I’m a huge fan of Jessie at CakeSpy (see my fawning posts here, here and here) and have been following Kathy from CraftyChica‘s crafting journey for years. This week was a trifecta for Soap Queen press as Jessie and Kathy both interviewed me for their blogs and Mas Kes Ke Fee listed The Soap Queen blogas one of her Top Ten Foreign blogs. Why foreign? Because Ka Fairy is in France! Yippee – world renown is one stop closer to world domination through soap.
Read Kathy’s interview here (and learn about my first miserable attempt at soap), find Jessie’s interview here (and find out where I get cupcake & sweet inspiration on the ‘net) and check out Mais Kes Ka Fee’s other blog picks here.
Thank you so(ap) much for answering all my questions, it was a great interview and I know readers enjoyed it and left very inspired!! Congrats on all your sweet-smelling success!!
Peace, love, and glitter1
Kathy 🙂