I am mid-way through the book, “The Art of Stress Free Productivity.” I’m preparing for a radical shift in 2008 with my personal filing system.
I’ve been keeping my desk clean and tidy for five months with a few minor breakdowns. It’s been a struggle (click here, here, here and here to read about multiple failed attempts). With 150 plus days of cleanliness, it’s time to move onto the harder stuff.
With David Allen’s book, I’m feeling more confident about doing this radical shift. After all, if I can keep my desk area mostly clean for over 150 days, maybe minor miracles are possible.
I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you, A-M! 😉
PS – Carrie, I LOVE your idea! Thank you for sharing it.
Eat Well,
I ran into a gal that used this book while at the Soap Guild show. She. Loved. It. A lot!
So, I am even more inspired now to try it.
However, I follow Joanna in my um, glory of chaos. There are way too many little things to keep track of so I am starting with just my In Box … I have a cool new filing system that automatically puts emails into their correct email folder. Fingers crossed that it produces results, eh?
I’ve read a bunch of that book and my husband quotes it all the time, but reality slams the door and there I am in all of my glory and clutter.
I don’t know if any amount of books or training could help me (or my desk, home is worse then work). I hope it helps you though!
My hubby got that book on audible and he listened to it and it did him a world of good at work. 🙂
I LOVE this book, I really do! This was the first organization how-to book where I’m not sitting there going, “I already know that.”
I learned lot of new ideas and I’ve implemented some of them successfully.
When I do my Thurs 13 list on books that helped me or moved me a lot, this will be on my list. 🙂
Every year, at work, we have a “clean-up/pig out” day. Everyone takes the challenge to clean their area-organize-etc. Volunteer judges take notes the day before, and the day of the “clean-up” day. And there are several prizes handed out including- Queen Office Diva, Biggest Pig-Pen, Honorable Mention, etc…
It’s really loads of fun, brings moral up in the office, sets a feeling of accomplishment, and of course–when everyone brings in something to nibble on, it’s that much better.
The prizes include everything from Starbucks gift certificate to a certificate allowing an early departure.
Who says work has to be just “work”? Not here.