To end the busy weekend with a bang, yesterday we finished filming 2 premium episodes of Soap Queen TV with speical guest, Christy Rose from KBShimmer (swirling expert extraordinaire). I had a blast and the advanced soap recipes turned out gorgeous! Thank you SO MUCH for making the trip to Bellingham, Christy! You were a joy to work with!
Sunday’s Photo Album
We just went over our scripts and are about to start filming!
This is the “In the Pot Swirl” soap
Cutting the Energy soap.
That’s a wrap!
That’s a wrap!
I wactched most of KB shimmer swirling videos. They are all fantastic. I especially love the in-the-pot swirling techniques, and all those fantastic colors. She does a great job.
I just used one of her bath fizzies this weekend too – it was awesome – so she’s one multi talented lady =)
that soap looks FABULOUS and so do you two!
We’re in post production editing right now. The swirl video is behind five other ones: four CP videos and 1 premium content video on making emulsified scrubs but we are working as fast as we can =)))
Please make sure you let us know when these videos are ready. I tried swirling a couple of batches and they were . . . well . . . not great. I need more information! Thanks for all you do here!
I’ve been checking everyday to see if this video is out. My swirling needs help, so I’m anxious to watch this tutorial!
Aw thanks! I am totally thrilled that you’re liking everything and finding inspiration. =)
We got our first order in and they all sold out to soapers who had reserved them via Twitter or Facebook. But, they should be back in about 3 weeks with a much larger order to sell to everyone who wants the divider mold =)
Thank you so much for this link and information! Just when I thought I had been to every corner of the BB website I find out that there are some great items that I had skipped over somehow!
Also, thank you for all the help you provide new soap makers through your blog tutorials, SQTV videos, and your premium videos! From the perspective of a new soaper (me!), you make everything look so easy and it really takes the fear out of trying something new. After I watch your videos I am inspired to not hold back and try anything!
Can’t wait to watch! Hope the divider molds are for sale soon!
These are the premium videos thus far:…
They are double the length, have more ‘dense’ information and generally more complex projects. Sometimes the premium videos also come with label templates for a really great looking professional final product.
WooHoo!! I can’t wait to see them!
May I ask, what is the difference between the premium episodes and the free episodes? Will we need to pay/sign up for a memebership to view the premium episodes? Either way, I am “dyeing” to see these episodes! Sorry for the bad pun! LOL!
I can’t wait for the video and for the day when I can make soaps as lovely as these!
what a joy to see ! x
Hey KB!!! {waving} So good to see you.. Looking Good! Work it, girl!
Let’s see, Marigold, Green Apple, Red, and Orange Labcolors were used. I’m watching the test batches to make sure that they don’t bleed and so far, so good.
The green color really made the swirl pop.
We’re still editing the premium episode for this week – making emulsified scrubs =) And then the free four basic CP ones need to be post-production edited too. But I agree, I want to see it too! =)))
Oh my goodness, Christy is so sweet and totally a sport for everything. Shooting took over 6 hours and she was absolutely a pro the entire time. It was such a great experience (for me!) =))
pfiefww….that is a gorgeous soap with beautifull colours.
Wow, nice!! What are the colors you used in the Energy soap? I love that bright green. Can’t wait to see the videos.
Those swirls rock!!
ohmyGOSH! i Have to learn this swirl! That energy soap is just so luscious!
KB rocks! can’t wait to see this one as well
I love Cathy. Her swirls are great. I can’t wait to see the episodes!
These swirls are gorgeous! Enough teasing, bring on the episode:)
oh here is some marvelous swirl! I love KBB but I live in france, and shipping fees…!
but wow! beautiful color, and beautifull scents I’m sure
Gorgeous swirls! What fun the two of you must have had.