A goal without a plan is just a wish. – Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Look back over the last year and take stock over where you are today in your personal and professional life. Are you where you hoped you would be? Did you meet the goals you set for yourself?
My beloved treadmill desk! Such a great way to work toward my fitness goals for 2014.
My friend Carol Frazy from TheFitSchool.com has a useful exercise that she does when she coaches individuals in her running and nutrition programs. She even has downloadable sheets that you can use to make your own plans using this formula.
1. State the goal (Example: I will weigh 117 by May 1, 2014)
2. Write the plan. This could look like this:
1. I will work out at least 20 minutes daily 5X per week.
2. I will eat at least 4 servings of fruits and vegetables daily.
3. I will only have refined sugar 1X per week
This formula (goal + plan) works for business goals as well. For example, if your goal is to pick up 5 wholesale accounts by December 31, 2014, your plan might look like this:
1. Identify 25 stores by February 1, 2014
2. Send out 1 sample kit per week starting February 1, 2014
3. Do 1 follow up per week starting February 8, 2014
I work on my persona goals around Thanksgiving of each year with my Mastermind Group. You can read about the process we go through here with Vision Boards. The team at Bramble Berry and I refine business goals in December of every year. Finally, my husband and I work on our family goals on December 31. Phew, that’s a lot of goal setting. If there’s any one thing that I’ve learned over the years of setting goals, it’s that all the experts are right: SMART goals are the only way to go.
A snapshot from my last SMART goal setting session. Notice the bag of Coconut Oil? All my girlfriends and I use it as hand moisturizer in harsh winter months.
It’s one thing to say “I am going to broaden my circle of influence this year”; sure, that sounds good but what does that actually mean? How do you know if you’ve hit it?
A SMART goal is Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time Oriented. Taking the above goal and SMARTifying it would result in something like: “In 2014, I will make 3 new friends by starting a book club, hosting 2 parties at my house and joining the swim club.”
Making goals and plans to go along with those goals is the key to achieving new business highs, losing that last 15 pounds and saving money for your kids’ college education. Join me in declaring your goals for 2014.
Bramble Berry has some aggressive goals for 2014 around redoing our warehouse to ship more orders, faster; improving our website; increasing our social media interaction; and enhancing customer service with new new tools. But, in order to do that good stuff at work, I have to be fueled and fit to take that on. Here are a few of my SMARTified personal plans for 2014:
1. Active Every Day (defined as: 7000 steps on my FitBit Flex or 20 “active minutes” on my FitBit Flex wristband)
2. Protein Shake or Green Juice 4X per week to start off my morning
3. Read 53 books or more in 2014.
4. Floss every day (I seriously hate this one; I have to put it back on my goal list every few years because I fall off the wagon. This is one of those years).
5. Take three Friday mornings off per month to spend with Jamisen doing crafts and play time.
I use this print out weekly to check off my goals. It’s sitting on my bathroom sink at all times so I can’t miss it.
Do you have SMARTified goals? If so, post them below. I’ll choose 3 commenters whose SMART goals have the right mix of ambition and realism, and they will be able to choose one of the following prizes: a $100 gift certificate to Bramble Berry, an 18-Bar Birchwood Mold & liner or a box of my favorite fragrance and essential oils.
I, too, am very appreciative of your guidance and encouragement to all of us in helping us see how important goal setting really is! My goals for 2015 include 1) Green smoothie for breakfast 3-5 days/week 2) Getting more proficient at tracking my inventory and expenses related to soap making as I prepare to reach a point where I am selling my soap 3) Coming together with my spouse each and every month to stay organized in our goal setting for both our personal lives and our business lives.
Happy New Year and again, thanks for the inspiration!! You keep me accountable, but with great encouragement!
Hi Teddi!
Thank you so very much for your kind words! I’ll definitely pass this message along to Anne-Marie. 🙂
Also, those goals sound awesome! Happy New Year. 🙂
-Kelsey with Bramble Berry
Before stating my goals I really want to thank the BB team for not only teaching such awesome soaping skills but for the life-enhancing tidbits you post on your site. I have an insanely, sometimes overwhelmingly stressful job and three older kids who go in opposite directions any given day of the week; any time I need to smile/unwind I head straight to this site. I am so grateful for your wonderful, upbeat, helpful attitudes. Good on you!
1. I will increase my physical and mental fitness by working out 4-5 days per week at a minimum of 30 minutes with the intent to get good and sweaty/breathless.
2. I will savor every moment I have left with my beloved oldest daughter before she graduates and leaves for college by remembering how precious and fleeting my time is with her.
3. I will slow down, pick up my camera, take a long, deep breath and look at the beauty around me. Then I will take more pictures, at least 3 a month AND I will make the time to hang out in the digital darkroom to process at least that many photos per month. Once upon a time I was a freelance photog and have forgotten in the rush of life that I love it, that the click of the shutter puts a smile on my heart.
4. I will enter at least one photo contest this year.
5. I will learn to use EOs in my soap. I am fairly new to soaping (only been doing it since last May) so I intend to make at least one batch per month with EOs.
Thank you for the reminder that life is better when you’re working towards something and not just surviving it. 🙂
I have been thinking long and hard about this question so my response is rather late. However, my goals for this year is to expand into 2 additional product lines which will include Body Butters and Scrubs both salt and sugar. I initially focused on soap however with my soap sales and clients an additional purchase of body butter and scrub will increase revenue by 75% without increasing the items of products I will need to purchase. I already have the butters, oils and fragrances so the only thing I need would be packaging. Which leads me to my second goal which is branding. Identifying what my company stands for and why I do what I do! I have spent the last few weeks looking for containers that fit the image I would like to present for the body butters and scrubs and will have those implemented by April. The slogan “Nurture the skin you Live In” captures what I want to present to my clients. That will be reflected on my website, packaging and business cards. It will be my by-line. I didn’t even have business cards! I just received them today with that by-line right under the company name. So far – I have 2 goals – product expansion and brand recognition. I have ventured into various on-line marketplaces that are small niche markets and that area of my specialty product line will produce 25% of my sales.
Finally, on a personal note I must nurture myself this year. On a spiritual level if I proclaim “Nurture the skin you live in” I myself need to nurture my soul. The least expensive, easiest way for me to do this is to go outside into nature. I find peace in nature and also inspiration all I need to do is open my door and look up. I have to admit I have been bed ridden for several years so for me this is a major accomplishment – to just go outside and walk or sit and look at the stars, the trees and the birds. However, I will take some time daily to do this. Since I already nurture the skin that my soul lives in, I need to nurture my soul.
Next year I will co-author a spiritual book incorporating cleansing on several levels also but that is a carry over so I am not going to include that in detail. However, it will be published by June.
Sorry this is late but I really needed to think this through.
Thank you,
Hi Debbie!
Wow, I love your business goals! Very thoughtful. I also think your goal to get out and enjoy nature more is an awesome goal, one that I need to do as well! Thanks for sharing these with us.
-Amanda with Bramble Berry
Hi all, I just saw this inspiring post :).
My big goals for the year are health and business oriented, like so many others here!
The first goal for my little b&b business is to be more organized and (more importantly) stay that way. I read somewhere you will never know how to get what you want without a plan, so I’m going to flesh out my ‘business list of dreams’ into an actual business plan.
To help with that, I’m going to utilize the lovely assistance of a few friends who have created plans, as well as set up an appointment with an accountant. I also have a feeling the planner I just purchased will be filling up quickly! I have already been making a few lists this week and sticking to them. What a difference; I’m much less stressed and have tripled my productivity, which as a busy mom of a three year is a minor miracle…
For my health I started exercising on my treadmill last year and discovered I really like running. I’m combining a goal of meeting new people and pursuing my fitness goals by training for my first race in May. I signed up to race already to hold myself accountable and have a fridge full of fruits and veggies plus two new cookbooks on the shelf to keep me from getting nutritionally bored. I also have set up weekly goals with new times to achieve as I log on the miles, both at home and on the trail.
Happy New Year to all!
Hi April!
These are all great goals! Being more oganized is definitely one of my goals for this year as well 🙂 Good luck with all these goals April, and happy new year!
-Amanda with Bramble Berry
Hi April!
These are all great goals! Being more organized is definitely one of my goals for this year as well 🙂 Good luck with all these goals April, and happy new year!
-Amanda with Bramble Berry
Hi Jill!
The winners will be announced sometimes early next week! 🙂
-Amanda with Bramble Berry
When are the lucky winners going to be picked/announced?
Thanks for the inspiration, BB Team! One of my very fun goals 2014 is to watch all of the Soap Queen Videos. Otherwise and realistically as a newbie in the soap and homemade products I intend to be mindful of the following goals:
1. Walk or hike 4X per week.
2. Have fun and learn how to make a new product per month. Long term goal being retail.
3. Collect at least one soap mold per month.
4. Open up an etsy account.
Hi Carm!
These all sound like awesome goals. I especially like collecting one soap mold a month, that’s a great way to slowly build up your collection! I would definitely recommend our silicone molds, they make unmolding your soap so easy!
Silicone Molds: https://www.brambleberry.com/Original-Silicone-Molds-C364.aspx
Good luck with your goals 🙂
-Amanda with Bramble Berry
I have a few goals that are my main focus, as well as some more general ones. My main ones are:
1) Go to the gym at least 3 times a week for at least 30mins. I have a hard time putting me time first and since I am a sahm, it is hard to prioritize myself.
2) To branch out and try essential oil blends in my soaps by the spring. I currently use the common single eos like lemongrass and pink grapefruit… I want to work with an aromatherapist to make my soaps have more benefits than just awesome skin 😉
3) to get my etsy page up and running by the end of the year. I have been putting this off because the task seems so daunting, but I just need to jump in head first.
