Let’s ring in the New Year with a brand new S.O.A.P. panel team. Don’t know what S.O.A.P. is? Check out this mash up post to learn more about it and check out our spring 2013 team here. We are looking for the newest fragrances to add the Bramble Berry lineup and we want your help again! For the next week, we are on the lookout for eight soapy fans to help us pick which fragrances to add for our Spring 2014 fragrance oil line.
The S.O.A.P Panel is one way Bramble Berry decides to bring on new fragrance oils. Throughout the year, hundreds — if not thousands — of fragrance oils specifically designed for Bramble Berry roll through the office, and the S.O.A.P. Panel is the final test for some of them. They’ve already gone through our own internal inspection process (including initial CP tests), and we’d love for you to give them a sniff and test them in any bath and body product. Cold process soap, melt and pour, lotions, butters — whatever you can think of (well, aside from lip balms. None of the fragrances are lip safe)! For this panel, participants will receive eight 1 oz. fragrance samples to test.
The catch? All the fragrances are mystery fragrances; they won’t have names to influence judgement because we want honest opinions. You’ll fill out a survey to tell us about your top choices, and this is important because your notes will determine the fragrance people in our soaping community will use!
Your mission, should you choose to accept it:
- Tweet, Facebook, Pin, Instagram or blog about your favorite Bramble Berry product (including the links) and why you should be selected for the Winter 2014 S.O.A.P. team.
- Be sure to link to your social media outlet update in the comments below so that we can read about it.
- The last day to enter will be January 15. You can still post about your favorite BB product, but you won’t be considered for the panel!
- Team members will be announced on Friday, January 17 and the samples will be sent out by January 24.
- Completed surveys need to be returned by March 14.
Note: You’ll have about about 7 weeks to test the fragrances. Please keep these dates in mind before you enter. We are looking for an accountable and enthusiastic panel, so be sure that this works out with your schedule! Because these fragrances can’t ship internationally, we are not able accept international entries.
Some previous SOAP Panel posts are here, here and here. This post is a fantastic example of what previous S.O.A.P. panel members have done for testing, blogging and tweeting.
Ready, Set … Apply! =)
Hi Azar!
I’m sorry you missed the S.O.A.P. Panel this time, keep your eyes on the blog, we will be having more panels 🙂
-Amanda with Bramble Berry
Here’s my entry: http://www.pinterest.com/pin/410390584765988270/!
Hi Christian!
Thanks so much for applying 🙂
-Amanda with Bramble Berry
Would love an opportunity to serve on the S.O.A.P. team! I blogged about it here: http://wp.me/p3ZN15-2pp
Hi Carrie!
Thank you for blogging about this, and thank you for applying! 🙂
-Amanda with Bramble Berry
I’ve already entered the contest, but wanted to throw in my second FB post as well, just because the SOAP panel has been on my mind so much as I make new batches of soap. I love the FO’s and EO’s you guys sell (ha! I almost wrote smell there!), and one of my favorite things to do is pull out my huge box of FO and EO and just open them all up to smell and work on fragrance combos!
Hi Carly!
Thanks so much for applying a second time :)! Good luck!
-Amanda with Bramble Berry
Here’s the direct link! 😉
Hi Birdie!
Thanks so much for applying! 🙂 We appreicate you’re support!
-Amanda with Bramble Berry
Our BLOG about Bramble Berry! Our favorite scent …right now… is Smokey Patchouli!
And we need more Nag Champa! 😉
Hi there, I submitted my links this morning but don’t see them posted here. Can you please confirm whether you got them? I don’t want to miss the deadline. Thanks!
Ok never mind, I see them pending moderation now 🙂
Hello and thanks for considering me to be part of the S.O.A.P panel for 2014!
I’ve been combining my love of soapmaking with my former one of digital scrapbooking design, trying to integrate my sense of color and design with my sense of scent in soapmaking. I think that I have a unique perspective from a graphic designer’s view of color and how it relates to our sense of smell.
