We’re taking a pause in our week of cold process projects to announce a special contest. Have you gotten your copy of Soap Crafting yet? If not, books are in house and shipping immediately. Plus, you’ll want your book because we’ve got something super fun in the works: a Soap Crafting Club (!!). Stay tuned for details on that. If you have received your book, then it’s time to show off those fabulous Soap Crafting projects on Pinterest for a chance to win! Details below…
Clockwise from top left: 12 Color Linear Swirl, Firedrop Swirl, Funnel Pour, Mantra Swirl
Pin your Soap Crafting projects to any of your boards using the hashtag #soapcrafting. We’ll repin your Soap Crafting projects to our Soap Crafting Pinterest Board, and at the end of September we’ll choose three winners to receive ingredients for one of the projects in the book (including the mold!). Prefer Instagram? No problem! Use the hashtag #soapcrafting on your Soap Crafting Instagram pics and we’ll pin those too. If you’re not following me on Pinterest yet, you can find me @brambleberry here. So let’s break it down:
- Pin pictures of the soap projects you make from the Soap Crafting book using the hashtag #soapcrafting on Pinterest OR
- Post Instagram pictures of the soap projects you make from the Soap Crafting book using the hashtag #soapcrafting
- We will repin your pins or pin your Instagram photos to our Soap Crafting Pinterest board
- From those pins, we’ll randomly choose three winners to receive ingredients for three projects (of our choice) from the Soap Crafting book
- We can’t repin your pins without the hastag #soapcrafting or pin your Instagram pics without the hashtag #soapcrafting, so be sure to include those!
- You have until September 23 to pin and post your projects.
- We’ll choose the winners and make an announcement on the Soap Queen blog on September 30
Not sure what a hashtag is? Here’s an example pin just for you: Notice the #soapcrafting circled in red? You literally type out the number sign (#) + soapcrafting and you’re good to go! That’s all you need to do. We can’t wait to see your Soap Crafting projects! If you have any questions, let us know in the comments below. Happy Soap Crafting!
http://www.pinterest.com/booshi18/soapcrafting/pins/ I just started learning how to do this but I am really loving it. I actually can spend hours on here looking around and I am still not sure that I am doing it correctly. Am I supposed to send the board anywhere else in an email?
Debbie Thomas
Bubble Love Soap
Hi Debbie!
Thank you so much for sharing your board with us! If you have any pictures of your own soap made from the Soap Crafting book, be sure to pin them onto the board so that they can be entered into our contest. =)
Happy Soaping!
-Becky with Bramble Berry
Soap Crafting: Step-by-Step Techniques for Making 31 Unique Cold-Process Soaps: https://www.brambleberry.com/Soap-Crafting-Book.aspx
Greetings, Today I “hope” I have pinned several pictures to #soapmaking to enter your contest. Would you check to see if I did it right? Pinterest is really overwhelming.
Hi Mary Lou!
Pinterest can be a bit scary if you haven’t used it before, but we are hear to help you out. If you have the links to your pins, we’d love for you to share them with us on this blog post so that we can take a look at them! =)
-Becky with Bramble Berry
Beck is this the link? I really am worried now that I did not get things in on time for the contest. I cannot tell and this stuff really frustrates me. I spend so much time trying to figure out things and it does not come easy to me. I am less afraid of working with Lye then fussing with the computers.
Many years I used to make Elizabethan court gowns and many asked me why I did nto have a blog, and I really felt like I would spend forever trying to figure out how to post pictures and take the pictures and would not get any sewing done. I guess my soapmaking has turned out to be the same, but I am trying now but still feel just as overwhelmed. I have made many recipes from the book and tried very hard to get them posted. I guess I may just have to wait until class starts, I was really hoping I might be good enough to win something, but it seems like it is my lack of computer skills that has been my undoing. I tried to take adult education classes at the local high school some years back, but it was worthless.
Thanks for letting me rave. maybe I can attach one here
Well I give up, they are either there or they are not. I have wasted most of the day trying to figure it out and I am no closer
Hi Mary Lou!
I’ve been able to get many of your soapy pins onto our Soap Crafting board, you can check them out here:
Happy Soaping!
-Becky with Bramble Berry
Oh those photos are beautiful! I see the issue; the individual photos aren’t #soapcrafting. The entire board is. I’ll be sure to let Becky and Kirsten see this so your entries are included! =)
Technology can be daunting; but good for you to keep on trying! Practice makes perfect and all of that =)
Do you have to recreate it exactly like in the book..I dont use oxides or pigments for color
can I use my own recipe or do I have to use the receipe in the book?
Hi Julie!
We are so excited for to enter in this contest! As long as you hashtag your entry and it has the same type of design/look of the recipes from the book, you can use whatever colors or fragrance/essential oils that you like. I hope this helps! 🙂
-Becky with Bramble Berry
ACK!!! I want to join the contest and I have tried to sign up for pinterest today and it is quite overwhelming. For now I just want to get it set up so I can enter the contest. I can see it will be one of those things I will spend a lot of time on this winter. Can anyone give me some quick suggestions about how to get this set up for the contest? You know I have the book and I am dying to get to making some of the recipes and I just had family visit and they left today so I can start some soaping on Monday. Of course there are some supplies to order. Say the prize being all the supplies to make one of the book recipes, is that a specific one or the winners choice?
Oh boy back to making soap.
Hi Mary Lou!
We can’t wait for you to get started with this project and will be eagerly waiting to check out your Pinterest boards. The prize is all the ingredients (including the mold) to a project of our choosing in the Soap Crafting book! I hope that this helps to answer some questions, let us know if we can help you our further. 🙂
-Becky with Bramble Berry
I got the book, and I LOVE IT! But I’m new to soaping, so I can’t make anything fabulous yet. Still, I’ll give it a whirl! Get it? A whirl? Because of the stick blen…oh nevermind! 😉
Ah, if you’re new to soaping, I would try the recipe on page 56 – it’s a single color technique so easy to do. And of course, the recipe on page 27 is a must do since it’s the beginner recipe. Let me know if I can be of any help on your soaping journey! Thank you for buying the book. =)
so worth the wait I cannot tell how pleased I’am for buying this book and when I retire, I will be passing all my goodies to my daughter for her to take over I’m so happy to have met you and your company. I thank you over and over.
Many Blessings to you , family, business and life
YAY! I am so glad that you are liking the book – and I love that you’re sharing with your daughter. What a fun business/hobby to share with a loved one. =)
I received your book last week – and have read it cover to cover. Will be trying one or two swirling techniques this weekend. This book is a WINNER! Beautiful photos, step-by-step clear instructions. A few tips I hadn’t heard before, after 12 years of soaping. THANK YOU! THANK YOU!
Oh wow, what an amazing compliment. Thank you! I am so excited that there were some new tips in there that you hadn’t seen before. I can’t wait to hear what you think of the recipes.
The orange, white and black soap in the bottom left corner…….. Is that in the book?
Yep! All of the soaps in that mosaic are from the Soap Crafting book. I just tossed their names into the post right below the photo so it’s easy to look them up =)
Kristen with Bramble Berry