4) To have a girls day once a month. All my friends are mommies like I am and we get stuck in the mommy rut. I had my first “mommies day out” in over 16 months and I felt like a new woman when I came home! It was healthy for me and my friendships!
Hi Jessica!
These are all awesome goals, I especially love the idea of having a girls day once a month, it’s so important to keep friendships strong! Good luck with all these goals Jessica!
-Amanda with Bramble Berry
I have a few goals that are my main focus, as well as some more general ones. My main ones are:
1) Go to the gym at least 3 times a week for at least 30mins. I have a hard time putting me time first and since I am a sahm, it is hard to prioritize myself.
2) To branch out and try essential oil blends in my soaps by the spring. I currently use the common single eos like lemongrass and pink grapefruit… I want to work with an aromatherapist to make my soaps have more benefits than just awesome skin 😉
3) to get my etsy page up and running by the end of the year. I have been putting this off because the task seems so daunting, but I just need to jump in head first.
4) To have a girls day once a month. All my friends are mommies like I am and we get stuck in the mommy rut. I had my first “mommies day out” in over 16 months and I felt like a new woman when I came home! It was healthy for me and my friendships!
Great goals! You can so achieve these with the right attitude and focus. Let us know how you do and thank you so much for sharing!
Here’s to a great 2014.
🙂 ~Kevin
Your treadmill desk is AWESOME!!!
It is pretty awesome indeed. It’s very inspiring to see Anne-Marie go and multi-task on that thing daily.
🙂 Happy New Year! ~Kevin
In addition to writing out goals, I like to pick a word (or two) that I’ll use as a general framework for what I want to accomplish during the year. Last year I picked the words healthy and wholesome. This year my word is Risk.
I want to start taking more risks in my personal and professional life. I want to be more open to new people and experiences and put myself “out there” more. The biggest risk I want to take this year is starting up my own soap business.
My 2014 goals:
1. Start two new social activities by June. To accomplish this I will join a book club and try to find a knitting group in my area.
2. Have an infrastructure in place to sell soap. To accomplish this I will fill out all paperwork and legal stuff to start a business in January, open an Etsy shop and create various social networking accounts in February, and have business cards and a logo made up in March.
3. Develop three cold process recipes I would be proud to sell by the end of February.
4. Find three shows or festivals to sell at by March.
5. Spend more quality time with the kids outside of the house. To do this I want to go camping three times this summer and go on one other family vacation even if it’s just a weekend away.
6. Go on one week long trip by myself this year. (I’m the single caregiver for my 3 teenage siblings. I haven’t been by myself for a whole week in years)
7. Maintain an average of three days a week training Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.
8. Read 20 books this year.
9. Create a garden plan/map by April so that I can use garden space more efficiently and sprout my own seedlings.
Hey Heather!
Risk! What a great year’s challenge. I’m a firm believer of taking risks in life and setting the goal to keep those risks successful.
You have some awesome goals in mind with a lot on your plate, so please keep us posted on how well you succeed.
Here’s to a great 2014!
Thank you for sharing. 🙂
My goals for 2014
1. Spend time each day in prayer
2. Make enough money with my soap sales to help my son with his wedding in October
3. Do something nice for someone at least once a month (Pay it Forward)
4. Lose another 20 lbs
5. Downsize my “stuff”
6. Develop an attitude of gratitude and thankfulness for all the good things in life
7. Do some sort of exercise at least 3X a week – no matter how small
8. Improve my soapmaking skills by trying something new each month
Basically, I want to love life and appreciate the friends, family and acquaintances God has given me.
Thanks for sharing Elizabeth!
8 goals for living great in 2014!
Sounds pretty effective and awesome.
Let us know how you success and here’s to a great 2014.
🙂 ~Kevin
My Goals for 2014:
1. Read 2 books per month. I’ve never been a reader, but have always wanted to. You’re my inspiration, Anne-Marie. If you can read a book a week with everything you have going on in your life, I have time to read too. I’ve already read The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz and now I’m working on State of Mind by John Katzenbach.
2. Go on 2 dates per month with my boyfriend since we rarely make time to go out. I made a date jar for him so he can pick out a random “surprise” date. I think it will be fun.
3. Study 1-2 hours per day, as soon as I get home, right after school. I just finished my first semester at a university and didn’t do as well as I would have liked. So, more studying and shooting for A’s. I’m studying business (marketing) so I can have my own interior design business in the future.
4. Start testing candles every Friday and add a candle line to my business by July.
5. Post on my business Facebook page more consistently, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
6. Exercise 20 minutes a day.
7. Get organized. Spend 2 hours every weekend organizing my things and my time.
Hi Marcy.
Love that you are not only setting new goals of things you haven’t done but also that you are making these commitments while doing school.
Stay consistent with your goals and you will be super successful.
Keep us posted on how fabulous your 2014 becomes.
Thanks for sharing. 🙂
Well, there’s probably hundreds of comments on this thread now, and God bless you Anne Marie if you really have read them all! My first goal this and every year is to remain clean and sober. My business was born out of my recovery and the two will forever be linked. I cannot have one without the other. It’s THE most important thing.
Secondly, I will have my online store fully operational to accommodate both old and new customers.
Thirdly, I will be attending different kinds of shows, bridal fairs, etc in different areas of my state to expand my reach.
Fourth, I will be developing 5 new products and/or fragrances this year.
I’ve come a long way from the place I used to be, and that’s why my personal goal of sobriety MUST come first. I learned a lot about SMART goals in my recovery and love this method of planning and achieving. This Christmas I enjoyed the kind of gifts and time with my family that I haven’t had since before my addiction began. I feel so blessed for everything that I have in my life right now. If I can do it, anyone can. Here’s to each of us surpassing our goals in 2014!
Hi Lauren,
I love your inspiration and building a new life out of your recovery. This brings so much clarity and drive to become better each and every day! Good for you!
Your goals are really awesome and it’s great you understand the way to SMARTify your life in all you do. :)So glad your Christmas was great.
Please keep us posted on your successes and we look forward to hearing more from you in 2014.
Thank you so very much for sharing. 🙂
LOL if you really want to convince us, put your hair up into a pony tail. Change the skinny jeans for some work out pants, and the cardigan and top for something more athletic. You get a point for the shoes.
That’s funny. The reason why, is because this is what Anne-Marie does during while working off and on through the day. 🙂 She always has a couple pairs of shoes by the treadmill for whatever meeting comes up.
This does not include her work out routines she does outside of work and her health routine. It truly is inspiring.
Thanks for your comment and happy new year!
My goals for the year:
-Buy a filing cabinet and folder to start organize all of my paper work
-Find and apply for at least 2 craft shows this spring.
-Type up my soaping notebook, print, and put into a binder.
-Cook more meals at home
-Put at least $10 per paycheck into savings
-Balance my time better between school, work, soaping, and taking care of my animals. (I want to utilize a daily planner better!)
Hi Katy,
Organization is Key! Great idea with the file cabinet.
Also day planners are awesome for helping putting yourself in a routine.
Thank you for sharing your goals with us and hope your new year is great! 🙂
My goals for this year are:
1. Add two wholesale accounts by October.
2. Exercise 3 hours per week, including the family in one session.
3. Finalize my lip butter recipe.
4. Save 5% of each paycheck.
5. Add another member to the family 😉
Hi Meagan,
Awesome goals! Short, sweet, and to the point.
Please keep us posted on your successes and hope you have a stellar 2014!
Ya know what? 2009 was a terrible year for me (and my family) we lost not only our best friend and Godfather to our children but also our son, both to Cancer. After picking myself up off the floor, I started working out at the gym prolly 10 hours a day, quickly realizing I couldn’t live at the gym I decided to move forward with my old dream of opening a brick and mortar soap location. People were still calling asking my for soap so….. After looking far & wide (never one to rush into anything) I found my desired location, began negotiations, agreed on prices and terms, started tearing down an ugly tattoo parlor, completely overhauled the interior and will ready for a Grand Opening 2-1-2014. We are actually open now, just a soft opening and sales are very promising! I’m very proud that I did everything on a budget and STUCK to that budget so I’m DEBT FREE. NOW, the hardest part is Social Media AND INTERNET! Oh my goodness, do I HATE to be on the computer. Alas, the website was finally removed during one of our beach trips and is being overhauled by you guessed it, none other than yours truly. My old laptop is being replaced by a lovely, hard to learn touch screen laptop, a gift from Hubsters for Christmas. I’m terrified….. So this weekend, I’m cleaning out my old computer (I found so many cool memories stored here)and transferring ONLY the necessary stuff to the new store computer. MY GOAL IS: by February 1 have my NEW website pictures finished, the website up and running, a lovely Social Media presence (hey I already have a FB page so I’m half way there right?) AND a BLOG on opening a store front on a shoe string budget. I took plenty of pics! Oh yeah, and the store opening~! I’m shooting for Valentines Day! Wish me luck, I’ll need it since my husband just purchased another DIY project for us. A country Cabin Hunting Lodge. OY!
Sorry~ I’m actually in the country now and this crazy internet went w/o me~ Please remove a couple of these~ I couldn’t find the removal tool~ ! Thanks much
Way to go girlfriend! Love your courage! You should write a how-to for opening your store so the rest of us could learn from your hard work. I’d definitely buy that book if you wrote it!