I’ve created two digital scrapbooking freebie items that are available for free download at my store. I made a 3rd, a set of Photoshop patterns, but my website isn’t allowing uploads today for some reason, so I can’t upload it yet. It’ll be up in the next day or two. I’m planning to do these once a month or so.
Cranberry Fig blog post and digital scrapbooking freebie: http://maitribathbody.com/wp/?p=1149
Cranberry Fig Pinterest inspiration board: http://www.pinterest.com/maitribb/brambleberry-cranberry-fig-fragrance-oil-~-inspira/
Pineapple Cilantro blog post and digital scrapbooking freebie: http://maitribathbody.com/wp/?p=1161
Pineapple Cilantro Pinterest inspiration board: http://www.pinterest.com/maitribb/brambleberry-pineapple-cilantro-fragrance-oil/
Ancient Sedona blog post and digital scrapbooking freebie: Coming soon!
Ancient Sedona Pinterest inspiration board: http://www.pinterest.com/maitribb/brambleberry-ancient-sedona-fragrance-oil/
Hello and thanks for considering me to be part of the S.O.A.P panel for 2014!
I’ve been combining my love of soapmaking with my former one of digital scrapbooking design, trying to integrate my sense of color and design with my sense of scent in soapmaking. I think that I have a unique perspective from a graphic designer’s view of color and how it relates to our sense of smell.
I’ve created two digital scrapbooking freebie items that are available for free download at my store. I made a 3rd, a set of Photoshop patterns, but my website isn’t allowing uploads today for some reason, so I can’t upload it yet. It’ll be up in the next day or two. I’m planning to do these once a month or so.
Cranberry Fig blog post and digital scrapbooking freebie: http://maitribathbody.com/wp/?p=1149
Cranberry Fig Pinterest inspiration board: http://www.pinterest.com/maitribb/brambleberry-cranberry-fig-fragrance-oil-~-inspira/
Pineapple Cilantro blog post and digital scrapbooking freebie: http://maitribathbody.com/wp/?p=1161
Pineapple Cilantro Pinterest inspiration board: http://www.pinterest.com/maitribb/brambleberry-pineapple-cilantro-fragrance-oil/
Ancient Sedona blog post and digital scrapbooking freebie: Coming soon!
Ancient Sedona Pinterest inspiration board: http://www.pinterest.com/maitribb/brambleberry-ancient-sedona-fragrance-oil/
Hi Victoria!
Wow, these are all so great! Thank you so much for applying 🙂
-Amanda with Bramble Berry
I love that Bramble Berry does this. Real answers from real customers.
For your consideration in the S.O.A.P. Team Spring 2014
Hi Erin!
It’s one of our favorite events, it’s so great to get customer feedback! Thanks for applying 🙂
-Amanda with Bramble Berry
Ok, I know, I’m an international customer, yeah! From Canada! But, I would SSSOOOOO love to be part of the S.O.A.P panel this year!
I have a youtube channel, mostly on soapmaking with over 5000 subscribers http://www.youtube.com/user/AudreeSoluna and many people like my facebook page as well. I’m working on my wordpress soap blog and I think I would be a GREAT pick for your panel! I have been a product tester for another soapmaking supplies company and I posted a couples youtube videos on my FO testing experiments! I think people liked them…
Anyways, if you consider choosing me, I’ll be glad to pay for shipping, if that’s the problem! 🙂
gotta Love the Soap Queen! xoxox
Hi Ariane!
Your videos are great, thanks so much for applying!
-Amanda with Bramble Berry
Nervous excitement! Maybe the third year is the charm? Here’s to hoping!!
My 9 bar birchwood mold is my favorite product, but its the customer service that keeps me coming back! You guys are the best!
Good luck everyone!
Hi Heather!
The 9 Bar Birchwood Mold is such a great choice! Thanks so much for the kind words and support 🙂 We really appreciate it!
-Amanda with Bramble Berry
How can you make us pick just one favorite?
“Once you go Bramble Berry it’s hard to go back to anything else…”
Participating on the SOAP Panel would be amazing. I would love the opportunity to be a part of testing new scents for the Spring 2014 fragrance oil line.
