Check out what Otion did with the Play Dough Soap technique. Isn’t it attractive? The display is for the gender neutral Kentish Rain fragrance. I like that they used blue in a flowery setting to cater to everyone.
Tutorials on soapmaking, bath fizzies, lotions and more
Filed Under: Bramble Berry News
Check out what Otion did with the Play Dough Soap technique. Isn’t it attractive? The display is for the gender neutral Kentish Rain fragrance. I like that they used blue in a flowery setting to cater to everyone.
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That’s really cool. I’ll bet you could use Wilton’s fondant decorating tools to make really cool soap decorations.
I just want to say, I love Kentish Rain. I received it as a sample with one of my orders and it is one of my favorite scents.
How neat! Oh, the possibilites… That play doh soap project gave me an idea to try that method to get an effect that’s been eluding me for ages!
These playdough soaps are cute and fun and creative!
Amanda – Thanks for the heads up on the link! I totally got that fixed right up. =)
Let me know if you do the Play Dough thing. If this gets you back into crafting with Play Dough (Play-Do!) I want to hear how the project goes. =)
Just to let you know, your link to Kentish Rain doesn’t seem to be working. It is taking me directly to the “H Through N” page rather than Limited Editions. Thought you’d like to know.
And I may have to test my mad sculpting skills and give this a go. Though I haven’t played with Play-Do since. . .third grade? *lol*
Amanda D.
That’s so cute!!
My kid is gonna FLIP when she sees that play dough and soap can “live” together! This is so tasteful and playful at the same time. Thanks Anne-Marie and team!