Good idea Lauren! 🙂 ~Kevin
Ya know what? 2009 was a terrible year for me (and my family) we lost not only our best friend and Godfather to our children but also our son, both to Cancer. After picking myself up off the floor, I started working out at the gym prolly 10 hours a day, quickly realizing I couldn’t live at the gym I decided to move forward with my old dream of opening a brick and mortar soap location. People were still calling asking my for soap so….. After looking far & wide (never one to rush into anything) I found my desired location, began negotiations, agreed on prices and terms, started tearing down an ugly tattoo parlor, completely overhauled the interior and will ready for a Grand Opening 2-1-2014. We are actually open now, just a soft opening and sales are very promising! I’m very proud that I did everything on a budget and STUCK to that budget so I’m DEBT FREE. NOW, the hardest part is Social Media AND INTERNET! Oh my goodness, do I HATE to be on the computer. Alas, the website was finally removed during one of our beach trips and is being overhauled by you guessed it, none other than yours truly. My old laptop is being replaced by a lovely, hard to learn touch screen laptop, a gift from Hubsters for Christmas. I’m terrified….. So this weekend, I’m cleaning out my old computer (I found so many cool memories stored here)and transferring ONLY the necessary stuff to the new store computer. MY GOAL IS: by February 1 have my NEW website pictures finished, the website up and running, a lovely Social Media presence (hey I already have a FB page so I’m half way there right?) AND a BLOG on opening a store front on a shoe string budget. I took plenty of pics! Oh yeah, and the store opening~! I’m shooting for Valentines Day! Wish me luck, I’ll need it since my husband just purchased another DIY project for us. A country Cabin Hunting Lodge. OY!
Ya know what? 2009 was a terrible year for me (and my family) we lost not only our best friend and Godfather to our children but also our son, both to Cancer. After picking myself up off the floor, I started working out at the gym prolly 10 hours a day, quickly realizing I couldn’t live at the gym I decided to move forward with my old dream of opening a brick and mortar soap location. People were still calling asking my for soap so….. After looking far & wide (never one to rush into anything) I found my desired location, began negotiations, agreed on prices and terms, started tearing down an ugly tattoo parlor, completely overhauled the interior and will ready for a Grand Opening 2-1-2014. We are actually open now, just a soft opening and sales are very promising! I’m very proud that I did everything on a budget and STUCK to that budget so I’m DEBT FREE. NOW, the hardest part is Social Media AND INTERNET! Oh my goodness, do I HATE to be on the computer. Alas, the website was finally removed during one of our beach trips and is being overhauled by you guessed it, none other than yours truly. My old laptop is being replaced by a lovely, hard to learn touch screen laptop, a gift from Hubsters for Christmas. I’m terrified….. So this weekend, I’m cleaning out my old computer (I found so many cool memories stored here)and transferring ONLY the necessary stuff to the new store computer. MY GOAL IS: by February 1 have my NEW website pictures finished, the website up and running, a lovely Social Media presence (hey I already have a FB page so I’m half way there right?) AND a BLOG on opening a store front on a shoe string budget. I took plenty of pics! Oh yeah, and the store opening~! I’m shooting for Valentines Day! Wish me luck, I’ll need it since my husband just purchased another DIY project for us. A country Cabin Hunting Lodge. OY!
Hi Sindy,
Thank you for sharing your story. What trials and tribulations life has presented before you in the past and how you have overcome that negativity! And with stellar success and with no debt. 🙂 I think it’s great that you are opening your own place too.
Good for you for taking on the technology and social media. It works and does help you build your business and soaping community.
Please keep us posted on your continual success and here’s to an awesome 2014. Again, thanks for sharing.
Hello! My goals for this year are as follows:
1. I will lose 30 ponds by summer. ( I don’t believe in the whole “weight” thing. I just want to feel better.
2. I will exercise 3 times a week for 30 minutes to reenergize, tone and firm- and feel better about myself. I will use that time to reflect on more long term goals.
3. I will learn more about my new passion- soap making and expand my etsy store.
4. I will take more time out for me. Meditation, reading, and doing the things I feel good about.
5. I will eat more fruits and veggies for better health.
6. I will continue to spend quality time with my family and make more memories to cherish later in life.
Thanks for this post and super idea!
Hi Debbi,
Great view on weight. I agree. It’s about feeling better and by watching what you eat. That combined with staying busy (hopefully with a successful soaping business), and having a dedicated routine will definitely let you achieve that goal at all times.
Love the goal of cherishing life. So important. 🙂
Thanks you for sharing and here’s to a great 2014!
Hi all! My dream is to have a craft business making soap and candles with all natural ingredients. my friends and family have supported me thus far but I haven’t made goals for myself so this post was inspiring to say the least.
My goals for 2014 are:
Have applied for my small business license by Jan. 31
Have finished testing basic fragrances and colors no later than Memorial Day
Participate in at least one craft fair before September
Open my Etsy shop by Fall!
Hi all! My dream is to have a craft business making soap and candles with all natural ingredients. my friends and family have supported me thus far but I haven’t made goals for myself so this post was inspiring to say the least.
My goals for 2014 are:
Have applied for my small business license by Jan. 31
Have finished testing basic fragrances and colors no later than Memorial Day
Participate in at least one craft fair before September
Open my Etsy shop by Fall!
You definitely have big goals that are awesome!
I say do it and don’t look back. You never really know how awesome you are until you show everyone your awesomeness. 🙂
Keep us posted and your successes and we look forward to hearing more from you this year!
Here’s to a great 2014.
My Goals for 2014:
1. I will complete one house project per month. January is reupholstering a chair.
2. I will add in yoga 3x/week
3. I will drink 64oz of water each day
4. I will make 1 batch of soap/week
5. I will increase savings in retirement plan by 1% this month and another 1% in July.
Thanks for this post! It’s so helpful in really focusing on my goals.
Your goals are fun and fun for you too! Making 1 batch of soap a week is awesome and reupholstering a chair? Super cool.
We’re so glad that this post has been helpful to you. 🙂
Be sure to share your soapy creations with us.
Here’s to a great 2104.
So my method of goal setting each year is slightly different. Every six months I look at what in my life is stressing me out (known and subconsciously), what things do I want to change, what bad habits have I picked up, and of course are there new skills I want to learn. These goal setting sessions for me are in June and January of each year. Which also coincides with the summer planting season and New Years. So for January 2014 here’s my list:
-Keep my commitment to go to Jazzercise on my lunch break at least 3-4 times per week
-Keep working towards promotions at work
-Continue with my path to get my Masters degree in Business Administration
-Read one book per month that’s fiction for fun and not a textbook lol
-Have a better balance between work (Enforcement Officer for State of TN) and home life: wife and also mother to three boys ( ages 11 yrs, 10 yrs, 9 yrs)
-Try two new soapy projects per month January= swirling technique and ombré technique
-Set a better schedule to get more rest each night.
– Schedule one date night per month with Hubby.
By breaking the year up into two goal sessions I can see progress better and also change the plans I’ve made for goals if I’m not accomplishing anything. My schedule is very hectic, full time law enforcement, full time Mom, and Graduate Student I have to keep my goals in sight and loose the things that are wasting time.
Good luck to everyone with their personal goals, don’t get discouraged if your plan or goal isn’t working re-work the plan until it sticks.
So sorry not sure why it posted me twice and it won’t let me delete my second copy…. Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!
Don’t worry about it Amanda.
I’ll see what we can do to erase this one for you. 🙂
So my method of goal setting each year is slightly different. Every six months I look at what in my life is stressing me out (known and subconsciously), what things do I want to change, what bad habits have I picked up, and of course are there new skills I want to learn. These goal setting sessions for me are in June and January of each year. Which also coincides with the summer planting season and New Years. So for January 2014 here’s my list:
-Keep my commitment to go to Jazzercise on my lunch break at least 3-4 times per week
-Keep working towards promotions at work
-Continue with my path to get my Masters degree in Business Administration
-Read one book per month that’s fiction for fun and not a textbook lol
-Have a better balance between work (Enforcement Officer for State of TN) and home life: wife and also mother to three boys ( ages 11 yrs, 10 yrs, 9 yrs)
-Try two new soapy projects per month January= swirling technique and ombré technique
-Set a better schedule to get more rest each night.
– Schedule one date night per month with Hubby.
By breaking the year up into two goal sessions I can see progress better and also change the plans I’ve made for goals if I’m not accomplishing anything. My schedule is very hectic, full time law enforcement, full time Mom, and Graduate Student I have to keep my goals in sight and loose the things that are wasting time.
Good luck to everyone with their personal goals, don’t get discouraged if your plan or goal isn’t working re-work the plan until it sticks.
Hi Amanda,
What a great way to live and set goals for yourself. Great starting list for January! It’s also nice that you have pin pointed what you want to achieve.
You have a ton on your plate and keep up the good work by giving time to yourself. 🙂
Keep us posted on your successes and happy new year.
I really enjoyed reading through everybody’s goals! What an amazing group we are.
Inevitably I tend to review the past year for what I am grateful for and what needs some improvement. I don’t care for resolutions but I do need goals. Goals keep me going in a positive direction. Here are mine for 2014. I hope to continue some beyond
1. My soap business is very small and just starting. I plan to sell at my first craft fair this year and will do a couple of home parties. I have a very specific plan on how to get products made for these events. The plan includes a schedule, prices, costs, time involved, etc. One of my issues is getting a consistent size soap. I requested and received the 18 bar BB mold to do just this! Very excited and ready! It can be difficult to work a full time job and a soap business on the side, I am ready!
2. Reading – after reading Anne Marie’s article on reading 52 books I was inspired! I don’t know how she did it. My goal is just a portion – 12 books. i want to ready a few business books, spiritual books, and some fiction. I also want to read something out of my comfort zone – non-fiction biography.
