The longer I live the less confidence I have in drugs and the greater is my confidence in the regulation and administration of diet and regimen. ~John Redman Coxe, 1800
To keep our body happy and healthy and humming, we need to attend to three main things: sourcing and eating nutritious, high energy food; keeping our body moving: and spending time outdoors. We all know this. So, why aren’t we doing it? The slide show here shows the scary increase in obesity since 1985. Given that the government is considering a universal health care system, our obesity could get expensive for taxpayers everywhere. But, related to this foray into what you can do to increase your happiness, obesity and poor health cost you greatly from a happiness and productivity standpoint. This is all common-sense stuff that your parents taught you growing up but it bears repeating and reminding. Remember your goals for 2009? Many of you mentioned working out and getting healthy as a goal. If you’re not healthy on the inside, it’s difficult to feel content and yes, happy with your current place in life.
Eating – try to incorporate one or two suggestions for tangible benefits.
- Eat plain, healthy, nutritious food. Try to find organic when possible.
- Eat local food – it’s more fresh and more nutritious – and tastier.
- Eat lots of veggies and fruits.
- Eat whole grains and nuts. Take a pass on white bread, crackers and pasta.
- Cut way down on prepared foods and drinks. They’re full of cheap oils and fats that your arteries can’t deal with, and all kinds of chemicals that were never meant for human consumption.
- Don’t diet; just eat healthy, nutritious food, including lots of vegetables.
- Eat deep water fish like salmon, tuna and halibut (before they’re all gone).
- Start your kids off young with nutritious, natural foods. Teach them good habits while they’re young.
In minds crammed with thoughts, organs clogged with toxins, and bodies stiffened with neglect, there is just no space for anything else. ~Alison Rose Levy
Exercising – try to incorporate one or two for tangible benefits.
- If you aren’t exercising regularly, think about what kind of exercise you’d have fun doing and who you could do it with. Exercise should be fun and it’s more fun if you do it with a friend. Or join a hiking or walking or cycling group or find a gym with spinning classes or dance classes.
- Make a realistic, long-term exercise plan, including adjusting your schedule so you have time in your life for exercise.
- If you fail to keep to your schedule, forgive yourself and keep going. Celebrate when you get in the groove.
- Exercise with your kids – throw Frisbees and climb mountains.
aerobic exercise can relieve mild depression and anxiety as it promotes
health and energy. Sound minds reside in sound bodies.
Off your duffs, couch potatoes.”
— David G Myers, author of the Pursuit of Happiness
People spend a lifetime searching for happiness; looking for peace. They chase idle dreams, addictions, religions, even other people, hoping to fill the emptiness that plagues them. The irony is the only place they ever needed to search was within.Yours is a nice blog.
Hi Anne-Marie! Thank you for posting to my blog and asking how I was doing with my goals. I haven’t done much soaping lately and, as a result, I have so many ideas rattling around in my brain that I need to make some soaps soon to prevent insanity! 😉 I agree with you about nutrition and health. That’s one goal that I’ve been sticking with pretty well. My hubby built my raised bed for the veggie garden and I’m working the soil in preparation of the delicious veggies I’m going to grow. I also have plans in the garden for a new blueberry and raspberry bush and my hubby is going to grow hops for his homebrewing. Nothing beats homegrown!
I wish we could do something to get kids more motivated to be active and families to eat healthier. I have two extremely overweight children in my second grade class. Of course, if you look at what our school lunches serve, it’s no wonder. Almost everyday something is served on a white bun. Most fruit is canned (and thrown away, not eaten). Kids that bring their own lunches are eating a ton of sugar and white bread. –
I love working out because of all the great benefits it gives me but it is a challenge to fit into the schedule sometimes so I totally understand people that aren’t doing it every day. Sometimes, it’s just hard to get out and about. =) Joanna, good for you for starting today!
get off your duffs, couch potatoes
computer pooters
dreaming divas!
of all the exercises that make
me feel Alive and glad to be….
aerobic is the very very best!
after getting videod two days ago
and having to hide between all those little tweenies, this reminder is right on the money!
thank you. My doctor suggested I start 30 minutes of walking everyday. Maybe I will start this morning.