1) The purpose of our Facebook page is for us to connect with you, our customers, would-be customers and soap fanatics, in a more real-time way than is possible through the blog or email. And because there are only so many of us, we love that we can make the Facebook page available to everyone who might be able to jump in and answer a question before we are able! One of the greatest side benefits of the Facebook page is the way it fosters a sense of community, and we definitely want to support that.
2) In order to make sure that as many posts are answered as possible, the content of the Facebook page should be kept to soap related questions, comments, answers, and trouble shooting. Sales posts about individual soaps or businesses and unrelated posts create excess traffic and can sometimes clog those who are trying to access us or other soapers with a relevant soap or toiletry question. We don’t want anyone to be left behind, so to make sure everyone is helped, we ask that you not share outside or unrelated posts on Bramble Berry’s Fan page. We want to nurture a sense of community, but if you feel the need to post something not soap related, we recommend sending a private message.
3) Another way of letting more people get through on the Facebook page is utilizing the super awesome Bramble Berry email and phone customer service team for questions such as “Where’s my order?” or “Eeek! Something is wrong with my order. Help?” through formal customer service channels. Our knowledgeable customer service team answers emails within 24 hours and is answering phones between 9am and 4pm PST, Monday through Friday, for anything needing immediate attention. The fabulous, fully soap trained, CS team is also able to help you out with soapmaking-related questions and recipe trouble shooting.
4) Many of you have created business pages for selling soap, and we are fine with you posting your creations and tagging your business in the description. We love checking out your Etsy shops and blogs. But if you are posting something, be sure it’s “This cool new technique that I finally mastered!” or “An example of what I was talking about before!” and not so much “I’m having a big sale at my Etsy shop, here’s the link!”.
5) Be aware that if you have a business Facebook page, you won’t be able to post pictures on the Bramble Berry Fan page (a Facebook policy thing, not a Bramble Berry policy thing), which is why we are okay with you tagging your business’s Facebook page in your picture’s description. If you have signed up for a personal page and are using it for business purposes, I can speak from personal experience that this is against Facebook’s policies and they might shut you down (whoops!) without any warning.
Are you unsure if your post is appropriate for the Facebook page? Send us an email at info (at) brambleberry (dot) com and we’d be happy to help you out. And, we all look forward to interacting with you on the Bramble Berry Fan Page. Our Facebook Fan Page team has grown to include more than just me so be sure and give Courtney, Amber and Kristen a hearty “Hello” next time you see them manning the page.
PS – Because *everything* is better with a little baby (stripes on stripes from this weekend).
You’re baby it TOO CUTE!!!
Thanks for all you do! I love you’re web site, products & creative Ideas. You keep me totally
inspired and connected to the Outside Soap World!!
Living on this tiny little island off the coast of
Maine kinda keeps me out of the loop, but not with
the Soap Making World & I’m a big Fan of you & Soap
Have a wonderful day!
Aw thanks! We think he’s pretty cute =)
And I really appreciate that you are a part of our soapy world, even from a tiny island off the coast of Maine. =)
Agreed about FB. Self promotion without participation feels very empty and I appreciate you mentioning this as a fellow biz owner.
Baby J is getting SO BIG, I can not believe it! O___O
He is HUGE now … 14 pounds and almost 5 months old. Still not sleeping but I guess that will hopefully come in time =)
Awwww, look at Jamisen!! Sorry, were you saying something about Facebook? LOL! Just kidding.
Ditto what Donna Marie said: great summary! Plus, I didn’t know that about FB’s policy on not being able to post on a fan page if one has a biz page (not that I have one), so that’s a tidbit I can share with friends who don’t know. Thanks!
He is sort of distracting, isn’t he? =)
Super summary, and great to remind people of your company policies as they relate to FaceBook. I hope other businesses read this and understand the importance of creating such policies and making them known. And yes, everything is better with a baby.
Thanks dM.
When our FB page was smaller and less busy, it wasn’t a big deal but now that it’s busier and has a lot of visitors and fans, it was definitely time.
Everything …. better with a baby. =)
Love the help from the facebook page!.. So many stripes :).. he is adorable!
Thanks for being part of the FB fan page. We love having such an active soapy page.
And thanks for Jamisen compliments…. we’re pretty taken too =)