3. Work life balance – already started on this one. So many times I work too late come home tired and hungry. It is too late for exercise. I have started getting up 1 hour early to walk the dog for 30 minutes and do 30 minutes of yoga. This way I get the exercise done at the start of the day! So far, it is working very well.
I pray that everyone achieves their goals!
Thanks, Lesley
Hi Leslie,
I agree with you on how inspirational everyone has been. It also encourages me to want to be better and so glad that t has done the same for you.
Love your goals and will pass along to Anne-Marie how inspired you are by her book. Soaping is so addictive and good for you for challenging yourself to do craft fairs and home shows.
Let us know how you do and we look forward to seeing some of your soapy creations.
Here’s to a great 2014! 🙂
This post will be pretty long winded.
I’ll start my mentioning that I don’t make goals based on a “New Years Resolution”. I set goals for myself all the time, sometimes they are small simple goals. For example, this coming Sunday I want to bake a loaf of bread. I have never made bread before, and I want the full experience of a messy kitchen, sore muscles from kneading dough, and the delicious result of the perfect loaf of bread.
It’s not a huge goal, but if I succeed perfect! If not, I’ll keep trying until I get it right.
There are other goals which I have been working on for years! An example here, since 2007 I’ve been working on improving my skills to become better at horseback riding. (I even went to college for this one) My goal of being a better rider is combined with a ton of little goals, everything from spending more time in the stable just to get to know the horses, to complex maneuvers that require perfect balance, collection and rhythm.
For another longer term goal, I’m looking at starting to sell my handmade soaps in craft fairs and farmers markets by October. I figure October is a good time, it’ll be right before the holiday season, and I would start by building my clientele and get some word of mouth going.
I am going to have a carpenter build me a tiny desktop display so I can display a few of my soaps at work, and have people smell and try some out.
This have been on my goal list since 2011:
Buy a house in 2014. The down payment is just an inch away! This one so far is successful, I’m positive I’ll be a home owner by the fall.
There are some goals for myself. There are a ton more, some more significant than others, but together they all make a better me, and a better future for our world together.
Always working towards a brighter future for everyone, and making a world more pleasant one tiny step at a time. 🙂
Thanks for reading,
Your goals sound not only fun, but also things that are going to enrich your life on so many levels. From bread making to buying a house, you such a diversity of things you want to accomplish.
Please keep us posted on how things turn out and happy new year to you!:)
My resolution is to go on date night twice a month.
To read my daily devotions consistantly.
To construct my goat fence and help my husband make our goat house.
obtain my first registered nubian goats.
To start making my goat soaps and enroll in two craft sales to sell my natural goat soaps
To help my daughter show her first goat at the fair.
To make an income to build our first barn next summer from goat sales and soap sales.
Learn how to milk goats and try drinking it for more cost effectiveness
Thank you for the opportunity to reflect on my goals
Goats! How fun. I love that goal and not only does is sound fun and a lot of hard work, but also so sustainable long term.
Please keep us posted on your endeavors, and here’s to a great 2014!
🙂 Kevin
My resolution is to go on date night twice a month.
To read my daily devotions consistantly.
To construct my goat fence and help my husband make our goat house.
obtain my first registered nubian goats.
To start making my goat soaps and enroll in two craft sales to sell my natural goat soaps
To help my daughter show her first goat at the fair.
To make an income to build our first barn next summer from goat sales and soap sales.
Learn how to milk goats and try drinking it for more cost effectiveness
Thank you for the opportunity to reflect on my goals
Ah, goats! I love goat milk soap. In fact, I have a lovely bar of unscented soap at home to try the recipe out for lather this week =)
Best of luck with your new plans in 2014. You are well on your way to making that income for the barn.
My resolution this year sounds pretty boring compared to all the wonderful posts: simplify, relax, and remember to breathe.
Not boring at all, Michelle! In fact, it sounds pretty good to me 🙂
2014 is an ambitious year for me; although I’m still in my 40s, I have osteoarthritis in my hip, and need to have a total hip replacement, scheduled for 2/24. I know that I will have a month to 6 weeks downtime after that, but I want to hit the ground running, so to speak, once that’s done. And so:
Do the post-surgery PT. I love working out, but hate dull PT. But if I want full function back quickly, I’ll have to be a good patient, and do it!
Get back to working out 5 times a week, with a mix of the elliptical in my basement and swimming at the Y.
Get through Suzuki Violin Book 2 by practicing 3 times a week (or more!), and help my daughter to reach the end of Book 1.
Improve my conversational Hebrew by seeking out a course, and working with Rosetta Stone 3 times a week; work with my daughter to help her learn, too.
Spend more quality time with my husband by having one night a week when we have an in-home date–watch a movie, talk, cuddle, whatever after our daughter is in bed.
Take a family vacation.
Triple my net income in 2014 by:
Speeding up production: getting labels pre-printed, buying a filling machine, and revamping the kitchen/workshop area for efficiency
Open an Internet store: research and install a shopping cart; improve the design of my business blog; blog more often, along with the FB postings; approach three new mid-size retailers before December; work 4 holiday festivals this year instead of 1
I’m sure there will be more!
I wish you a quick and speedy recovery from your surgery, and it sounds like you’ve got some great goals to focus on to keep you busy. I love that your goals include practicing a language as well as violin. Have an excellent and prosperous 2014!
I, too, am hoping to get an etsy store up and running by this spring, Mother’s Day would be ideal!
I need to create store policies that I can live with, and so can everyone who orders from me.
I need to get at least 8 soaps ready to stock the store, I think I have 7 small batches curing now. But I have several people who want the soap, so it may go before the store opens.
I also have someone who wants to order wholesale, so I have to develop a soap recipe on which I’ll make some profit at a wholesale price! I’ve got alot set ahead of me, but I really want to give an etsy store a shot.
Hi Thea,
Setting up an Etsy store is super easy! Have you seen our helpful blog post to get you started?
Bramble Business Series: How to set up an Etsy Shop — http://www.soapqueen.com/business/business-series-how-to-set-up-an-etsy-shop/
Happy 2014, and let us know how it goes!
Hi! I’ve just recently found this site and love it! I hardly ever make New Year’s Resolutions, but I have this year and this post has given me a great opportunity to share them.
1. De-clutter the house. When I can walk into a room and not cringe at the sight of all the junk I’ll be a very happy person.
2. Start saving money using the dollar (or more) a week method.
3. Make my very first batch of soap by March.
4. Buy less of that flavorless frozen/pre-made food crap from the grocery store and instead make it from scratch.
5. Plant a fruit and veggie garden using the square foot planting method and get my kiddies involved in taking care of it. (Maybe if the help raise the plants they’ll eat more veggies…)
6. This one is connected to 5, compost kitchen scraps and lawn waste to be used in the garden.
7. (Also connected to 5) learn how to preserve the food and save the seeds to be used in future gardens.
Jennifer, I love the square foot gardening model! I have done this for 20 years and have never had problems. It makes weeding sooo much easier and we are able to grow more than enough for us and friends. I would suggest letting the kiddies plant purple green beans… they turn purple to green when you cook them… like magic! Once I made a vegetable dip, gave it to my dtr and her friends and told them if they picked and washed the beans from the garden they could eat as much as they wanted of this “special treat”. All of her friends were outside out house having a great time with that!
Hi Jennifer,
Thanks for reading the Soap Queen blog, I’m glad you’ve stumbled upon it! 🙂
You have great goals — I love the idea of eating more “whole” foods such as vegetables and fruits. Also, how exactly does the dollar a week method work? Living on a dollar a week is very impressive! Happy 2014 🙂
My goal is all about my recipes. I need to get the favorites organized into a recipe scrapbook.
To do this I will need to: Sort out all recipes into groups: A)Keep B)Try. 1. vegetables 2.Sweets 3.breakfast 4.appetizers 5.main dishes 6.breads 7.beverages 8.soups. This is to be done by 2/1/14.
I will review all cookbooks by 4/1/2014.
I will scrapbook 1 page per week (already started on this one yesterday)
I will try two new recipes per month.
I will give away 3 cookbooks by 12/1/2014
This may not seem like much of a goal compared to most, but I tend to be a “keeper”. Always concerned that “I may need this at sometime”. This goal is a little out of my comfort zone!
Hi Susie,
I love this idea — not only does it sound fun (who doesn’t love scrapbooking), I’m guessing you’ll discover lots of great new recipes to add to your collection. I love that you are giving them away too, what awesome gifts!
1. Exercise 3x a week
a. add one new yoga routine each month
b. hike one trail each week
c. Get up 30 minutes earlier at least twice a
week to exercise before work
2. Do one new craft recipe/pattern each month
3. Read one new book each month
Hi Heather,
I love to see so many active goals! These are wonderful goals, and I hope you have a lovely 2014 🙂
Decluttering the house is the first item on my agenda and its already in progress started three days prior to New Years Eve
Step 1. If it hasn’t been used or touch in a year its in the donate pile
Step 2. Expand my Esty shop
Step 3. Rotate my stock presently in consignment by keeping up with Holiday themes- working on Valentines now .
Step 4.finish my personal craft room space. Under way a,ready went to a local Antique Mall and picked out my storage units… Very happy with my finds getting my space in order will help with steps 1-3 room to be completed. No later than 3/1/2014
Step 5. I will read 5 new soaping books
Step 6. I will finally make my first cold batch of process soap by June 2014(so nervous on this one)
I will use tread mill everyday for 30 mins finish my transition to Organic eating habits
I will drink my water every day all of it 64 Oz’s
Hi Cindy,
De-cluttering always clears the mind as well! When spaces are organized and in order, the more clearer your head becomes to make the right decisions in everything else in your life. 🙂
Your goals are great and so obtainable. It’s awesome that you are creating a craft room.
