new neon colors.
I would love to see a pelican on a pole, but framed inside a rectangular shape to create nice,neat lines. We have lots of pelicans that sit on poles at the beach here, and we celebrate coastals symbols in our arts with pelicans, crabs, and herons. The blue crab is another mold I would like, but my most desired is the pelican and I was not able to find one last time I looked. PS. I got your Kudos Heron mold and LOVE it. I am hoping that soap alone will get me in the very competitive Peter Anderson festival we have here with like 50,000 visitors in one weekend! They turn away thousands of vendors. A pelican mold would help even more! The grandfather of Peter Anderson is the Coast famous artist Walter Anderson that created art inspired from our MS Coast habitation. http://www.walterandersonmuseum.org/index.html
I would love to see Western themed soaps. Like old wagon wheel, Cowboy boots, and Hats and even a bull rider would be awesome! My hubby is an ex bullrider and we have this kind of stuff everywhere. It would be awesome to add themed soap to the Bathroom.
You should make him some coyboy boot soap https://www.brambleberry.com/Cowboy-Boots-P3503.aspx
I love the idea of a wagon wheel. Or maybe a cowboy hat?
Courtney from BB
That is a hard one to choose. My daughter would love to have 3-D Horsies for her bath time.
My dream mold would be a 3-D castle. It would be amazing to have a 3-D set of castles, dragons, prince, princess, tiaras, etc. Kids would have tons of fun during bath time!
Love the whimsical/fairy tail theme. Kids would totally dig that! Great idea.
We do carry the popular rubber bands for embedding but that’s about it https://www.brambleberry.com/Rubber-Bands-Princess-P4760.aspx.
Courtney from BB
It’s so hard to think what a great idea for a mold would be ,but in thinking practically with the traditional “bar” soap style, I just think it would be cool to have 3D letter bars, like a 3D version of “SOAP” in a kind of a bar shape, or even just simple words, like a v-day “LOVE” bar, it would function like a regular bar of soap but look cool! I know this isn’t very creative but I think it would be practical and would work with a lot of different people. I’m sure there’s something like that out there already but just making it look like 3D connected bubble letters! 🙂
Dream mold… Hmm… Right now I’m brewing up a special steam-punk inspired soap. It contains about 8 different pieces that have to be embedded. If I could just have one mold instead of 8 different ones to get all the pieces… It would certainly make my job a little easier.
love steampunk I want to see that soap when you are finished with it
My dream mold would be the Tree of Life…closely follwed by a Tall,Chilled Cup of Ice-coffee mold 🙂
my dream mold would be the typesetter mold soapylove made herself. I love the different letters on all 4 sides!
I have been looking for cute owl soap molds! Owls are super trendy right now, and there isn’t a lot out there.
You’re right. Owls are so popular right now=)
We currently have 2 owl molds. I like the retro owl.
Courtney from BB
I’m new to soap making so I don’t have any dream mold just yet. But anything nature related always catches my eye.
I wold love a large 3D cupcake. I am on a hunt for the perfect cupcake.
Tons of these on Ebay – silicone cupcake molds.
How about some geek/science themed molds? That’s what I’d love! Erlenmeyer flasks, beakers, cow eyes (biology…LOL!), computers…
Oh, and I’d have to make sure the Space Shuttle is in this dream molds mix!!
I would like to see a 12 cavity 3d soap cup cake frosting mold. You could just adhere the soap to your cupcake bath bombs. That would be awesome!
Ohhhhhh! Me too!
My dream mold would have to be a truck. Probably a fire truck or tow truck. If the soap looked like a vehicle I could probably get my son to wash his hands more often 🙂
Your son might like these molds…
Fire Truck https://www.brambleberry.com/Fire-Truck-Mold-P4843.aspx
Police Car https://www.brambleberry.com/Police-Car-Mold-P4844.aspx
Courtney from BB
Hi Emily,
Brambleberry does have a fire truck and a police truck already
Since I do so much work with the FFA, I would love to have molds that are pigs, cows, steers, chickens,turkeys, lambs, goats, and rabbits. These mold would make my fundraising even more profitable for our school.
I have been looking for this mold forever – a sun (no face) 4oz done in silicone. It would be awesome to have.
I would like a mold that is shaped like a 3D birthday cake!