How can you make us pick just one favorite?
“Once you go Bramble Berry it’s hard to go back to anything else…”
Participating on the SOAP Panel would be amazing. I would love the opportunity to be a part of testing new scents for the Spring 2014 fragrance oil line.
Hi Jess!
Thanks so much for applying, and for your support!
-Amanda with Bramble Berry
One of my favorite products offered is your mango butter. They are divine in my lip balms! I just love them super so much! <— new phrase I just made up! haha…
Hi Lena Jeanne!
I’m glad you love the Mango Butter, it’s a must have product for me too! Thanks for applying!
-Amanda with Bramble Berry
I love Brambleberry’s fragrance oils. You are the only company that I trust to get them from at this point. I just finished making soap with the Southern Peach fragrance oil. I love it the fragrance oil makes it light and fresh and the tea just makes it better.
Hi Lois!
I’m so happy you’ve been enjoying the Southern Peach Fragrance Oil, isn’t it a great scent? Thanks for applying!
-Amanda with Bramble Berry
Can I S.O.A.P.? Here’s the link to my blog post about my favorite BB product and why I would love to be considered for the S.O.A.P. panel: http://lather-be-soaping.blogspot.com/2014/01/can-i-soap.html
And a link to my Facebook post: https://www.facebook.com/LatherBeSoaping/posts/627881803916089?stream_ref=10
Thanks for the opportunity! 😀
Hi Jenny!
Thanks so much for your support, and thanks for applying!
-Amanda with Bramble Berry
I have been waiting for another chance to be a part of the S.O.A.P. panel, so here it goes!
I started a new board on my Pinterest page just for this (and other favorite products). 😀
Hi Amanda!
Thanks so much for applying, and thanks for being a part of our soaping community!
-Amanda with Bramble Berry
I would absolutely ADORE being one of the fortunate few that have the great honour of being on this year’s S.O.A.P Panel!!! You are my utmost favourite supplier and every.single.item.I’ve.purchased.and.used. from.Bramble Berry. has. been. of. STELLAR.QUALITY!!! Your butters far surpass the quality of other ones, fragrances (that now encompass their own refrigerator!!!), oils, molds,everything! I love you all and thank you so much for all you do for us! I would be in olfactory heaven if you choose me * sigh & dreams of Kumquat*
Tammi MacClellan Heupel
Here is my link: http://www.pinterest.com/pin/64246732158337258/
Hi Tammi!
Thank you so much for your kind words and support! Good luck 🙂
-Amanda with Bramble Berry
I recently received a sample of “Cucumber Melon Fragrance Oil” with my Bramble Berry order, and I’m in love. It behaved perfectly in my cold process soap. I experienced no discoloration, ricing, or acceleration. After using this fragrance oil, I decided to try to join the Winter 2014 S.O.A.P. team for the chance to try other great fragrances.
As a new soaper I think I would be an awesome asset to the Winter 2014 S.O.A.P. team. I’ve only used a handful of fragrance oils, so I’m unbiased, and I can give an honest opinion.
Shared my favorite product here:
Hi Threesia!
I’m so glad you’ve been loving the Cucumber Melon Fragrance Oil, it’s a favorite of mine 🙂
Thank you so much for applying!
-Amanda with Bramble Berry
Here are my links to both my blog post and the corresponding Facebook link:
I should be chosen because I am a complete fragrance oil junkie. I swear half the soaps I make are so I can just enjoy how they make the house smell while they cure!!
Thanks for the chance!
Hi Sue!
Thank you for taking the time to apply, we really appreciate it 🙂 Good luck!
-Amanda with Bramble Berry
Ooooh! I’m so excited! I apply every year but haven’t been chosen. Crossing my fingers I get to smell the super awesome mystery fragrances and see how they perform! Here is my facebook post 🙂
Hi Christina!