Here’s to a great 2014 and thank you for sharing with us.
Decluttering the house is the first item on my agenda and its already in progress started three days prior to New Years Eve
Step 1. If it hasn’t been used or touch in a year its in the donate pile
Step 2. Expand my Esty shop
Step 3. Rotate my stock presently in consignment by keeping up with Holiday themes- working on Valentines now .
Step 4.finish my personal craft room space. Under way a,ready went to a local Antique Mall and picked out my storage units… Very happy with my finds getting my space in order will help with steps 1-3 room to be completed. No later than 3/1/2014
Step 5. I will read 5 new soaping books
Step 6. I will finally make my first cold batch of process soap by June 2014(so nervous on this one)
I will use tread mill everyday for 30 mins finish my transition to Organic eating habits
I will drink my water every day all of it 64 Oz’s
Hi Cindy,
Excellent goals! It sounds like this will be a year of learning, expanding and de-cluttering for you 🙂 Please do let us know how your first CP batch goes!
I only discovered brambleberry recently in my new found love for soap making so thank you for your unknowing support in that regard and thank you for a platform to declare ones goals! I am an overachiever so here we go 🙂
1) grow my onemustchange.com site by finishing the community page which is for just this purpose – declaring goals and ambitions and having a support team to help you get there – also grow the facebook community around the page …let’s say 100 likes and community portion done by March 1st.
2) To not let work take priority over my workout times! I have several activities like running, martial arts and yoga but due to the timing of my classes I tend to stay at work instead – I have yoga Friday evernings, martial arts monday and wednesday evenings and I will be at those classes regardless of work! I am dedicated to making 2 martial arts, 2 yoga classes and 2 runs/week!
3) Soap 🙂 I have just started this love affair and I of course like many others discovered “I can sell this!” – My inventory was depleted for xmas presents so I am bulking back up but by February 15th I will approach 5 stores (know the owners) to sell my soaps – I have already started on the future website and promotion with a goal of finishing that by January 31st. With the idea that I’ll be up and fully running with packaging, shipping etc on Etsy by June.
My larger goals for the year are to breathe, smile and laugh more. To everyday remind myself it is really just this one life – it’s your choice to enjoy it.
thanks again for the platform!
Hey Tara,
So glad you found us and that you have taken the time to give us your goals. All of us here is Bramble Berry are overachievers! So you are in great company! 😉
So glad that you found a way to make money with your soap making and really hope that you can branch out into retail venues for your continued success.
It’s great that you allow yourself to encourage others with goals and ambitions and have the work out will to make it all balance out.
Finally remember to breath, smile and laugh! Those are goals of mine as well.
Here’s to a great 2014 together.
Thanks so much for sharing.
I have a few goals this year:
The first is to find a way to make extra money. I work part-time at a community college satellite campus as a learning center instructor (algebra & English), a glorified tutor basically. Unfortunately, they’ve switched my classes to online learning now, so there’s less for me to do and will eventually phase me out. As an older woman and living in a rural area, income opportunities are limited. Private tutoring is not an affordable option to area residents. Therefore, I think learning melt & pour soap making is a doable option for me.
The second is to put more time into my quilting and make the quilts I’ve been promising my family for quite a few years now. I owe my five grown children and my five grandsons quilts designed for specifically for each (especially the grandsons since they’ll outgrow the fabrics purchased for their quilts – LOL).
Love watching your video!
Extra finances are always good to have and having your own soaping business can definitely add that extra income. Melt and pour is a lot of fun and there’s so much you can do with it.
Quilting can also be a great way to make extra income. There are always craft shows that you could even do both. Have your own little niche market of fun soaps and quilts.
Thanks so much for sharing and here’s to a great 2014.
My goals for 2014 are to:
-Get my soaping/cosmetic business off the ground
-Build enough income from my business to become a stay-at-home/homeschool mom.
-Lose 100 pounds in 2014
-Relocate to the state of Washington
-Develop a closer relationship with God
-Stop procrastinating
-Complete 3 – 5 soaping projects per week.
Hello Angel,
Your goals are awesome. Short and to the point but all life encompassing. You can do it for sure and we are here to help you succeed with your soap and cosmetic business.
Here’s to a great 2014 together and thank you for sharing.:)
I’m super excited for 2014! I have big goals in mind for my company and I hope this will be my year :).
1) Be more organized! We are currently starting the process of moving my studio to a new location of the house and I’m hoping having more space will help with organizing better. It’s hard to have a nice neat place for everything when you have no more space!
2) Revamp my Etsy shop to attract more customers. I finally invested in a DSLR camera to really step up my pictures and plan on reevaluating how my listings are written.
3) Expand my cp soap making knowledge. I just got into cp soap making this past September so I still have SO much to learn. Santa brought me Soap Crafting and I can’t wait to start soaping away with it!
4) Work on simplifying my home party process and work on doing more home shows. I love being able to offer people to take my products home that day instead of paying for shipping and waiting but that means bringing a LOT of products. I have to work on the balance of having enough products without bringing a ton of stuff.
5) Work on getting more wholesale accounts. I would love to get at least 2-3 more by summer time. Going to start researching local companies that would be a good fit and work on the perfect sample kits to distribute.
6) Find a better work/life balance. I not only work from home but also am a stay at home mom as well. I’m constantly striving to find just the right balance between the two but sometimes feel like I’m failing miserably!
Hello Fallon,
You are definitely on your way to some really awesome goals this year and with the right dedication and commitment, they are all achievable.
Plus you are going to be part of our Soap Crafting which is a great way to stay on task for your soap business. Thanks Santa. 😉
Finally organization is such a big key and if you get that under control, everything falls in place. At least for me it does and really encourage others in small spaces to find ways to properly label and store things.
Best of lunch to you in 2014 and here’s to a successful year together.
I have so needed to do this so I thank you for the push into helping me put it on paper!
Business Goal: I want to be self-supportive with my online soap business by mid 2014. (I am 3/4 of the way there now.)
1. STOP BUYING soap molds until I make and post something in every mold I have that I’ve decided to keep. I will be on MOLD HOLD until then. (My shops are all about variety so I am always buying new designs, but it’s beginning to feel like I am just collecting molds for no other reason than to have the variety, not use them!)
2. LIST MORE in my online shops. Especially in the newest one which did SO well during the holiday season. This one is probably the most important in achieving my overall goal.
3. QUIT PROCRASTINATING with making custom orders. Need to make them and get them out the door in a timely manner, no matter how I feel that day. (I felt well enough to accept their money so I should feel well enough to make the soap!)
4. DO PAPERWORK weekly so that I will know exactly how my business is doing. (Rather than the twice yearly scramble I go through during tax time.)
5. MAKE A LIST of my best repeat customers so that I can send them something special at Christmas. (I have a supplier who does that for me and I just love it!)
6. KEEP my office and supplies in order. (Which means put things away when I’m done using them instead of piling everything up until later!)
7. IF I do all of the above then once a month I will let myself buy some more molds. 😉
Personal Goal: Really want/need to lose 60 LBS by Christmas 2014. Need to lose a lot more, but 60 seems reasonable. (I am a big girl so it will take time.)
1. STOP using my treadmill for a clothes hanger and supplies shelf. (No matter how convenient that big flat empty space seems…)
2. PLUG IN the treadmill and GET ON IT every day for at least 20 minutes before breakfast. (Yes, every single day. If I give myself a day off it will become more than just 1 day. I know me.)
3. WRITE DOWN in my notebook (that I keep on the treadmill) how fast I went and for how long. Oh and how many calories I burned off while on it. (It will be my daily record of victory over those calories.)
4. By June, maybe I will be able to actually run a little bit on it. (Yes, I am that heavy and would only run now if something was chasing me!)
5. STOP eating potato chips! This will be the hardest for me. They are my weakness. (I once quit eating them for 4 months and I lost 14 pounds for no other reason. I started eating them again when I suddenly decided that I could eat Kettle cooked chips with no consequence. Oooh that turned out to be a lie! What was I thinking??)
6. IF I do all of the above every single day, then my reward will be to go to the movies once a week. (My last theater visit was to see King Kong, yes, quite some time ago.)
Thanks for reading! 🙂
Wow Alissa!
Talk about having your ducks in a row. 😉
Not only do you have your goals, but also a realistic and comprehensive ways to achieve them.
With the weight, it takes time. I used to be really heavy and it’s all about life change not food change. 🙂
Remember you’re only as good as you know you are. You always need to remember that you’re awesome at all times.
Here’s to an awesome 2014! Thanks so much for sharing.
Here are a few of my goals (not all):
1. I homeschool 5 kids, I totally get the mid year burnout thing going by Jan/Feb. so one of my goals is to not let that and the weather get to me and still do all the crazy hands on projects no matter how much mess it makes or how much longer it makes the school day.
2. I want to make it a point to ride my horse more, it always puts me in a better mood and I always cheat myself out of that time to accomplish other household tasks.
3. Take more time each week for bible study in the AM before kids wake up.
4. Make more time for my hubby
Hi Amber,
Good for you! Homeschooling is such a commitment and with 5 kids,I’m sure its quite the daily undertaking.
Love the idea of wanting to take more time for yourself and your husband. It’s so important to keeping a healthy mind in conjunction with your faith and daily meditations.
