We just got a fax from the American Institute for Research. It seems that one of the recipes and accompanying instructions at TeachSoap.com is considered so well-written that the Ohio School System will be using the recipe and paragraph on their Grades 6 – 8 Reading Achievement Examination. The passage will be included for the next one to three years of testing.
The passage will potentially be in 140,000 copies of test.
Quoting from their letter, “… your text will be given a wide visibility as an example of excellence…”
I’m pretty stoked (stoked, as in “not a word that will please the Ohio School System Reading Comprehension Test”). Here’s to hoping that all of those 6 – 8th graders in Ohio become excited about making their own soaps at home after they read (and comprehend) the passage.
I would totally tell you, SoapyLove, but if some sixth grader in Ohio is reading the answer, they might get a leg up on the test! So, for now and maybe for the next three years, the passage that they are using is a secret. =)
Which article? Now I’m curious! 🙂
Yeah! I’m giddy for you! And for the future of soap :<).....or I just may need to get out more often!!