We don’t have any molds that are specifically designed for birthdays. Good thinking =)
Courtney from BB
love to see a snowman
How about a silicone design insert for the bottom of your 18 bar wooden mold with a deep enough grooves that would show up nicely on a cold processed soap. Such as a sailboat.
YES! I love this idea. We’ve only done a few experiments with textured bottoms but they turned out great!
Courtney from BB
I’ve been using some textured plastic and silicone that were originally intended for creating textures on either Sculpey (clay) or fondant icing (these are made by Wilton). The Sculpey texture tiles work the best because the patterns are tiny and close together. I cut the pieces to fit my mold. I only do Melt & Pour so I’m not sure if this could work for the 18-bar wooden mold, but the MP soaps look amazing.
I’d like to see the Tree of Life as a mold. That’s going to be our emblem for our small hobby farm that wasn’t possible without the Lord. Thanks for the contest!
The Army Black Knight! Go Army! Yeah, I’m an Army Brat. My dad went to West Point and every year we go to a football game there and tailgate and have a blast! And to have an Army Black Knight mold would be sooooo awesome. I’d even settle for the Army “A” logo 😀
Right now my dream mold would be 3-D Flower Pot mold that would hold about 6 oz. of the gardening soap that I make. I also have an additional desire and that is for some soap ropes (especially in green) in order to hang my gardening soap next to a garden hose.
My Dream mold would be a 3D Dragon! That would be so cool! (Not the oriental style dragon, but like the Windstone Editions M. Pena dragons.) Think of all the different colored dragons one could make! 🙂
I would have to say Alaskan totem pole theme. Separate mold for each tier.
I love it! And you could put them all together in a gift set if they were separate molds!
Courtney from BB
My dream mold would be Chinese Zodiac molds such as “Year of the Monkey” or “Year of the Dog” imagery and Chinese calligraphy.
Hope I win! I love the Aloha molds!
Scrabble letters….the possibilities are endless 🙂
I would love to have a 3d mold of stargazer lily flower.
My dream mold would be a rustic 3D coffee Mug.
It’s a dream mold, coz it doesn’t sound so practical 🙂
Ooooh. That’s a hard one. Tube molds to make cute embeds for in loaves- ocean themed like whales, fish, turtles, shells.
I love this idea too. We used to carry some but the quality was not what we were thinking. We’ve been looking around!
Courtney from BB
Would love to see a silicone typography mold!!
Johnny Depp — OF COURSE!!!!! I could soooo sell lots of bars of Johnny Depp soap — who wouldn’t wanna rub some Johnny on in the shower??? 😉
I was thinking the exact same thing. Wow, great minds think alike. 🙂
I would love to have a mother holding her new born baby for new mommies, or possibly a suitcase/cruise ship mold for vacationers:)
Definitely a bicycle mold. Living in Austin (armstrong country) I get a lot of requests for bike soap, and have yet to find a good mold 😀
You have got to see this tutorial if you’re in Armstrong country. Debbie from Soapylove embedded a bike on water soluble paper. So cool! http://www.soapqueen.com/bath-and-body-tutorials/melt-and-pour-soap/the-making-of-the-bicycle-soap-2/
Courtney from BB
Thanks Courtney 🙂 Debbie did such an awesome job on this design! I love using h20 soluble paper….still would be thrilled to have a bike mold though….lol. Cheers 😀
I would love to have a mold of a old model T ford car.
My husband would really like that. We belong to a model t car club and that would be a great gift for the members and others that we know who have collector cars.
I would love to see a soap mold for my USC Trojans logo!
Love the sports teams idea. But then we would have to get a UW Huskies mold too =)
Courtney from BB
I would love to have my logo in a mold (that would be a dream) Right now i really would like some vintage inspired animals 🙂
I would like a mold that had my last name embossed on it. I’ve found “Dream”, “Faith”, “Love”, and “Believe”, but no “Bliss”. Getting to give your soap to friends and family and using the soap is just Bliss!! 😉
Karen, I found something you may like, if you would like to email me: [email protected]
I would like a 3d tree for my business, or like Kathy, equestrian discipline specific molds, only in 3d!
This one is a tough one for me. I am all about different shaped molds. If I could have my dream mold I would choose to have a giant rubber ducky.
Who doesn’t love a ducky at bath time!?
We do have a duck but I have a feeling you’re talking about a 3D duck, which would be awesome!