Thanks for sharing and here’s to an awesome 2104. 🙂
My goal for this year:
1. I will weigh 165 pounds by March 1, 2014
2. I will exercise a minimum of 200 minutes a week with a minimum of 30 minutes 5 days a week.
3. I will drink 8 glasses of unsweetened water a day (lime or lemon juice ok).
4. I will eat a minimum of 5 servings of veggies daily.
5. I will spend 15 minutes a day 3 times a week being mindful or meditating to help decrease my stress.
6. I will spend 20 minutes 3 times a week doing Just Dance with my son – this doesn’t count as exercise time, it’s Mom and son time.
7. I will do 1 cooking project with my kids each week to help them eat a wider variety of foods and to teach them to cook!
8. Read 1 book a month not for pleasure but for learning – can be on any subject that I want to increase my knowledge on (looking at books on strategic planning and wellness).
Thanks for the opportunity to share.
Hi Merryn,
Such a nice bunch of goals. I really like the one Just Dance with your son. How fun!!! Not to mention cooking with your kids while still taking care of yourself.
Thank you for sharing with us your goals! It is so appreciated.
Here’s to a great 2104 TOGETHER! 🙂
Great post, just what I need for motivation. My main goals are business and there are a few personal.
1. Complete business plan and have everything in order such as calculating costs, decision on whether or not to start and maintain a website, core packaging, inventory, etc.
2. Decide by March what my core products will be and how they can be suited to seasons and holidays.
3. Make set times for production by the first week of February and stick to them.
4. Make a plan to have my wellness blog up and running by June.
5. By December 2014, know enough about the market to decide if I would be able to manage a couple of wholesale accounts at either the small boutiques, the food co-op, or health store.
Personal goals
6. Spend more time with my children, read more with my youngest son, watch more movies, listen to more music, read at least 4 books a month (I’m a fast reader especially when it’s a good book), talk to my friends and family more.
7. Go back to using my Nutri-bullet daily and having at least one smoothie a day – preferably green in the morning with added protein.
8. Reducing meat intake for at least three months, ultimately eliminating it completely by year end. Upping whole/real food intake along the way.
9. Start using good oils in my diet like hemp, coconut, and olive.
10. Most importantly – take better care of me mentally, spiritually, physically and not letting any one else’s doubts get in my way.
What an awesome set of personal and business goals you have set for yourself.
I like how you have short term and long term plans but all focused around what is best for you and your family.
Taking care of yourself is number one. If you don’t take care of you first, then how are you going to be the best for anyone else? 🙂
Here’s to a great new year and thank you so very much for sharing. 🙂
Thank you so much for your kind words and encouragement. You are so right – I can’t be my best for any one if I am not fit in all ways. 🙂 I’m actually off to a good start. Lost four pounds so far and feel great. I committed to not eating meat for 30 days and I am doing great with that. I’ll be trying to eliminate cheese from diet next – pray for me! 😀
Thanks again Kevin, sending many blessings your way for the new year and beyond.
1) Eat low carb at least 5 days a week.
2) Exercise 20 minutes a day at least 3 days a week. I’d like to do more, but I figure that’s a realistic goal to start with.
3) Make at least one new soap or bath & body product a month. This is a hobby right now, but I’d love to grow it into a business.
4) File papers once a week instead of letting them pile up all over the place. I have no idea how paper clutter builds up so fast!
Hi Jen,
Thanks for sharing your goal ideas. Your goals are so obtainable!! 🙂
From health to clutter,the more you have it planned with a purpose, the easier it is to achieve.
I love the fact your are looking at making your hobby into a business and we are hear to help you in your success.
Here’s to a great 2014 together and thank you for sharing.
Since my retirement I have become lazy about setting out my goals and how I will achieve them. I have been struggling to lose those irritating 10 pounds. My soap and toiletries activities are a hobby. With that in mind,here are my plans for 2014:
Goal: Lose 10 pounds by July 1, 2014
1. Juice for either breakfast or lunch 5 times a week.
2. Workout at the gym 5 days a week, taking at least 5 classes per week.
3. No more than one helping of dessert two days a week.
Goal: Spend dedicated time in the shop, with hubby and with friends.
1. Set aside at least one half day per week in the soap shop.
2. At least two walks or other activity with my husband each week.
3. Schedule one day a month for a “field” trip with my gaggle of gal friends.
Hi ZJacquelyn!
Your goals are great and the best way to keep your goals is to make them realistic and obtainable.
If goals stay obtainable then they eventually just become everyday. So everyday becomes a success. 🙂
Keep up the soaping and make those goals happen because you know you can. :)Thank you for sharing .
Here’s to a great 2014! ~Kevin
I would like to think everything I’m about to post are ALL SMART GOALS. I know with determination and focus, I can and will be successful.
My goal as a mom is to get healthy and make exercise a fun habit before my 10 month old daughter is aware of mom’s body image issues. I also want to teach my daughter sign language and spend great quality time with her and my 16 year old bonus so. I want to lose 40lb by my 40th birthday in August!!!
I will exercise, at least, 4 days a week for 30+ minutes a day.
I will be more aware of what I put in my mouth.
I will get a baby sign book or video and dedicate 10-15 min a day to learning and teaching Lala to sign:)
I will spend quality time (no phone/computer/video games) with my kids by getting OUTSIDE!!!
I will also work on my inner self. It will be wonderful to be free of anxiety and stresses. For anyone that knows me, knows this will be the toughest thing for me to achieve. However, I can do all things thru Christ who strengthens me:)
My goal as a Christian is to strengthen my walk with God. I need to let go of things out of my control and let God take the reigns.
I will read a scripture a day out my calendar.
I will attend church on a regular basis and get more involved in my church.
My creative goal is to learn how to successfully make soaps and lotions. I also want to learn what my camera can do so I can do some amateur photography sessions.
I will soak in all of the soap tutorials I can and order a little at a time until I have what I need to start.
I am also going to do my own mineral makeup so I can free up my funds for my creative endeavors.
I will take a couple photography classes to be able to take my bonus son’s senior pics and take wonderful pics of my gorgeous happy daughter.
I have set my bar pretty high for myself this year. I am determined to make 2014 the healthiest and happiest start to the rest of our lives:) I hope 2014 is a roaring success for everyone!!!
Thanks for getting my wheels turning on 1/1/14! I’ll keep you posted:)
Hi Stacy!
Really love the goal of the 40 by 40! You sound like you definitely have a game plan in place for that and remember to take one day at a time.
Keeping your faith in check is also so important as you reach for those goals. Both long term and short term.
Setting the bar high is a great way to make sure that you stay strong and steadfast in our eventual goals!
Thanks you so much for sharing with us and here’s to a great 2014 together.:)
Since recently graduating this past December and being Blessed with a career in my field. I plan on pesonally continuing my education in my field and working hard enough through the year to be considered for a promotion. I also plan to work harder at putting first things first. Continue t educating myself on personal growth by following the advice of napoleon hill an Stephen Convey daily. I want to spend 3 months researching bath products and reviews and reviews, 6-9 months creating a successful bath line of 3-5 sku’s. All the while managing to put GOD and Family FIRST. ♡
Please excuse the grammatical errors 🙂
Congrats on your recent graduating! That is so awesome good for you for making the commitment to keeping education such an important key in your life. Please do your research on all beauty products and let us know how we can help you in creating an awesome soap business for yourself. 🙂
Here’s to a great 2014 and thank you for sharing with us.
Growth: Personal, business, and workplace. With growth is learning, and I will use my successes and failures to learn, and learn, and learn. With learning comes action. I will take action and not sit back and wait for all the pieces to fall into place.
Be consistent in health and fitness. Sometimes I am very good at working out and eating great. Other times, not so much. Working nights and seeing nasty sandwiches in the vending machines, I have been giving myself permission to eat Cheetos Cheese Puffs. Hmmm…..they taste so good but are not so good for my thighs! Take my own food to work and get at least a moderate workout 5 days out of the week. I want to rock a hot 41 year old bod, and I know I can do it.
Do one small thing a day to help keep the house clean. Sometimes I feel like I am spending the entire day cleaning on a day off. I would rather enjoy the day with my Lilly. I used to clean the bathtub during a shower and I will start doing that again. Sweep the floor when I have a spare 10 minutes. Etc. No more overwhelming myself!
Hi Stacey,
Such a nice group of goals for yourself and the re-dedication to yourself and your health! Love that!
I also like the fact that you are wanting to take strides in cleaning and maintaining the home. It can very daunting when you do it all at once with little time to relax.
Good for you and please keep your goals going!
Thanks for sharing and here’s to a great 2014!
My goals for myself: Accept my disabilities and learn my limits. Use adaptive aids when necessary.Walk more to get in better shape.
For my business: Learn to make better looking soap. Begin an advertising campaign, get business cards, Re-do web site to make it more professional looking, make batches of samples to hand out, accept soap goofs as unexpected creativity.
Acceptance on anything in one’s life is most important. That’s how we become better at the daily challenges of life. All you have is today so make the most of it! 🙂
With your business, sometimes the simplest of changes can do all the difference. Re-doing a website can be a huge undertaking but having things prepared and ready to go will definitely keep you on track.
Thank you for sharing and happy new year! 🙂
I just started my soaping business in June, and being a full-time student, I struggle to find the time to own a business, keep my grades up, stay fit, and keep my mind fit. So needless to say this looks like a amazing program that I must try this year…
-On the Business-Side of things…
1.)To become completely independent of my father’s finances, and start to pay him back the 600$ I owe him.
2.)To not believe people when they tell me 15 is to young to own a business…
3.)To work on my horrendous photography skills or to let someone else do it for me
4.)To make Cold Process Soap at least once a month, as I believe that will really take my business to the top.
5.)To start sending out CP Samples with my orders to draw people towards my business.
