I just love all of the regular commenters on The Soap Queen blog.They add to a feeling of community and I appreciate reading your views on the varied offerings of this blog.
I put together a fun gift pack of essential oils and handmade soap and toiletries to award to a random commenter from this past week.
My dear husband picked a random number (#31). Michelle in NV,thank you for being a regular reader and participant in the Soap Queen community! Email me at info (at) brambleberry (dot) com to let me know your mailing information and I’ll get your goody box in the mail to you on Monday!
Michelle, congrats! Handmade, homemade marshmallows? Do tell!!
That is too funny! I was on the computer all day yesterday in between cleaning (yuck), making handmade marshmallows, and making voo hand lotion, and when I checked my “blogs to read” on my way to work this morning all I saw was the felted soap and the headline “Surprise contest”. How could I have missed a contest? Scroll down. YEAH I won!
Thank you so much. I do so enjoy reading all the info you put in this blog.
Michelle in NV
Yay, Michelle! What fun 🙂
Surprises can be so much fun! Congrats to Michelle in NV…I’m sure she will be checking in sometime soon; just wait until she sees this post!!!!