That’s right, my skin literally peeled off today from all the lotion testing. Here I am, testing the trillionth lotion on my skin. We tested four at a time (hand, hand, arm, arm) and then had to go wash, wait for 15 minutes and do the entire process all over again.
But, after all of that testing, we have winners in the Liquid Soap category, Lotion category and Soap categories *and* a Best in Show from all the categories. I am positively brimming with excitement to learn who the winners are. I know their entry numbers but not their names or companies. There were some stupendously great entries this year. Want to enter your soap, lotion or liquid soap next year? You can find details on the ADGA website here.
My Mom and I finished the day in Healdsburg, California where we went to Powells (a huge candy store). We both bought more candy than should be legal in a day. You’d think the town would have a law about serving chocolate to women clearly not in need of any …
We were lucky enough that the proprieter of Headlesburg Soap Company, Jen, was available to have dinner with. Her company makes soap with real wine in it and she runs an adorable retail shop (review here). She was a delight to hang out with – so much that dinner went almost three hours – and my Mom wants to adopt her.
Tomorrow, I teach Lotions I, CP I and II and Marketing 101. The evening holds and even better time though – tasting all the best of cheeses along with wine pairings. I am going eat light all day to ensure my tummy can hold all the goodness of the evening.
I think the peeling skin was from all the rubbing, washing, rubbing, washing … Do that enough and the best lotion in the world won’t save you. Or at least, that’s my take on it. All the lotions were really, really lovely. I just think that anything not used in moderation can be a bad thing (even great, handmade, GM lotions!) =)
Peeling skin! That can be really bad. Skin is what protects us from all sorts of scary things.
Take care, OK?
Gads, did I say “Heidi”?? I meant “Heather”…sorry! Back to napping now. ;D
Yikes that sounds like a ton of lotion! I hope you feel better soon.
I just found out there is a Powells within day trip range of me. Not good. 😉
LOL @ your comment about the legality of selling chocolate to women who didn’t need any! ;D
Ouch…peeling skin doesn’t sound good. Heidi has a great idea about getting the best lotion to help you heal. 🙂
Oooh! Can't wait to learn the results! What a ton of work to judge this competition! I love learning about the process of judging… really interesting. I hope you get a big, fat bottle of the best lotion to
use in your recovery!
Great picture of you & your Mom. How fun!