My mom is a bird lover. Shhh, don’t tell her but these little ornaments might find their way to her house this year (her birthday is coming up.) I love what the artist has managed to create out of felted wool.
The creator is one Ms. Lauren Alane. Her web site can be found here. There are even more adorable photos on her site.
She says:
My love of making things began at a very young age, when I sewed my first pair of geese from a pattern my mom had in her sewing room. I have been hooked on crafting (and on birds) ever since! Currently my favorite medium of crafting is needle felting, and each of these birds are needle felted out of wool.
Her blog is updated regularly with fun musings and inspirations. She even tosses in some cooking photos.
Her Etsy Shopis a bit picked-over due to the holiday season rush. Hopefully there will be new whimsical creations soon. My Mom’s birthday is coming up soon!
She probably can’t ever drink coffee before she works on her little birds! =)
I wish I had the patience for such tiny detail….
OMG! How adorable are these little guys. I luv em. I’ll have to bookmark her etsy shop.