It’s not a Bramble Berry summer without attending a good old ball game, and last Tuesday the entire Bramble Berry team was in attendance to watch our beloved Bellingham Bells take on the Medford Rogues. So maybe there was more chatting, eating and drinking than baseball-watching, but it’s pretty safe to say that everyone had a fantastic time.
The Bells are Bellingham’s collegiate-level team, and play during the summer off season. With the stadium less than 5 minutes from the office, it’s a great way to spend an evening together as a team. We had a delicious barbecue catered by local favorite restaurant Boundary Bay, and it was great to see warehouse staff, office support staff and everyone’s kids, friends and spouses come together. Jamisen even got to throw the first pitch! He may have needed a little help throwing the ball all the way to home plate, but he had a wonderful time. I’m thinking a Little League team is probably in his future.
For snacks, we had the typical burgers and brew fare, but we were also delighted with an awesome tray of Boundary Bay’s signature Mac & Cheese. All the delicious food was quickly gobbled up by all kids, spouses and friends of Bramble Berry staff. Baby Lily was in attendance too, and totally enjoyed/slept through her first game.
Jamisen taking a few gulps of much-deserved lemonade after throwing the first pitch. He is growing up so fast! His vocabulary is practically college-level. Sharing is our big learning opportunity now and we’re working hard on that skill.
Our social media assistant Becky, left, and I are clearly paying very close attention to the game =) Er, um …. possibly talking about the latest Facebook post but we’re sure the game wasn’t affected by our brief lapse in attention.
More BB staff! On the far left is one of our wonderful customer care team members, Rachel. Slightly in front of her is our new Customer Experience Manager Kevin. Myself and Lily are in the middle, and Kevin’s partner, Keith, is to the right. If you look closely, you can see Chris and Jamisen snapping up the remains of all that tasty food. Yes, that is indeed Jamisen’s ankle =)
Jamisen with his newly autographed first pitch ball. He would not let it out of his hands for the entire game! It has a place of honor on a shelf right now, where Jamisen can gaze lovingly at it but not throw it. That kid can throw hard but has a serious lack of aim. I want my windows, and my knees, to remain intact. And yes, those are mini Toms in case you were admiring my son’s fashion sense. Ha ha. =)
A few members of our awesome warehouse team. Nikki is wearing the sunglasses, Kelsi is to her left and Cyrus, wearing purple, is to the right. They are all long term Brambleberrians and we feel lucky to have them pulling and packing your boxes.
As the sun set over the field and game headed into the 7th inning, everyone was still laughing, chatting and all around having an excellent time. Bells games are awesome team building events, and if you’re looking for a fun group activity in Bellingham or Whatcom County, they offer group discounts too! We can’t wait until next summer — take us out to the ball game!
Didn’t realize you guys are, literally, in my neck of the woods! 🙂 Do you guys have a store in Bellingham itself? If so, I may have to stop by to get some inspiration and soaping products!!!!
We sure do! It’s called Otion – the Soap Bar and is located in downtown Bellingham at 301 West Holly (on the corner of Holly and Bay streets, across from Rocket Donuts). Definitely pop in there sometime if you get the chance! =)
-Kristen with Bramble Berry