Lauren Miller: I try and have fun with it all since soap is just down right fun. I never have a large block of time so I use every little pocket I can get and journal ideas as they come to me. And then when the time opens up – I soap! Perfection can be a big road block so even if I’m not 100% thrilled I give it a try. I would say new designs are about 30% of my time. I’m trying to think two holidays ahead so I can have designs made in time. Keeping on top of shipping and keeping supplies in stock is a big part of my focus.
Soap Queen: What’s your favorite Bramble Berry product?
Lauren Miller: Hands down your oxides! It’s the only colorant I will use. The texture and price are unbeatable. I also love Bramble Berry’s Non Bleeding Red. I cannot find that juicy, red color anywhere else nor do I care to look for it. I adore it and get nervous when I start running low.
My favorite Bramble Berry fragrance oil is Fresh Zucchini Flower– that scent is so incredibly unique and fresh.
Soap Queen: If you had another job, what would it be?
Lauren Miller: I do have another job. Full time, stay at home mom to the sweetest little boys. I worked in corporate America for 10 years before having children and I literally traded it all in and never looked back. This is the hardest job I have ever had but it continues to teach me so much about myself- how to love, patience, forgiveness, problem solving and not to take myself too seriously. And I never have trouble sleeping.
This September marks the beginning of both our boys being in school full time so I will begin a new phase of motherhood. I’m so grateful to have my little soap business waiting for me in the wings. I have plans galore and will finally have 8 hours without interruptions to see them through. I’m opening up for wholesale this September and a whole new packaging scheme just in time for holiday gift giving.
Soap Queen: You manage a great business and a family. Do you have any tips for those of us struggling with work/life balance?
Lauren Miller: Define your focus first. For me, my family is my first focus. I’m lucky to have a husband who helps me identify when work begins to take over. Boundaries are incredibly necessary. Learn to say no, even if your ego wants to say yes. When I first started soaping, I would literally stay up every night till 2 am working in the kitchen on new designs but this lead to an impatient mom the next day. I now have set hours for soaping and stick to a set bedtime during the week. Exercise and eat well. It really does help.
Soap Queen: What did I miss that you want Soap Queen readers to know?
Lauren Miller: Thank you so much for the opportunity, Anne-Marie. And I’m dreaming of getting a matching orange microwave as seen on Soap Queen TV in my new soap kitchen. I adore your company and products and continue to refer customers to you when asked how to get started.
Soap Queen: Thank YOU so much giving us a little glimpse into you life. You are an amazing artist and it sounds like you’ve mastered the work/life balance- something I think we’re all striving to achieve. Good luck with your new soaping adventures and keep us posted!

You've been an inspiration for me.
Those flower soaps are great!
Ahh, thank you so much for all the positive and inspiring comments. I'm hooked and I just can deny it.
I'm about 20 days from launching my new wholesale site..and 20 days till back to school. Woohoo- no offense boys 🙂
A big thanks to Anne-Marie and Courtney who made this so much fun. I'm a loyal customer and fan.
Off to wrap some soap- Stay happy and well.– Lauren aka Sunbasil
Sunbasilgarden soaps are my favorite!!! Lauren is a soap diva and a stellar person. I can't wait for her to be my neighbor 🙂 Our favorite household soap is her cookies and milk! outstanding, a great interview… thanks!
i promise this is my last post.
and we know ALL about your 2 am stints in the kitchen; lately i have been dogtired. i mean dog tired, and i will go to bed tired but not be able to sleep because of all the designs floating through the brain.
i think most creative people are creative at night. someone should do a scientific study…
ok goodbye
oh and since Soapy has been on here….thanks to you Soapy, no trip to Michaels has EVER been the same since.
Actually, it's not your fault but your latest ezine just made me a confirmed soapaholic. I was laughing all the way through!
And now, if ONLY Anne-Marie would purchase enough Flexi-Fast to get us through life we could feed this monster a little more….
Just kidding, Anne-Marie!
I love your joyful and clean lines. I love the colors and your fragrance choices.
I actually look at your shop everyday because you so inspire me!
And I know we all have our own personal style, but yours Sunbasil, shines through everything you do!!!
We would love to stay posted about your wholesale business as it evolves, because I would venture to say most of us aspire to wholesale as well! I am finding out that making individual orders is very very tiring.
Thanks, Anne-Marie! I love that you do these interviews; it inspires and helps us all so much.
And now, I am getting ready for a Very Important Show so adieu!
(I just went through this comment and deleted all 100 of my exclamation marks) No, i was NOT a cheerleader in a former life….
When I was first setting up my Etsy shop, I came across and viewed your soaps quite a bit. I think they are so beautiful. It's amazing how creative you can get in soap making.
great interview! Always interesting to get to know the people behind the soaps you see 🙂
Very impressive!
Yay Lauren!!
Your shop is always so beautiful and you're so inspiring. I'm so glad glycerin soaping found you! 😉