Happy Weekend! I hope you’ve got something great in your soap pot. We’re prepping for an awesome Sunday shoot for SoapQueen.TV It’s time for us to dip our toes into Cold Process soapmaking and we’re starting the shoot this Sunday. I’ll take photos in process tomorrow and upload so you can see what we’re up to.
Today, I went on an awesome (drizzling, sort of wet and cold) hike with my sister in law and my favorite niece dog, Samantha. It was a nice way to start the day before reviewing the SoapQueen.TV scripts a bunch. Though Bramble Berry has a Beginner Cold Process DVD out already, we had many requests for Cold Process on SoapQueen.TV. The segments will be short (the DVD is 45 minutes to get a basic overview of soapamking) and the series will be a good idea of what it takes to do CP soapmaking but we’ll still be recommending extra resources like The Everything Soapmaking Book by Alicia Grosso. You can never learn too much.
I had a fabulous Thursday down in Seattle with the Women Business Owners. I met the founder of Wink Cupcakes (no, I didn’t ask her how she stayed so skinny. I should have).
And, here I am with Shandel Slaten, founder of True Life Coaching and the headliner for the awesome Women’s Leadership Conference 2010 in Seattle in March (details here) and Melody Birigner from Crave Party.
One of the things I talked about was how important it is to have a strong support network around you as you grow your business. From a Mastermind Group (blog posts here, here and here about how to set one up) to Business Book Clubs, we all need people around us encouraging us to do better and to reach our next level. Right now, the three business book clubs I’m in are reading: Anatomy of the Spirit – the Seven Stages of Power and Healing by Caroline Myss, Linchpin by Seth Godin and Crucial Conversations. I’m excited to have discussions about these books over the next month to expand my worldview and increase my knowledge as a business owner. It’s a bonus that anything that makes me a better leader also helps me to become a better friend, wife, daughter and sister as well.
If you don’t have a support network in place to help you succeed at business, consider picking up any of the great business books out there – 7 Habits of Highly Effective People is an awesome one to start with – to learn from the best and the brightest thought leaders of our century.
Why She Buys – Bridget Brennan
I LOVE these book suggestions – thank you. I delved more into 'Anatomy of Spirit' this morning and Linchpin last night; thus far, they're both great.
I've read 'Who's Got Your Back' and loved it but haven't read any of the others on your list, Kyrsten. Thanks for the suggestions!
I read 'The E-Myth' many years ago. I think it's probably time for another read through! =) And, 'The Ice Cream Maker' sounds like an interesting one too (love the title!)
First, let me say I really enjoyed your talk the other day at the WBO. It's very inspiring to hear your stories, particularly for us younger members who are just getting started.
Some business books I've enjoyed recently:
Who's Got Your Back — Keith Ferrazzi
Smart Women and Small Business — Ginny Wilmerding
The New Rules of Marketing and PR — David Meerman Scott
The Engine of America – The Secrets to Small Business Success from Entrepreneurs who have Made it. — Hector Barreto
The Knack (now retitled Street Smarts: An All Purpose Tool-kit for Entrepreneurs) –Norm Brodsky
Why Service Stinks by T. Scott Gross is a quick read but really gets folks motivated to provide outstanding customer service
How about the "Longaberger Story"– it really is a great read ~ and really not about baskets at all ~It's really the life story of turning a dream into a business while motto was to "have fun at work" = happy employees, better work-life, better success.
I read "Anatomy of the Spirit" last year. Great read.
Another vote for E-Myth!
It's not recent, Anne-Marie, but it's a good one.
The E-Myth Revisited. I would have to dig through a dusty bookshelf to find the author, but when I read the book 12 years ago it left a deep impression on me regarding processes.
It contains a strong caution and cites the real life story about a young woman passionate about making pies. 🙂
I SO need a strong network around me right now. There is little to encourage me and I need to draw from reserves deep within myself. But that's good, right? It makes us better people to persevere even when the going gets tough. For, deep in winter, every tree may look dormant yet down in the roots the sap is still there, alive, and waiting for spring to come.
Thank you for your post!
I just finish, "The Ice Cream Maker" by Subir Chowdhury. It focuses on Quality in business that can also help you in other areas of your life. It is a short read but it is to the point.