Thank you so much for applying, we will hopefully be announcing the winners soon! 🙂
-Amanda with Bramble Berry
Well, heeeeey! I see I’m the only one who signed up for this gig, so it looks like I’m a shoe-in! 😉
I don’t envy the decision-making process! But please don’t make up any silly rules like automatically excluding applicants who childishly enter saying, “Pick me! Pick me!”
Here’s another to add to the pot (Pick me! Pick me!):
Hi there!
Thanks so much for applying! It’s going to be such a tough choice, good luck! 🙂
-Amanda with Bramble Berry
I really enjoy Bramble Berry and your products. I’ll be getting a new fragrance in today actually, Almond Biscotti, which I’m excited to try 🙂 I’ll also be trying out the Lots of Lather Quick Mix. I plan on making a small batch to test out the fragrance and possibly use the vanilla content to my advantage in the design department.
You know if it wasn’t for Bramble Berry and Soap Queen Tv I wouldn’t even know soap making was possible…beyond Grandma’s Lye Soap.
Hi Alicia!
I love the Almond Biscotti Fragrance Oil, I hope you love it too! 🙂 Thank you so much for applying!
-Amanda with Bramble Berry
As a dedicated soap maker with a love for fragrance and a bachelor’s degree in journalism, I would be honored to serve as a member on your S.O.A.P. fragrance panel. I’m a very accountable individual and am extremely enthusiastic about this opportunity! Thank you so much for the consideration.
Please view my FB post here: https://www.facebook.com/FoxtrotSoaps
Hi Jillian!
Thanks so much for applying, and your kind words in the post! Good luck 🙂
-Amanda with Bramble Berry
Hope I get lucky! I use Pinterest and Facebook, links below.
Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/pin/456552480946586618/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bewetiful.ewe
Hi there!
Thank you so much for applying, good luck! 🙂
-Amanda with Bramble Berry
Here is the link to my Pinterest post. Thanks for the opportunity! I’m giddy!
Hi Jenn!
Thanks for the pin, and good luck! 🙂
-Amanda with Bramble Berry
Here’s my pin! Check out my Soap Board on Pinterest. I have 593 pins and 456!
I’d make a great edition to the next SOAP Team by using my Pin board to get the word out! Just sayin’…
Hi Stacey!
Thanks so much for the pin, and thanks for applying!
-Amanda with Bramble Berry
Hi! I love Bramble Berry fragrances and all the neon colorants! I would love to be a part of the panel! I have been soaping for about 10 years now. I have a shop on Etsy for the past 2 years. I think this is a great opportunity to become more a part of our soaping community.
Please choose me 🙂
Thanks so much!
Here is a link to my fb post
I could not get the link copied here from my instagram 🙁
Hi Maria!
Thanks so much for applying, I took a look at your soaps, they are beautiful!
-Amanda with Bramble Berry
Hi! I love Bramble Berry fragrances and all the powdered colorants! I would love to be a part of the panel! I have been soaping for about 10 years now. I have a shop on Etsy for the past 2 years. I think this is a great opportunity to become more a part of our soaping community.
Please choose me 🙂
Thanks so much!
Here is a link to my fb post
I could not get the link copied here from my instagram 🙁
Oh how lovely it would be to help fellow soapers whilst testing out new and exciting fragrances! A soapers dream, indeed! My shout outs of love are as follows:
Good afternoon Elizabeth!
Those are awesome and unique fragrances, so glad you love them like we do!
-Brittany with Bramble Berry
I apologize for my last post as it was the incorrect link.
Here is the correct one!
Noted, thanks! 🙂
-Brittany with Bramble Berry
I’m in the process of starting my own small business centered around small batch shampoo, soap, and lotion bars. Participating in this contest would be a win-win situation for my business and for Bramble Berry– I would be able to provide my customers with new scent options and help my business grow while providing Bramble Berry with useful feedback at the same time. Please choose me!
(in case the link above doesn’t work)
Hi Holly!
Thank you for the link and the really nice words 🙂
Congrats on starting your own business, SO exciting!
Have a lovely evening!
-Brittany with Bramble Berry
Hi there!
