I have such an awesome weekend planned and I can’t wait to share it with you. This morning, I put the finishing touches on the scripts for tomorrow’s filming of SoapQueen.TV. We have a secret surprise guest in town to help me film the shows. The two premium content SoapQueen.TVepisodes will cover cold process swirling secrets and I can hardly wait to share them with you.
Before that happens though, I am speaking at the MoneyWise Conference on how self-employment and controlling your own destiny is totally the way to go. I will definitely post my top take aways from the portion of the conference I am able to attend. I also have a super fun soapmaker interview for this week as well as my take aways from a Learning At Lunch I attended this week with the Alaska Airlines CEO. It’s going to be a jam packed weekend (and week) and I wanted to post to let you know that I am working on some great content to share with you. Until then, happy soaping!
big fan check out http://www.woodcockmade.com
Anita, The soap is cold process soap using a slab swirling technique. Christy Rose from KBShimmer.com came and shared her swirling technique with us to make the soap pictured.
(via email from Anita Davis)
“wow, it the soap featured on this one, melt and pour or cold press?”
Wow! I’m super excited to see, can not wait!
I’m glad to have found you, which is a woman of excellence!
Aw, good question! The soap in question was done by our ultra secret SoapQueen.TV guest. I’ll be sure to reveal whom she is tomorrow when we are filming SoapQueen.TV
This soap the photo was you who did? Has revenue? Thanks!
I am so excited for all that is to come. Especially the swirling lessons!!!!
The videos will be a super comprehensive swirling series with two videos total. I hope (think!) you’ll be excited. =)
Wow, if your tips can make my soaps look like that, I’m all for it! Can’t wait!
Those swirls are sick! I can’t wait for this episode to come out:)
Sweet! Looking forward to all of it!