Aren’t these fun? I was doing some test designs with Bramble Berry’s Dark (liquid) Purple colorant and got to be really creative. The other colors I used were silver glitter and orange liquid color. The bars are a full 6.0 ounces because they are done in Heavy Duty Octagonmold.
Thanks Anne-Marie- Yes, that answers it.
Anne Marie, Are you sending me some cp or hp soap for the contest? Don’t forget!@ I have to try a bar……. you are the soap queen. Shouldn’t I review your soap?
That one was easy to make – one layer of clear soap, drop in the embedding soap, slowly slowly slowly pour a second layer of very-cool white soap. Presto – poofy white cloud look with the clear surrounding the embedding soap.
Does that answer your question?
Anne-Marie, I am interested in hearing a bit more about the bottom left soap (silver star). I have the same star mold, and have playing around with ideas…