Your S.O.A.P. team sounds awesome! Read about my favorite Brambleberry product, complete with photo, here:
Best wishes,
Kathy Neudorf
Soap Whisperer
Wild Woman Natural Skincare
Your Cameo bar is awesome! Thanks for sharing Kathy.
-Brittany with Bramble Berry
Here is our entry :http://sophiasnaturals.blogspot.com/2014/01/brambleberrys-soap-panel-entry.html WE ARE SO EXCITED!!! Good Luck Everyone :)!!
Thanks for the entry Erin!
We are so excited that you are so excited 🙂
-Brittany with Bramble Berry
I shamelessly gush about how much I want to do this here:
Pretty please? ;D
Oh gush away please! 🙂
Thanks for sharing, that is so kind Mokhe!
-Brittany with Bramble Berry
I have not yet set up my FB business page but I do post a lot of my soap photo’s on my personal FB page. My business is http://www.soapandhoney.com
Love all the fragrances you sell but my favorite product has to be the soap cutter! Can’t live without it!
I don’t know why my FB link did not link above. Hopefully it will work here.
Hi Marjorie,
Yes, the link worked and I enjoyed looking at your wonderful products, thanks for sharing!
We can’t live without our soap cutter either 🙂
-Brittany with Bramble Berry
Oh well I can’t figure out how to post the link to my Facebook page like I wanted. This is what I posted there for my friends to see. http://flipagram.com/f/K0C9SK1MIM
I hope this link works.
Here’s my entry! 🙂 best of luck to everyone who entered!!
Thanks for the pin and support for everyone who entered! That was so nice of you 🙂
-Brittany with Bramble Berry
Would LOVE to be a part of the Winter 2014 S.O.A.P. panel! Who wouldn’t want a say in what is made available? Fragrance oils are the best part of the entire process… this is like setting a kid loose in the candy store. I’ll take any reason as an excuse to soap, and this sounds like a fun one!
My pin:
I, also, will take any reason to make soap Sarah! 🙂
-Brittany with Bramble Berry
Here’s the link to the blog post
and the website
Thanks for the opportunity!
Thanks for sharing your blog post & website with us Lorraine! You are most welcome for the opportunity 🙂
-Brittany with Bramble Berry
Just pinned my favorite Bramble Berry item – the 10″ Silicone Loaf Mold onto my board “Soap Making”. Here’s the link: http://www.pinterest.com/pin/43065740160875934/
I would love to be one of the team members – I make a variety of products, and work in an office filled with ladies who love being my guinea pigs and are never shy about giving me great feedback, lol. Plus if they’ll let me, I’ll film their responses to the test scents to put onto my youtube channel too!
“Best Mold Ever!” 🙂
Thank you for that lovely compliment, and I agree!
Your office sounds super fun…
-Brittany with Bramble Berry
I’m a huge fan. I got introduced to spap making from the Soap Queen videos and have been making bath fizzies,soap jellies, sugar/salt scrubs and I think you guys have the BEST products at affordable prices. If you were to pick me as a S.O.A.P PANELIST I would be over the moon. Love trying out new products, reviewing them and sharing with family and friends. This would be a great birthday gift, cause I’m writing a DIY PROJECT BOOK and this would be a addition to share with diy’ers like myself. And bring you new customers who will benefit from your services.
I love your sample pack melt and pour. Checkout my post on my fb page. http://www.facebook.com/NClinton09
Hi Nichole!
You are too sweet…thank you for your excitement!
Congrats on writing a book! Super fun idea!
Thank you for posting the link and happy soaping!
-Brittany with Bramble Berry
Dear BB team, my journey of learning to make soap started with Brambleberry and I still often come back to see what is new in the bath and body world. I use many of your fragrances in my line in condfidence knowing that they will last and stay true. One of my faves in the Kumquat and Mango combo.
my website:
my floap using Kumquat and Mango
I would love the opportunity to help select some new and totally awesome FO’s.
Thanks, Sabine (Soap Star)
Hi Sabine,
Your scent combo just made me crave sunshine! 🙂
Your FB post is funny, “handmade soap is where it’s at!”
