Phew, I had a busy day today. I was in Seattle attending two CEO Roundtables. One dealt with “Work Life Balance” (or rather, the myth) and the other discussion centered on “Avoiding Burnout as an Entrepreneur. Both were interesting and insightful. The main take away is an obvious one but something I need frequent reminders on.
Remember on the plane, when the flight attendant reminds you that, in case of an emergency, to strap on your oxygen mask before those of small children around you?
It’s that way with business as well. If the leader of the team doesn’t take care of themselves, it’s impossible for them to take care of others and shepherd the company to a sustainable future.
“Taking Care” can be defined in many ways — everything from working out, meditation time, meeting up with friends, vacations, and not working the weekends — the point of the roundtables turned out to be that it’s important to find something that makes you feel fulfilled and then be relentlessly systematic about actually doing it on a regular basis.
Afterwards, I checked my list of “Energy Expanders” and promptly went out for a jog:
Little One,
This is not a new discovery, the need for balance, the need for a break from over-striving.
“The Sabbath was made for man” — Jesus
“Remember the Sabbath day…Six days you shall labor and do all your work…resting on the seventh day.” — God and Moses
Even an agnostic can learn to keep a Sabbath “religiously.” It is good for your psyche, your body and your relationships.
So proud of our “Soap Queen” and her accomplishments, and DO worry about the “balance.”
Ms. Joanna~ Is that you in a bridal pose???? Just beautiful!
Audrey Hepburn wedding gown, Jackie O necklace, & classical hair style… Was that about 15 years ago?
I heard a funny saying: “Yeah, it’s great to work for yourself… you get to pick the 60 hours per week that you work!” haha!
Reminds me of the saying about “if Momma ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy.” So, take good care of yourself, Anne-Marie! 🙂
I believe balance can be attained in sprurts. I’ve had it, then it is gone and then had it again! It is difficult.
As Marcus Buckingham says, try to do the things you like, not necessarily things you are good at. Surround yourself, in business, with people who like the things you don’t and give them those tasks so that you can be successful with the things you like to do. Doesn’t it make sense that you’d be more successful if you love what you do?!?!??