Here’s a link to the duck that we do have https://www.brambleberry.com/Rubber-Ducky-Mold-1-sheet-P3111.aspx
Courtney from BB
My dream mold would be a whole line of Rocky Mountain nature animals!!! How fun to have an elk, big horn ram, moose, deer, duck, cougar/mountain lion….ect! Okay….I’d be totally THRILLED with a moose mold! LOL! I’m a sucker for moose!
a 3d mold for phlebotomists. Say a needle with the medical symbol behind it. Anything to do with the phlebotomy field.
My dream mold would be an intricately designed 3D Asian dragon. They are absolutely beautiful. I would do a mix of blue and green for him.
I would absolutely love to have a mold of Tsagaglalal, or “She Who Watches”. I’ve been fascinated by the legends and even used the name once for an email address years ago when I’d first moved to Oregon.
I must admit that I had to google “tsagaglalal” =)
It’s a really cool design! Great idea!
Courtney from BB
Love the colors!Dream soap mold hard question when there are alot of molds already.How about skis!
I would love to have a soap mold shaped like a beautiful teacup since I am a teacup collector! Oh and of course the teacup would need a saucer! :=)
Bramble Berry does have mold with a teacup and another of a teapot. I’m also a collector but haven’t got those molds yet, but they are on my wish list.
my dream mold is a church
We do have some religious molds but no church. Great idea. Here’s the link to the religious molds if you want to take a look https://www.brambleberry.com/Soap-Molds-Religious-C85.aspx
Courtney from BB
dream mold is tough to pick, how about tiny buildings. a mini village out of soap would be so cute!
I love this idea! It could make for a really awesome Christmas gift for all those people who collect mini villages for display ^_^
My dream mold would be a tube embed mold for embeding in a loaf mold.
I would love a cute bat soap mold <3 I think bat soaps would be perfect for Halloween my favorite holiday!
I would make a 3D Dogwood Tree. My dad loved seeing the Dogwoods in bloom. It was a great time for the two of us watching them come back after the winter, bud out and then bloom. It became our unofficial special time~it always just happened. My dad died a month after Katrina and I was unable to be with him. He had been moved from a hospital in Slidell, La. to one in Nashville two days after it hit, I was here pulling up my boot straps. There was literlly no way to get to him. We were lucky in the fact that Hospice (truly amazing foundation), could get him to my sisters in Calvert City, KY. where he could pass away with family, not a stark hospital room alone. ~I would make them over and over and over again
That’s a really touching memory, Maria. Thanks for sharing. Dogwoods are SO pretty too. That would be a beautiful mold!
Courtney from BB
small strawberry shortcakes
A boat with little people on it that says Bon Voyage!
I love cute fun molds! They are very cute for summer. I have been looking for simple cube shape French Marseille Soap Molds. So this would be my dream mold for now.
I love all things French so I’m on board with this idea =)
Courtney from BB
My dream mold is a one foot, statue sized, 3D Venus of Willendorf.
I would love to have a mold to make soaps that look like my Mah Jongg tiles – the red and green dragons and the Winds are especially interesting. Then I could give them as gifts to the ladies in my mah jongg group.
Hi LeighAnn,
I Don’t know if you’ve come across this site, but I bought a mahjongg soap mold of a red dragon here: http://www.vendio.com/stores/chaseho/item/oriental-soap-molds/red-drag-mahjong-flex-soap-mol/lid=20046566
There’s also another MJ soap mold on that website, but I didn’t recognize it (must be from the Chinese game rather than the American).
You can make 4 at a time. I suggest using the goat milk melt and pour base soap for the tile, and clear melt and pour base soap with the non-bleeding red (semi-liquid) colorant for the character. I am making them for my mahjongg friends and they have come out great!
Good luck! And happy mahjongg playing!
Suitcases!!! Who couldn’t use travel size size soaps that are already ready for the trip? 🙂
Great idea and we don’t have anything like it yet!
Courtney from BB
Dream mold? So many options! Maybe something 3D like a kitty or puppy? Or some other really awesome animal related mold.
I would love to see cat shaped molds, a cute cat statue soap.
There can never be enough cats. We have a Sleeping Cat mold but I like the idea of a statue too!
Courtney from BB
I would absolutely love some breed-specific or discipline-specific equestrian molds – a curvy, cute trotting Morgan, hunt boots/cap embossed on an oval soap, textured cowboy boot, or a sweet, sleepy, napping foal.
Love it!
I would LOVE to find a little owl with a top hat on for my business. I think it would be the cutest thing in the world.