Thanks for sharing.
-Brittany with Bramble Berry
I, among many others, would ADORE the chance to be selected to test your possible new additions!
I am trying to commit to making soap making youtube videos this year and would like to also record this if I am selected.
Thank you Sarah!
Your soaps on your FB page are so pretty!
Thanks again for sharing.
-Brittany with Bramble Berry
I loved the Oatmeal & Honey, Red Apple and Ginger Ale (I have purchased other items and loved them too.) because they mixed well with other scents and can stand alone.
would love to be apart of the panel!!
You just picked some of my favorite fragrances Terry!
They do mix well.
-Brittany with Bramble Berry
Well this is the coolest thing ever! I’m stoked!
(crossing my fingers that link works!)
Thank you for the link Alisha! It did work in case you wanted to know…
-Brittany with Bramble Berry
Here the post in my fb fanpage “farmaflo”…i’m an italian pharmacist whit love for soap (i’m sorry for my bad english 🙂 )
If you want to be in Italy choose me <3
Hugs and thanks
Your English isn’t that bad 🙂
Thanks for posting! Sadly, we aren’t accepting any International entries.
Thanks for asking Flo!
I’ve been dying to be chosen to be a member of the S.O.A.P Panel since I heard of it last year. I think I have a rather decent nose for fragrance and would love to try my hand and guessing what the fragrance is (and probably failing miserably, yet humorously!). I’d love to test in CP soap, lotion, bath truffles, and maybe even a few wax melts?! My entry is posted on my Facebook page. Thanks for the consideration and the opportunity!! <3 <3
Hello Shannon,
Thank you for posting your entry! And you are most welcome 🙂
-Brittany with Bramble Berry
Keeping my fingers crossed to be chosen for the new S.O.A.P. panel. Love all your fragrances and your company. You are all so helpful and kind when ever i have a problem or question.
Why thank you Autumn!
Your soap is beautiful, thank you for sharing.
Also, thanks for the kind words!
-Brittany with Bramble Berry
Thanks for the pin Somer!
-Brittany with Bramble Berry
I would love to be selected for the S.O.A.P Panel Team!! Please check out my Facebook page for a reason why I hope you pick me! Thank you so much for the opportunity! 🙂
You are most welcome Challene! Your soap is gorgeous 🙂
-Brittany with Bramble Berry
This is my blog post entry! I hope you don’t mind the length and don’t get bored! I’ll be happy even if I don’t get selected! I also have a youtube page with a soap playlist for my soap making at…
Thanks again for the opportunity! 🙂
Hi Leanna,
Thanks for sharing and we don’t mind the length of posts 🙂
-Brittany with Bramble Berry
10″ Silicone Loaf Mold!! Hope I make it! Thank you!
Thank you for the post Janel!
-Brittany with Bramble Berry
I would love to join the panel 🙂 I posted on my Facebook page one of my favorite fragrances.
I would love to join the panel 🙂 I posted on my Facebook page one of my favorite fragrances.
Here is the link
Thank you for sharing your favorite fragrance! Also, thanks for the link.
-Brittany with Bramble Berry
Thank you for the post Nichole 🙂
-Brittany with Bramble Berry
I love the chipotle caramel fragrance that I received in the cupcake bath bomb kit. Thank you for offering this contest! I look forward to seeing the results!
Isn’t the chipotle caramel a fun combo?
Thanks for your excitement!
-Brittany with Bramble Berry
I pinned Cedar and Saffron fragrance oil
Love Brambleberry and their involvement in the soaping community!
Good afternoon Katy!
Thanks for the pin and we love our community so much!
-Brittany with Bramble Berry
I love this place…You have such a large selection of fragances and Ess. oil! Friendly people in customer service..always prompt… I enjoy learning about the benefits of ess. oils and use them often …But Have recently found my way to the frangrances and am ahaving so much fun with them…I love them solo or mixed with others…It would be a pleasure to be part of the panel…with 8 kids you can be sure each one will want to sniff every bottle!! I make soaps lotions and balms, what fun we would have…Thank you for your consideration!
here is my FB link!
