It’s 10/12 … do you know where your resolutions are?
This is the perfect time of year to check in on your 2008 New Year’s Resolutions (if you’ve forgotten yours, 54 comments on this post may remind you). The lull between summer and the impending holiday rush is an ideal moment to take stock in how 2008 has gone for you. It’s the season to make small course corrections and continue to work towards fulfilling your dreams.
If you’re feeling foolish because you’ve hardly made a dent in those dreams and ambitions from January 1, take heart because you’re not alone. Most New Year’s Resolutions don’t make it past the first month, let along tag along through the chaos of the entire year. It’s okay to change your goals, to make them more manageable or shift them to fit changes in your life. Just take your goal list out and make sure that you’re actively working on it. It’s permissble to change your goals to make them mesh with your current reality. I had to.
One goal I had this year was to start an Otion II in Seattle. I diligently pursued this: I hired a real estate broker, did the demographic research, lined up financing, spent time walking top neighborhoods and ultimately, negotiated two leases in different neighborhoods. Unfortunately, both of those leases fell through. I was bitterly disapointed and vowed to start over. And then, the markets did their loop-de-loop and financing dried up for Otion II. This goal needs to be changed to reflect the current business climate we’re in. So, I spent this afternoon changing that business focus. I’m going to take the time I was spending on Otion II and devote it to pushing through a website redesign with a smarter shopping cart.
The secret to success in anything is relentless pursuit of your goals, small baby steps at a time. So, sit down, take out that list and get re-energized about your dreams and ambitions. It’s important to finish this year strong so that you head into 2009 with some serious momentum.
Thanks for your positive comments, ladies. I am so glad that you liked the little reminder and are finding certain parts of this blog inspiring.
Kate, it’s easy to get overwhelmed in business, no matter what stage you’re at. Just remember that small, manageable, bite-sized chunks are always easier to complete than one big huge goal. Breaking your day and your week down into simple steps produces big results in the end.
Great post! You know, I subscribed to this blog because I like buying products from Brambleberry and was just expecting a blog updating on new products etc. But instead – I have found this very encouraging & inspiring blog! I am in the very early stages of my business (as in "Oh crap – what do you mean I need product liability insurance? LOL:) And your posts (as well as Indie Business & Bootstrap Babes) have been so encouraging when I get overwhelmed with all the business part of the business – thanks!
Well said!! I got started on my goal – starting my own company – but didn’t get it quite where I had hoped. New goal for 2009…. grow my company! hahah (That may not be obtainable in this economy though… :()
Thanks for the inspiring post!
Timely post, Anne-Marie! I was just thinking a few days ago about the goals I want to set for the year 2009. I don’t even remember if I had resolutions for 2008…and if I did, obviously one of the ones I need to have for 2009 is: keep track of where I put my resolutions. :}
If I hadn’t told you before, or hadn’t told you often enough, you are very inspiring to me (and obviously to many, many other people)!
Definitely well said. No need to be down that we did not make a dent in our resolutions. Just more onto the next attainable goal. 🙂