Happy Weekend! I’m working at Bramble Berry today, along with my dear husband who is working outside in the rain (that’s him, all dressed in his rain slicker and boots) to clear away all of our empty drums.
We’re both cleaning to prepare for inventory. In order for us to count the entire warehouse in 2 days, the warehouse needs to be organized and the plan for counting, deliberate and thought out. So, my fabulous husband who works more than a full time job of his own (he’s a senior engineer at his firm) is supporting me, helping to downgrade my stress levels from High High Red Alert to Medium Orange.
I went running last night after work. I’m trying to run 50 miles in between Thanksgiving and Christmas. I’m close but not quite there.
Contest: Our contest for the week is a good one! All commenters that post between Saturday morning (today) and next Friday morning (the 21st) will be entered to win a starter kit of Essential Oils from Organic Fusion. The essential oils included are: 1/2 ounce sizes of Bergamot, Clary Sage, Litsea, Peppermint, Orange, Eucalyptus, Lemon, Tangerine, Patchouli, 2 oz. Lavender Jasmine blend, and 4 oz. Lavender. The Starter Kit is valued at over $100.
SingingWolf, it’s 50 miles in a month and that’s a lofty goal for me. I am totally not a runner. I did meet someone at a recent runner’s workshop who was doing 100 mile runs on a regular basis. Not me! I’m a 3-mile-girl every other day for sanity’s sake.
Stephn, you’re sweet! Ms. Martha is such a hero to me – she took household arts and elevated them to the next level – and in doing so, helped make all of our lives a little more colorful and creative.
Thanks for all you do. I follow your blog daily and have learned so much from you. You are my Martha Stewart of soap and business! I spoke with you recently on the phone about getting personal training from you. I’ll see you at the Soap Conference in VT; can’t wait to meet you! Thanks for offering up the EO set, it’s very generous of you. If I could figure out how to sign in using my blog address, I would. (duh)
50 miles a day? I don’t see how you find the time! Hats off to you. π
I worked in an office were we would wear the pedometer on our shoes…all day long you would hear “click-click-click”… π
Good luck with inventory and the 50 miles! My pedometer just arrived from Amazon yesterday, so you’re the inspiration to set it up today and get my booty on the road π
Thanks for the contest! I read your blog quite religiously, but haven’t commented before. I need to make an effort to let you know how much I’m enjoying your posts. π I also put a gift certificate to Brambleberry on my Christmas wish list, so maybe I’ll get some fun stuff either way.
Kallia, I’m so glad that you’ve been finding the blog and the tips helpful. I do a lot of failing (um, experimenting!) in the hopes of saving someone else the pain! =)
And Kelly, inventory is a total bear – but it’s also a nice sign that we’ve gotten big enough to need to do inventory. So, I try and think positive and look at it like a blessing (“Thank goodness I have this huge warehouse full of stuff which means that I have a business that can support me and my staff, and it means that I have these amazing awesome customers to interact with every day!”)
Jen – My husband is a total keeper. He’s up skiing at Mt. Baker today with my brother so he’ll be one tired boy on Monday between the skiing and all the cleaning yesterday. =)
That’s wonderful that DH is so supportive. π Definitely a keeper!
Gah!! Inventory! Good luck with it. I can’t stand it and I don’t do even close to the business that you guys do. I even bought software to help me keep track of inventory. (of course the software would be most helpful if I would enter my stock into it! heehee) Awesome contest! I am just starting to read up on aromatherapy and it is so fascinating! I’ve had a rotten week (death in the family, illness at our house, both washer AND dryer breaking on the same day) so a little scented happiness would be nice! :o) I’ll keep my fingers crossed. Sending you some “getting inventory done and over with quickly” vibes too! Kelly
Thank you for the contest! I enjoy reading your blog, but have normally not commented. I need to try to do so from now on. You give a lot of great ideas and tips!
A BB gift certificate for Christmas? Gosh, that’s a compliment – thank you! =) Here’s to hoping that you get it.
I’m glad you’re enjoying the blog.
And Michelle, we’re all the way to 43 degrees here – raining all the way – but it’s a veritable heat wave here as well! =)
Ooohhh, that’s a contest I would LOVE to win = ) I asked for a brambleberry gift cert. for Christmas and was going to order eo’s and fo’s anyway.
I recently found your blog and enjoy getting great soaping news/tips. I’m getting back into soaping again and will read anything I can get my hands on = )
We are having a heat wave here,up to 16 degrees, but no rain or snow. Just blue skies. Hope your day went fast and was productive.
Michelle in NV
Lesha, thanks for dropping in. You have a lot of blogs! I like how they are all personalized with different colors schemes and headers.
Thanks for the contest π
I agree – the EO’s are fairly comprehensive as far as starter kits go =)
Now this is one I’d really like to win!!
We are so lucky! And yes, mine’s a keeper and it sounds like yours is as well.
I hear ya! My hubby worked today (a farmer). Now he is helping me make bath bombs. At least we have keepers!
It’s so sad – he’s outside in the rain and I’m inside, tackling the backlog of samples we’re supposed to be testing for 2008. So, no, there’s not much bonding. But, I feel really loved knowing that he’s donating his weekend to help me out. =)
PS – There’s no rest for the self-employed!
Go home! Rest! Relax! At least you are working together – marital bonding, right?!