Hello Catherine!
That is quite the group of testers 🙂 I love that they all want to smell each one!
Thank you for the link and kind words.
-Brittany with Bramble Berry
I love this place…You have such a large selection of fragances and Ess. oil! Friendly people in customer service..always prompt… I enjoy learning about the benefits of ess. oils and use them often …But Have recently found my way to the frangrances and am ahaving so much fun with them…I love them solo or mixed with others…It would be a pleasure to be part of the panel…with 8 kids you can be sure each one will want to sniff every bottle!! I make soaps lotions and balms, what fun we would have…Thank you for your consideration!
here is my FB link!
Hello Catherine!
That is quite the group of noses 🙂
Thank you for your support and kind words. We try really hard to make everyone as happy as you!
-Brittany with Bramble Berry
I’d just like to make a suggestion: honeysuckle. It’s my absolute favorite fragrance in the world, and I would adore being able to get it from you guys.
Hi Rebecca,
Have you seen this on our website?
Thanks for your suggestion!
-Brittany with Bramble Berry
I would LOVE to be selected for Bramble Berry’s S.O.A.P. panel! I absolutely love every product I’ve purchased from both Bramble Berry and Otion!
Here’s a link I put together to help soapers create my ladies camouflage soap.
What fun soap Karen!
Thank you for sharing 🙂
-Brittany with Bramble Berry
Thank you soo much for making purchases so easy and simple through Bramble Berry. I’m soo excited to experiment with new soap designs! My Christmas shaped and scented soaps were a big hit this year for all of my female family members!
Thank you!!
You are most welcome Annie!
We try to keep it simple 🙂
Soaps are always a big hit with my family too.
Thanks for your compliments!
-Brittany with Bramble Berry
I posted about your Cranberry Chutney Fragrance Oil, which is one of my favorite Bramble Berry products; it is the best cranberry scent out there! I used it for Christmas gifts, and they turned out great. Here is the link to my post:
I hope to be selected for Bramble Berry’s S.O.A.P. panel because I love trying/experimenting with new products, and I always share cool products with others and tell everyone about them. Also, I would be 100% committed and dependable. I would really love to have the honor of being part of the panel. Thanks for the opportunity.
Hi Rae,
Cranberry Chutney reminds me of my childhood for some reason…I agree, it is a fabulous scent!
Thank you for your post and excitement!
Brittany with Bramble Berry
I pinned the post to the top 🙂
Thank you Pam! Your soap pics are stunning!
-Brittany with Bramble Berry
Please check my facebook out for my products. Scented Angel Luxurious Bath products. I’d LOVe to be a tester.
Do you have a link you could send us Lisa?
We want to see your wonderful products! 🙂
-Brittany with Bramble Berry
Brambleberry is my number one source for everything and I will tell you why. No other supply house for soap fragrances has such detailed descriptions along with reviews on how they behave! It is so nice to know if something will accelerate or give me time to play… and the fragrance calculator is invaluable!
I would love to be on the panel this spring! FEED MY ADDICTION! <3
Barbi De Angelis
Bonnie Brae Soaps
Hi Barbara!
Thank you so much for your support and kind words.
We appreciate it.
-Brittany with Bramble Berry
I would love to be considered! Here is my Pin: http://www.pinterest.com/pin/19351473373307126/
Thanks for the pin Dana!
-Brittany with Bramble Berry
Hoping to be selected! Hope the link works too;)
I case my Facebook link doesn’t work for some people.
Got it Karen! Thanks for your persistence in notifying us with your awesome support and sharing your link 🙂
-Brittany with Bramble Berry
forgot the link =/
Thanks for the pin and following up with this link!
-Brittany with Bramble Berry
My fave BrambleBerry Product……
Hi KeMira!
It is versatile, thanks for sharing!
-Brittany with Bramble Berry
I love scent testing! It’s the best part of my job!