1.)To be successful when I start homeschooling
2.)To attend college in the summer and still keep up on my school load
3.)To finish 10th grade off well, and 11th grade and half of 12th grade by December 31st 2014.
4.)To know when need a break and to not let myself burn-out
5.)To learn and take-in, to understand that I have more responsibility then most 15-year-olds
1.)To go from 165 to 120 by December 31, 2014
2.)To weigh myself every morning, no matter how tired I am.
3.)To go for a mile run, everyday weather it be jogging-in-place or running outside
4.)To hand-make dinner 5 nights a week instead of just popping things in the microwave
5.)To walk at least a million steps this year
-Spiritual and Emotional
1.)To continue with my promise of not harming or cutting myself
2.)To restore my friendship with the women who saved my life.
3.)To keep-up with my Bible reading plan
4.)To read at least 53 books or more this year(I’ll do this one with you, Anne-Marie)
5.)To encourage someone everyday.
So, anyway, as you can see, I have a lot of things on my list this year… Hopefully I can either win this or get on one of the S.O.A.P. Teams as I would love either your favorite fragrances or the 100$ giftcard… Thanks Anne-Marie for being amazing!!
Hi Janel,
What a wonderful group of goals for the year! It’s nice to see how you have compartmentalized the areas for your growth. It really does seem to encompass every aspect of one’s life.
Your goal for your soap making business is great as well and we are here to help you succeed.
Keep up the great work and give yourself the opportunity to grow in the best way possible for your future.
Thank you so much for sharing and happy 2014!!
I have been thinking about my goals for awhile now and have came to the conclusion that I need some balance. I have a new business just starting out and spending hours upon hours getting it started. I want a goal of 2 date nights a month, my husband has really been working hard on this as well. Balancing a job and a new company can be difficult but we need to take out sometime for ourselves as well.
Thank you.
Hi Jenna,
Balance is important especially when it comes to relationships and family. We find that often around here with the busy of the hustle and bustle of the daily work and new things always being needing to be done.
Setting the goal of date night is so important for any couple and good for you for making that commitment.
Thank you for sharing and here’s to a great 2014!
Happy New Year! One of my goals for 2014 is to achieve to be part of the biggest Christmas Event in Greece for Decemeber 2014 and to get so the opportunity to sell my soaps there. I would be the firts soapseller there and this would be a great success! Cross my fingers!
That is an awesome goal for 2014. Please keep us posted. We look forward to helping you with your success.
Here’s to an awesome 2014!
I’ve been thinking a lot about my goals for the upcoming year. I’m turning 30 in May, and I feel this is a good time to define and better myself. I’ve gotten my “career” (which I like to think of as my “day job”) up and running, utilizing my degree and working with awesome kids and fellow professionals. My goals for the upcoming year look like this:
1)Lose 60 pounds in 2014 (which when added to the 40 lost last year will be 100 pounds, almost a whole person!!.) This will bring my BMI down to an acceptable 28, and likely help with my high blood pressure. This means:
• Lose 5 pounds per month over 12 months
• Continuing on with Weight Watchers, tracking food and meeting “healthy checks” daily.
• Add activity, at least 4 times per week. Throughout winter I plan to use my elliptical and cross country ski with my mother on Sundays, and in the spring and summer we’ll likely start doing our beach walks again (Maine has beautiful beaches to walk on, I love them all!).
2)Grow my soap business.
• Look into local farmer’s markets with the goal of participating in at least one throughout the summer.
• Locate the markets within a reasonable distance from home and sign up, beginning January 3 and finishing up by January 9.
• Most local markets start in June and run through October. I plan to use the time between now and then to assess my inventory, better flesh out my product line, and of course get signed up to participate.
I have lots of other thoughts swirling through my head, however these goals are the big ones that I plan to focus on throughout the next year =)
With the big “30” happening this year, what great goals and objective to have. Love the way you have the goals to be obtainable with the weight loss since that can be such an uphill battle for so many people.
Plus you have good, achievable goals for your soap business. Just know that we are also here to help you succeed.
Here’s to a great 2014! Thank you so much for your comment.:)
I’ve really enjoyed reading everyone’s goals. So much ambition!
My main goal for this year is to become more involved with my community. We moved to the end of a dirt road in September-with no visible neighbors. We love it, but I’m concerned about my 10 year old step-son. He doesn’t attend school here, so he’s not making any friends that way and I’d really like him to have some friends here. (he would too) We chose the community because it seemed very vibrant (we have NO stores, but there is an active on line forum, a farmer’s market, and active rec dept and library).
So, I figure if we as a family try to become more engaged with the community, a side benefit might be that he meets some kids around his age. I’ve broken my plan into seasons:
Get skates for child and take advantage of skating rink on town green.
Attend town meeting day, with child so he can learn about democracy. And Vermont traditions.
Contact library and school to find out about any children’s book clubs in the town. If none, try to start one.
Find little league team for him.
Sign up for either the local meditation course or yoga class (for me to meet people)
Start selling at town farmer’s market.
Plan a community Seder.
Get puppy. We just put down our 13 year old GSD. Puppies attract people. Bring puppy to town market and to walks along country roads.
Get off our land and use public swimming holes and fishing spots.
Participate in hunting widow’s activities.
Help with winter prep: answer call for help on electronic forum?
Help build ice rink for winter
What a great set of goals and it’s so nice that you have them set by seasons. Family is also so very important and love how you are taking strides at making your stepson to feel grounded and at home through the move and new home transition. Community involvement is definitely a step in the right direction and it does take time to build those new relationships.
Thanks for your feedback and best of luck in your new town. 🙂 Here’s to a great 2014!
So yesterday I tried to write this comment. But I couldn’t…I didn’t have a plan, so I made a SMART plan/goals and then slept on it. I’ll go through my family SMART goals first
1)Divorce my phone and my electronics ~ I’ve already gotten rid of my cable/satellite/home phone. I’m ready by the end of February to divorce my phone/computer and use it as an accessory not as a first aide!
2)Put one large puzzle together with my children once a month, and play one game everyday with them, take them to the park once a week, and ride bikes once a week. I do it about every other week now, and sometimes I’m just so tired in the evenings, but I need to go to bed earlier not miss out on these activities.
3)Go to bed by 10pm every night. I started that last night and I felt amazing today. I think this is a hard one because I like my ME time and my fiance works night..so it’s awesome me time, but i need to get up earlier
4) Go on one large vacation and 2 mini vacations with the children. Money always comes and goes and with me being an MD/PhD student I don’t have hardly any. BUT there are vacations that are cheap and valuable we can go on! The first large vacation will be in May to New Orleans when i go down there for the pancreatic cancer conference, on mini will be over their spring break, and the second mini will be on their fall break!
5) Get my children involved in the business to teach them skills. This has started now..by applying the labels and so on. Both of my children have autism, but my son is lower functioning.
Physical plans
1) Run a half marathon by end of summer
2) do Strongman by end of summer
3)Do 30 minutes of exercise at least 5 days a week
4) starting this week make shakes in the morning for me and my daughter at least 3 times a week
1) We attend our church once a week and my daughter volunteers in the nursery, but I want us to start going to the 9am service so we both can do this as a mother daughter event. i have put in applications for both me and my son, we go to a megachurch so there’s always a need. My son can help out in the kids room too! It would be great socializing for him as well.
2) read one spiritually uplifting book a month. LIke Christine Caines Undaunted.
3) Use my makeup line to help battered women. I’ve started a new campaign called W2W or woman 2 woman..passing grace down from one woman to another. But they need supplies. My first donation will be in February. I’ve been gathering the funds and the support to do that.
Company goals.
1) Finish my LLC license (umm today..I’ve just got to press submit, but I’m OCD about paperwork being correct)
2) Get at least 2 million in liability insurance…I’ve already filled out the application just have to pay…
3)I’ve only really started selling items since august and I’m already in a boutique. It’s so overwhelming that I’m scared of it.
4) Send out sample sets every 2 weeks, with my dayjob and my second job and being a single mom I don’t have time to send one out a week, I realize that. SOOOOOOOO every 2 weeks sounds reasonable with a call back 2 weeks later. Starting in February.
5) Buy in bulk. I’m putting my next jar order in…..buying in bulk!
6) Don’t be afraid to talk up my products. Being a biochemist (well I’m in my 4th year of my PhD and I start medical school next year) we talk our work down most of the time. As a student we are taught that we don’t know anything, we are wrong..we are ALWAYS wrong, lol …but this has transferred to my company. I understand each lipid structure, function, and action including the immune reaction to these lipids. I need to be posting articles on this, because that is what I have designed my company after. Using my biochemistry knowledge to design the perfect lotions without using water. As my slogan…
“Biochemically designed lotions for today’s organic woman.”
I need to do one large informational post at least once a month. I think that is realistic, starting with january..i’m working on my linoleic acid postright now, and how it penetrates, what layers it penetrates, what oils it’s found in and so on.
Emotional Goals.
…not let the fact that I’m a horrendously poor PhD/MD student get in the way of my business…my whole point is to be self sustaining, so if my son’s cystic fibrosis gets worse and I have to quit medical school i have a backup working from home. I’m really working on this. The truth is I probably will stop at my PhD…my son’s health is just not going well and now we are going to john Hopkins this year. I don’t think I can miss that time with him, so by the end of the year I want to pull in more than $20,000 in sales…and I believe I can, I just have to accomplish the above goals….
Thank you so much for having a site that I can order from ethically. You give great descriptions without going sooo holistic. With my PhD and understanding these products sometimes i won’t order from people because they take the descriptions too far and are very reaching in the suppose actions of the ingredients. You do not. I appreciate that..and that is why I’m a repeat customer and have stopped ordering from others!
