As I mentioned here, I’ve taken up yoga. While I don’t feel much of a sense of peace, I am more limber. The downside to all this calm is that I’m gaining weight. I’ve substituted my daily run with yoga, having only finite workout time – thus the extra poundage.
One place I am lighter is in the wallet from suiting up in all the latest yoga gear. I was dismayed when I read on Good Experience that my fave yogawear store, Lululemon, has been defrauding customers, at least with one of line of clothing. Their super duper VitaSea line purports to have 24% seaweed in it to help with reducing stress, detoxifying and and providing extra vitamins to the skin. And that’s on top of having a great cut that makes most figures look a few pounds lighter!
Unfortunately, the VitaSea line doesn’t have any seaweed in it. Whoops.
Click here to read the Time’s story, entitled “Seaweed Clothing Has None, Test Show.”
Quoting from the story:
When told about the findings, Lululemon’s founder said he could not dispute them.“If you actually put it on and wear it, it is different from cotton,” said Dennis Wilson, Lululemon’s founder, chief product designer and board chairman. “That’s my only test of it,” said Mr. Wilson, known as Chip.
I still love Lululemon’s clothing. But their company is just a little tarnished to me right now.
How shady of them!
I’ve seen that bag a few times and it always makes me roll my eyes. “Friends are more important than money” seems like a rationalization for their high prices!
Seaweed probably doesn’t help reduce stress however, it definitely helps release toxins and even might help with cellulite. So that’s probably why spas use it! =)
Isn’t it so frustrating when we’ve been duped into buying a particular item 🙁 Its like you said, the clothing line is great, why couldn’t the company just go with that instead of throwing in a few fibs to make themselves sell better?? I’m sure their stuff would have sold without the misleading advertisement.
I’ve learned another newbie: I had no idea seaweed helped reduce stress. Is that why spas do seaweed wraps? I had one years ago that mom gave me as a gift for Christmas and I had no idea what it was suppose to do.