Exciting news from the Bramble Berry warehouse!
Bramble Berry just installed TWO new packing machines that will help increase our shipping efficiency AND decrease our shipping damages (which are never fun to deal with). We’re so excited to be able to better serve our customers (that’s YOU)!
As a result, we weren’t able to ship out orders for nearly an entire day and are running a little behind our usual 24 hour turnaround. We plan on making up the time very quickly so we’ll be back to our regular schedule soon!
On your next order you can look forward to a peanut free package from Bramble Berry!

The Crate - no there were no velociraptors within.

So complicated!
Yaaaay no more peanuts!!!! I was always paranoid about my cat eating them. O___O Silly probably but… lol I’m a protective cat mummy.
My mom’s cat likes to play with them when she encounters them, but she hasn’t eaten any so far.
So I never thought I could love Bramble Berry any more than I already did, but then two things happened. 1. You guys got rid of packing peanuts: dream come true. 2. You referenced Jurassic Park: I sat here for literally five minutes trying to put into words just how complete I finally feel now that two of my favoritest (yeah, I said it) things in the galaxy have come together: Soap making and Jurassic Park. I love you, and always will. <3 Keep being awesome.
I’m so glad you appreciated our Jurassic Park shout out. We were wondering how many people would catch that =)
-Courtney from BB
I love machines! You should post a video on how it works!
I can’t wait to get my order!
I also recycle my peanuts but… I never got peanuts from BB so I am scratching my head :/
We used to have a smaller (less efficient) insta-pack machine (so we used both). Funny that you received your boxes with insta-pack foam every time! But now we have two new beautiful machines and are totally switching over.
-Courtney from BB
We’ve never used biodegradable packing peanuts just because they would dissolve if there were ever a leak or break in transit.
We switched to different type of insta-pack foam, which will mold better to the products in your box. Think of it as shock absorption.
-Courtney from BB
Lush uses bio-degradable packing peanuts, I think they are made from potato starch or something similar and I like that. I can’t stand packing peanuts. I have two young kids, well three if you can’t my cat ;), and it always just made such a mess and the kids like to crumble them up before I ever get a chance to throw them all out. I prefer to just use paper when I package items as it’s easily reusable and recycleable
What did you guys switch to? I look forward placing an order with packing peanut-free packages! 
I love that you guys are improving, but I’ll miss the peanuts! After all that time with the FOs, they smelled heavenly!
Like a peanut potpourri =)
-Courtney from BB
Just placed an order this morning. Can’t wait to see the new packaging!
Woohoo! Thanks for your order. Let us know what you think of the new pack job!
-Courtney from BB
Great~no more peanuts! Good luck with the new equipment, I love getting new fangled stuff in~hate working out the bugs part.
Must say I’m bummed–I recycle the peanuts when I send out my soap orders. : S
Me too! Although fewer damaged molds will be nice… I’ve received two so far, but BB customer service was awesome both times—as always!
Damages are never fun to deal with. I’m so glad that our fab customer service team took care of you!
-Courtney from BB
I agree I love to get the peanuts cause I recycle them into my packages going out. I actually never have to buy materials because of the recycling.
I do have to say I am all for technology though!
That’s great! I’m dealing with messy static-y peanuts in my garage at this very moment. It’ll be great not to have that in BB boxes!