On the Yahoo SoapNuts group list, someone asked for tips on doing a craft show. Since craft show season is officially upon us, here’s my take on craft show tips:
Smile, smile, smile! Drink a lot of coffee, all day, to stay on your toes.
Have quick easy elevator answers prepared for the following questions and
comments. Click on the links to see some suggested answers:
1. Wow! $4.50 for a bar of soap!? Why so much!?
2. Cool! How is this stuff made!?
3. Cool! Can you teach me how to make this stuff?
4. Cool! I want product for free for my VERY GOOD CAUSE! Can you donate?
5. Cool! Where do you buy all your supplies?
6. I only use DOVE! It’s over half moisturizers. How is yours on my face?
Have your business cards or contact information at the ready. Consider throwing up an Etsy store quickly with a few products just so people have a place to re-order. Have a sign up list for emails and phone calls. Have an option for a customized product order. Make sure there’s a “Show Special” so people feel the urgency to buy right now.
Just remember to smile, wear a professional outfit but comfortable shoes, and literally, stand upall day! Don’t be afraid to wheel and deal with trading other vendors – sometimes those are the best days ever.
SarahJ says
These are great! Th etsy shop for reorders is a great idea! I like the show special as well. Everyone loves a deal! We also have testers with little spatulas so people can try out our lotion bars, lip balm and whipped shea before they buy. We have some funky lip balms that you just have to try to appreciate them.
Rachel says
what are the testers that you use and what would you suggest if your table is left unattended? I really dont like shows that have central cashiers but I dont have a lot of choices. I would like to see if a grandson could work my hours so I could be at my table.
Becky with Bramble Berry says
Hi Rachel! I know a lot of people have ‘testers’ or sample products at their booths as a quick and easy way to introduce potential customers to their products. =)
~Becky with Bramble Berry
Anne-Marie says
Central cashier shows are a great way to maximize your product sales without having to double up on labor so I think they’re a great idea! =) Theft isn’t usually problem any more there than if you were standing there – after all, most people are genuinely decent and don’t shoplift. =)
Anne-Marie says
Jean, some answers to those questions are coming right up. What a great idea!
Egassner, good luck making all the stock! You’ll get it done, I’m sure. =)
Lynn, I agree that there’s definitely a curiosity about the time it takes to make something.
Little Shadow, that’s a fabulous suggestion about clear pricing.
Rita, you made me spit out my water, I laughed so hard!!
Heather, you’re totally right on with your bathroom coverage thinking. =)
And Prim Pantry, if you actually get to wear heels all the time, I am SO JEALOUS! I would love to wear heels more often so that I would look more long and thin. =)
theprimpantry says
Funny, I wore 3 inch heels all day at my last. I think I was born to wera heels! lol
Ingrid says
I added a quiz to my webshop, a simple soap related question for people to send in the answer and to win the soap they like best. That way I learn witch soaps are most popular and more people visit my webshop. Some people have no clou what my website is all about… ‘I would like to win a Dove soap’. LOL!
Heather@Twin Birch says
I got all of those questions last weekend!!!
My other tip is to make friend with someone at the show who can cover you while you run for the restroom!!!
Anonymous says
If I drank coffee all day, I know exactly where I would be and it wouldn’t be answering peoples questions, LOL.
Eat Well (was Teresa R) says
I also want to hear some example answers to those questions. *grin*
In case I haven’t mentioned recently how much I love and learn from your blog, Anne-Marie, let me say it again here: love, love, love your blog!!
Little Shadow Creations says
~I have notice that clearly marked prices helps, no one likes to ask how much something costs.~
Lynn says
Fantastic tips Anne-Marie. I guess you’ve heard those questions a lot, huh? (smile).
And here’s a question I hear a lot — “How long did it take to make that?”
And the one that I hate — “But doesn’t a mistake show that it is handmade.”
Those two questions are from customers at the Seattle Weavers’ Guild Annual Sale. I’ve yet to try selling any soap or lotions.
denise says
I would also love to hear some of the answers as I’m preparing to sell to the public on 31 May!
egassner says
Thanks so much for posting this AM! I have my first show of the year on Saturday (found out about it only 3wks ago!) and I’m scrambling to get enough stock built up for it! I’ve gotten over 30 bars done today….tomorrow is body product day! Lol
jennie w. says
I’d love to hear some people’s answers too!
Anonymous says
Those are all great questions! How about some suggested answers for tomorrow’s post? 🙂 I have a hard time figuring out what the “right” answers are on some of them!
Thanks, Jean