I love it too Kristin! 🙂
-Brittany with Bramble Berry
I would love to be on the soap panel! We are just finishing up our fall session of the Soaping Club and I have had such a fantastic time. There has been so much creativity and loads of collaboration among the participants. The soap panel would be a great follow up.
Hello Audra,
Glad you are enjoying the Soaping Club! We are so glad to hear that.
Our soaping community has some seriously wonderful people 🙂
-Brittany with Bramble Berry
Here’s my entry! It’s pinned to the top of the page.
Thank your for your entry Allie!
-Brittany with Bramble Berry
I hope I get to be a tester!
Thanks for the pin Diane!
-Brittany with Bramble Berry
So fun! 🙂
Thanks for the post Carissa!
-Brittany with Bramble Berry
I just completed a lip balm, using your recipe on Soap Queen blog, http://www.soapqueen.com/bath-and-body-tutorials/lip-products/mother-days-lip-balm-passionfruit-rose-2/ And used a bunch of Bramble Berry lip fragrances (including the passion fruit rose one, which is amazing!!) https://www.brambleberry.com/Passionfruit-Rose-Fragrance-And-Flavor-Oil-P3336.aspx Not only is the balm awesome, I was very happy with the fragrance!
I should be picked to join the S.O.A.P panel, because I absolutely love using all of Bramble Berry’s awesome supplies!! I would love to try out some of the mystery fragrances and gather feed back on them!! Pick me and you won’t be disappointed!!
Hi Holly,
I adore homemade lip balm, so glad you got a chance to make some too!
Passion fruit is my favorite fruit, so I of course, agree with you on the scent! It’s amazing.
Thank you for the nice words and support!
-Brittany with Bramble Berry
Thank you for sharing Margaret!
-Brittany with Bramble Berry
I love Brambleberry. I use a lot of your fragrances in my body butters and sugar scrubs.
Instagram Scentfullyyours
Thank you for the support Donetra!
-Brittany with Bramble Berry
Pick me! How fun! https://www.facebook.com/mwatsonbrush/posts/10151968601239132
What a lovely, clean scent! Thank you for the post Miranda.
-Brittany with Bramble Berry
🙂 love these products!!!
We do too! Thanks Tabitha!
-Brittany with Bramble Berry
Bummer for the no international entries :/ Would have loved to have entered! Love your fragrances 🙂
Hi Dianne!
Thank you for the compliment and my apologies on International entries…
-Brittany with Bramble Berry
I would love to join this panel! I love testing new fragrances and have posted many reviews on YouTube!
Thank you for your enthusiasm Elizabeth!
Also, thanks for your positive reviews 🙂
-Brittany with Bramble Berry
See link above. Thank you.
Hi Heather!
Thanks for applying and the soap you recently posted on FB is beautiful. Also, thanks for your support.
-Brittany with Bramble Berry
This S.O.A.P. panel sounds awesome!! I am always up for trying out new scents!! I for one am a HUGE fan of citrus-y scents they are always so happy and bright smelling! Trying new scents would be great I would love to be a tester!!
I love all the fragrances! Can’t decide which ones to use, I want to be a tester!!
I love all the fragrances too Nancy!
-Brittany with Bramble Berry
here you go!
Thank you Carly 🙂
-Brittany with Bramble Berry
I order all my supplies from Brambleberry! They are great about shipping.
And if there is ever a problem they are always there to answer all my questions.
Although I have never had a problem but did have a question on scents one time.
I love the scents I always have a hard time picking what I want for my soaps and lotions.
I really live getting the samples. Makes it easier to pick scents.
Hi Sheila,
Thank you for the kind words! Our people work so hard to make sure our wonderful customer’s are happy!
-Brittany with Bramble Berry
Here’s the link!
Thanks Allison! Such a cute mold 🙂
-Brittany with Bramble Berry
Wow not sure why that happened? I had a whole routine to lure you into picking me! :O
Oh well, I just thought I’d let you know I have a youtube playlist on soap making in case you wanted to look at more! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvYq9crwZa9D-d98zHnRSMPUq9a3V_GAN
Thanks for the opportunity! Even if I don’t get involved! 🙂