A few weeks ago, my dear friend Amy (that’s her, 2nd from the right in the red top) turned… Well, she had a special birthday. Rather than the traditional party, Amy planned an entire weekend around strong women. She designed a trust walk around a local lake, an evening of sharing (complete with tears and personal revelations) and a assigned a morning activity around balance and strengths. Each person who attended had a part to play and a leadership role to fulfill.
We all went to Vancouver (Canada) for Thai Food, raucous laugher and strong bonding. The gals were kind enough to let me stop by Open Sundaes, one of my fave bath and body producers. Check out their web site here.
My assignment was the Balance Activity. I led the women through an exercise similar to what my friend Lynn Guiliani from Progressions Coaching guides busy executives through. In summary, the exercise had each participant go through their goals in life and compare those goals to how they are living their life currently. Where there were deficiencies, an achievable plan was designed to help everyone easily meet their goals in small, bite-sized goals.
“Small” means manageable. The goals are not superwoman goals. They are easy steps to work towards achieving whatever is important in our lives. For example, one of my goals was to meditate for 15 minutes, just 3 times a week. It’s a tiny goal on the face of it but will get me closer to my larger goals.
It wasn’t all work though! Here we are, goofing around in the middle of the street, in Vancouver BC after walking, shopping and cupcake eating.
Thank Amy for designing such a great birthday weekend!
I’m happy to read you had a great time. It sure looks like fun in the pictures.
Open Sundaes! Love the store front. 🙂
Seeing all of you gals together brings to mind a tune…”And girls just want to have fuu~unnn!”