Next week I’m headed to the 2010 “Taste Washington” (a top food and wine show in the Pacific Northwest with classes, tastings and food) and I’ve been researching wine aromas and how to improve your wine palate. You can improve your wine sniffing abilities by training your nose to identify notes in different wines. There are kits out there to help you with this or … I was thinking a little DIY Bramble Berry action might be in order!
Put together your own wine aroma kit for a fun evening or dinner party with your friends. If DIY isn’t your style, this is the kit I’ve been drooling over on Le NEz du Vin Red Wine Aromas
Common wine aromas that you can find at Bramble Berry
Grilled: Dark Rich Chocolate, Toasted Bread, CaramelUsing a wine aroma tasting kit is simple: you put your nose into a large bulbous glass with wine in it, identify three or four fragrances and then compare your nose to the tasting notes that the vinter will provide on their website or through a store. Using the wine aroma tasting kit, you can improve your sensory skills by implanting a sensory ‘memory’ each time you need to pinpoint a particular aroma. Or, make a game out of it at your next party – let your guests smell the fragrances on blotters and ask them to identify the notes. Turn learning into something fun and create what you love (with Bramble Berry) =))
Wow!! You are a real wine lover!!! My suggestion for you is to visit the underground complex of wine cellars from Chisinau, The Republic of Moldavia. The comples stretches for 250 kilometers underground… can you actually imagine that and how long it would take you to visit all the facility by foot?
Oooooooh, now I want to watch that movie. I’ve never seen it!
Great! I can’t wait to meet you. It is going to be an incredible event.
Learning by heart differents fragances!!!!!! this is what I did in a class here in Spain few weeks ago, about how to make your own perfume from the essential oils!!!
In order to do this, first we learn to recognize the fragances without smelling I mean they have to be in our mind. I have a lot of fun!!!!
I think that your next product will be……. Bramble Berry perfume for him and for her!!! WOW!!!
Have fun!!!!!
Oooh! I like it! I have been reading about the correlation between aroma chemicals in fragrance and cooking……so fascinating! And I want to learn more! This is intriguing and so worthwhile learning more about!
Reminds me of that scene in French Kiss (Meg Ryan, Kevin Kline) when he pulls out the little box of scents- lavender, citrus, vanilla, etc- that influences the tasting notes of his wine.
In fact, I think of that scene often when I’m trying out one of your new scents, or describing it in my products- now what did Anne-Marie put in this one that makes it smell so good? 🙂
Hi Anne Marie – I will be at the Taste WA Grand Tasting on March 28th! If you’re there, stop by and say hi…I’ll be with my company, Isernio’s Sausage, serving up some yummy sausage, of course 🙂