Lights, camera, action! The team and I spent this morning filming not one but three episodes of Soap Queen TV. We filmed a cold process recipe, a melt and pour project and finished off with three shades of lipstick. We even had time to squeeze in a helpful Soap Queen TV short (hint: it will make cleaning those oily lipstick containers a breeze!). Look for these brand new episodes coming in 2014!
All prepped and ready to go!
Amber, our chief marketing officer, also doubles as a makeup artist and director for SoapQueen.TV
Kirsten, our on-set Gal Everything, making changes to the script right at the last second.
Super focused making the Cotton Candy Cold Process recipe.
Amber – always multi-tasking (notice the dual phones?!)
Tea fueled the crew
Making the dots for the super cute domino melt and pour soaps. This project uses a combination of Honey Melt and Pour and Goat Milk Melt and Pour.
The colored soap batter for the cold process recipe. These colors are a combination of Aqua Pearl Mica, Neon Blue Raspberry, Ultramarine Pink, Electric Bubblegum and Titanium Dioxide.
Making the cotton candy inspired soap! Check out the Instagram video below:
The bright colors for the lipstick were made with a combination of Cellini Red Mica, Electric Bubblegum, Brick Red Oxide and Coral Mica.
The colors are super pigmented with great coverage.
Demonstrating the Lip Balm Pouring Tray.
That’s a wrap!
As we head into the new year, what projects would YOU like to see on Soap Queen TV?
Would love a video or tutorial on a wicked shaving soap made with stearic acid and using both potassium hydroxide and sodium hydroxide. I’ve worked out a pretty good version but still tweaking my recipe a bit. There is not a lot of information about this online other then the versions with castor oil.
Hi Michelle!
Thanks for your suggestion! We will ad this to our list of ideas 🙂 If you get pictures of your soaps, we would love to see them on our Facebook page!
-Amanda with Bramble Berry
I would say some cold process recipes using no fragrance oils and no artificial colors. Also it would be nice to see some soap experiments using spices and herbs as colors.
Many of us make soap from scratch in order to have the complete control on ingredients, which is, obviously, lost by using artificial fragrances and artificial colors.
Merry Christmas!
That’s a great point, thanks for your suggestions! We’ve been steadily adding more and more awesome natural colorants to our line (the Indigo Powder is my most recent favorite), and we definitely plan on incorporating them in more projects in the new year 🙂
Yes, please!
I would say some cold process recipes using no fragrance oils and no artificial colors. Also it would be nice to see some soap experiments using spices and herbs as colors.
Many of us make soap from scratch in order to have the complete control on ingredients, which is, obviously, lost by using artificial fragrances and artificial colors.
Merry Christmas!
I love any Soapqueen TV episodes. Anne Marie is just enjoyable to watch!
Thanks Emily! As you can see, they are a lot of fun to film 🙂 Look forward to more videos coming in 2014!
Thank you for making a lipstick tutorial. I am looking forward to it. Have you considered carrying the actual pointy lipstick molds and twist up tubes?
Thanks again.
Hi Julia,
So far we only carry both clear and white chapstick tubes, but we haven’t thought of lipstick molds. What a great idea! I’ll run it by our product development team. Until then, happy soaping 🙂
It would be great to have a video tutorial showing how to set up and use the swirl tools – so far, the tuts just have photos, and they don’t show how the tools were configured. I wonder why one of the tools is set up with offset screws, and the other has nails in a line.
Also, would love to learn more about how various oils, extracts, and essential oils are affected by the CP process. I’m amazed at the transformation of coconut oil from being super moisturizing when it’s in its normal state to being cleaning/drying when made into soap! I’m curious if other ingredients do similar things – the info about these ingredients is typically concerning their normal state rather than when soaped up. This is a really big, complicated question, but it’s been bothering me. Mainly it’s because I don’t want to waste really nice additives by putting them into soap, if they’re not going to do anything good after the lye hits them!
Thanks! 🙂
Hi Elizabeth!
Thanks so much for this great feedback! You’re right, the topic of oils when being made into soap is a complicated one because there are so many factors and things to consider. This is a topic I will relay to the team, thanks again for the suggestion! 🙂
-Amanda with Bramble Berry
Yea!!! My first video request has been granted! Love the new video – I plan to use my swirl tools soon, now I have a great video reference to follow. Thanks! 🙂
Please give us a tutorial and recipe for piped frosting topped CP soaps! I would love to learn how to do this! Thank you so much!
Hi Nancy!
This is a great idea, thanks for the suggestion! I will relay it to the team.
-Amanda with Bramble Berry
Hi Nancy,
We’ll definitely work to brainstorm more CP frosting recipes, but in the meantime check out this one! It’s all about frosting soapy CP cupcakes 🙂
Shea Butter Soap Cupcakes:
I would definitely love a tutorial on making liquid soap!
Hi Connie!
Thanks for the suggestion, we will definitely consider doing this in the future!
We do currently have an E-book for making your own liquid soap that may interest you 🙂
Liquid Soaping E-Book:
Hope this helps!
-Amanda with Bramble Berry
I second this!
I love all of them! I would love to see some more vegan recipes.
Hi Kristie,
Thanks for your input, I will relay this to the team 🙂
-Amanda with Bramble Berry
I would love a tutorial/video on whipped soap, cream soap and liquid soap! Plus a nice facial lotion recipe. Please! Thanks!
Hi Mindy!
Thanks so much for your input :). We do currently have an E-book for making your own liquid soap that may interest you!
Liquid Soaping E-Book:
Thanks again for your input!
-Amanda with Bramble Berry
I can’t wait for theses tutorials! I need a good go-to Lipstick Recipe, many customers are asking for Lipsticks. How about before 2014??!! Please!!
Merry Christmas to all you wonderful Brambleberry employees, you’re the Best!
Hi Dawnia!
We are really excited to share the lipstick recipe, we had a lot of fun making them! Luckily, 2014 isn’t too far away 🙂 Merry Christmas to you and your family!
-Amanda with Bramble Berry
Hello 🙂
I would love to see an episode dedicated to lotion making from scratch. Also on how to make solid perfumes from scratch or using the BB solid perfume base.
Cant wait for the new episodes! 🙂
Hi KeMira!
Thanks for your input! We do have a lotion tutorial that you may be interested in 🙂
Kissably Soft Lotion:
Hope this helps, and thanks again for the suggestion!
-Amanda with Bramble Berry