Happy New Years..and may all your SMART goals come through.
So if I got the $100 card i would totally buy molds and the like for cold process..I’m ready to start that next step in my business…to make cold process soaps!
Congratulations on making such SMART goals – and also for being so thorough with them. WOW! You really did spend some serious time crafting them. I like how specific they are – and I like that you went a step further and really got clear on the ‘why’ you need to hit your sales goals (your son).
Based on reading this, I have a hard time believing you’re not a top level PhD/MD student! =)
Your tag line for your business is catching.
You and I have some seriously similar personal wellness goals. Going to bed by 10 is my Achilles heel. I love staying up late and getting the house cleaned or just doing one more email (that one email inevitably leads to more!) =)
Thanks for your thoughtful comments – and I am cheering you on for an excellent 2014!
I have 3 main goals for the coming year:
1) Spend more time with each of my 3 children by focusing on my little one during her homeschool hours from 9-12, and my 2 teenagers with a prepared snack and “momma” time when they get home from school (all without allowing my self to get distracted with soapy needs at that time 🙂
2) Allow myself 2 hours a day of work/private time my soapy business to make and sell enough soap to keep up with 3 local market events and my own personal direct soap sales as I grow into my new business.
3)smile more and love/accept what is–all the time.
Sometimes the simplest of things are the hardest to always keep in perspective. I like the idea of making time for everything and sticking to it. Planning is the key and good for you! 🙂 Happy 2014!
I think 2014 is going to be an exciting year! Overall I think I would ideally like to find a healthy balance between family, health, gratitude and having some me time.My goals for this year
1. Family- spend more time with my husband, His work schedule has been so hectic this past year. Be a good mommy to our 10-1/2 month old daughter, express love, compassion, be flexible and present in every moment. I would like to have one day a week where we can go out as a family and do something together.
2. Gratitude- express how grateful I am for all the blessings I have whenever the opportunity presents itself.
3. Health- keep the baby weight off and tone up. Commit to working out 20 min a day 3xs a week. Continue juicing once a day for at least 5 days out of the week
4. Fun- turn my soaping hobby into a source of income . Start an etsy business by April 1, 2014
5. Me time- I would like to dedicate two hours a week to have time for myself.
What a great set of goals! Balancing family and work can always be a challenge. Plus it’s so important to have the “Me” time so that you can be the best for everyone else.
🙂 Happy 2014
My goals this year aren’t lengthy or unattainable. I am a goal oriented person by nature. I have to remind myself to not be so obessive and “breathe”.
1. Lost 60lb two years ago. So my goal is to maintain it! I’ve gain about 15 back due to medication. Trying to drop that for sure! So, to up my exersice, at least to 4 times a week, been lazy. Hubby worries I push myself too much. He worries I’ll get sick again
2. To continue to maintain my health and remain seizure free. Just past the year mark in October past. So, ultimately, to be taken off of medication this year. ( knock on wood, a wood soap mold that is lol )
3. Business wise, to gain at least one wholesale account by June, that gives me six months to plan, execute and build on it; although I have my eye on two. I have to remind myself that Rome wasn’t built in a day! Lol.
Congrats on your weight loss and maintenance is always important in keeping that weight off. Also keeping a healthy mind and spirit will allow you that drive to achieve those goals. Both in personal and in business.
🙂 Happy 2014!
Part of me (the lazy, constantly procrastinating part) hates SMARTifying goals. It means that, if I don’t meet a goal, I have to take the blame for it, instead of blaming anything and everything else that comes along! 🙂 Now that I’ve said that, there are so many things where even the act of writing down a concrete goal makes it easier to accomplish!
1. Write out budget for the coming year by Feb 15th. Implement any changes to current plan by March 1st.
2. Use rowing machine 4x per week for 10-20 minutes. Increase to 30 minutes by April 1st. Begin biking for 10-15 minutes 3x per week as soon as snow melts (hopefully by March 25th). Be able to bike at least 7 miles by June (in time for the Tour de Cure!)
3. Add products for sale to Etsy store by Feb. 28th. Review and replenish stock at least every two weeks, on Saturday nights.
4. Sign up for at least two, but no more than four, craft fairs. Mail deposits for shows by April 1st.
All of my goals are currently for the first part of the year. It has never helped me to plan for more than about six months in advance. As I come to the end of my planned “period”, I will sit down and look at my goals, what has been accomplished, what still needs to be done, and what challenges or goals I see in the months ahead!
Hi Carly,
I love your approach of planning in 6 month periods and then evaluating your progress. That allows plenty of room for change and revision! Very smart 🙂 Happy 2014!
My goals for this year:
1) Develop a website for selling my products by March-I’m not computer savvy but have reached the point where I can’t avoid this one!
2)Double the amount of soap I’ve created for craft fairs prior to Sept 1st so that this year I don’t run out
3) Drink at least 5 glasses of water per day
4) Train for a 10k run by June (ran a 5k last year for the first time!)
Hi Pam,
Thanks for sharing! Developing a website is definitely ambitious, but totally necessary these days. I think that’s a wonderful goal 🙂 Happy 2014!
* reach out to one blogger per month for product reviews
* increase sales – would love a 100% + increase!
* continue quest to eat right – eliminating all processed foods
* continue exercising 3-5 times a week
* loose weight! 15 pounds is my ultimate goal.
Hi Tracy,
What wonderful, healthy goals! Thanks for sharing, and happy 2014 🙂
my goals
1. put God first and all other things will be added….so most important! i will do this by reading bible daily and meditating.
2. family…they are why Im doing my business, but i will always put them first. So i will spend time everyday with them…play board game, take a walk, do a project together!
3. really try to get my shop going… i really want to increase sales, but at the same time i want to make sure its fun…i enjoy making soap and etc… so my goal is to try and increase my sales, but to not loose my joy in making my products!
Hi Corrie,
Sounds like the makings for a fun, prosperous year! Happy 2014 🙂
My goals center mainly around the business side of soap making. This year I plan to:
1. Get my Etsy store fully stocked with my product. To do this I am going to make it a priority to prepare my listings as soon as possible after I make the product and have them ready to post when the soap has cured. I am also going to list the items that I can make to order such as scrubs and lotions – my goal is to have these posted by January 15th.
2, Be more selective in the craft shows I participate in to optimize funds spent on table fees. To do this I have identified that I am willing to travel 1.5 hours one way to a show. Now I will identify the shows and dates available in that area – to the extent the info is available I will have this part completed by January 31st. The next step will be to reach out to my crafter friends and contacts for input regarding their success at various shows. With this info in hand I will be able to make the most of my year.
3. Social Media. My goal is to post at least 3 times per week on Facebook this year – will include new product photos and info on upcoming events/shows. The goal for my blog is to post at least 2 times per month. I plan to do this by putting this on my calendar for the 15 and 30th of each month. If I have not already posted and I don’t have something original to post, I will repost something that I found interesting (of course, giving credit to the source and getting permission if required). I will keep a file of things that I could use for this purpose.
4. SoapMaker program. I gave myself the program for Christmas. My goal is to have my existing inventory of supplies and product input by February 15 and then to keep it up to date. I will also utilize the program to keep my recipes and batch notes. I have been lacking sometimes in making complete notes and later regretting it. So I plan to remedy this by inputting my notes as soon as the batch is in the mold and then adding any observations as it cures as well as notes on how it is received at market.
I have several personal goals but lets keep them personal. Thank you for the SMART reminder.
Hi Bonnie,
With such thorough goals like these, I’m sure you’ll achieve them! Have an excellent — and prosperous — 2014!
My goals are to bring more kindness and gratitude to the world and reduce my clutter and impact on the earth. Toward this end I will:
1: each month find a new charitable organization for a monetary or other donation. For January, a large chunk of my fabric stash ( from bygone years of quilt and costume making for now grown kids) will be mailed to an org that makes quilts for children undergoing cancer treatments at our local hospital
2: each day find a genuine reason to compliment or thank a family member, coworker or stranger for an act of selflessness or generosity
Hi Elin,
Love the idea of donating leftover quilting fabric to such a wonderful sounding organization. Your goals are so community-minded, it’s great to see! Happy 2014 🙂
My goals are to bring more kindness and gratitude to the world and reduce my clutter and impact on the earth. Toward this end I will:
1: each month find a new charitable organization for a monetary or other donation. For January, a large chunk of my fabric stash ( from bygone years of quilt and costume making for now grown kids) will be mailed to an org that makes quilts for children undergoing cancer treatments at our local hospital
2: each day find a genuine reason to compliment or thank a family member, coworker or stranger for an act of selflessness or generosity
Hi Elin,
Love the idea of donating leftover fabric to charity. What a great cause! Have a great 2014 🙂
I love this time of year. It’s a perfect time to start over. I have 10 goals for 2014.
1. Before my feet hit the floor, stretch.
Right there in the bed, I’ll give my muscles a
good stretch.
2. Drink only two cups of coffee per day
3. Read my devotion and pray ( before I start my day)
4. Plan my meals instead of cooking on the fly
5. Move! I have a treadmill. I’ll use it at least three times a week.
6. Look for more ways to be a good neighbor.
7. Learn to make “real” soap
8. Eat more green. I’ll commit to start off with three times a week.
9. Mail at least three handwritten notes this year
to someone I love.
10. Post these goals and keep better track of my progress
Hi Cathy,
I love your #9 goal! That’s something I forget to do in an age where everything is all about email and texting. Plus it’s so nice to receive handwritten letters 🙂 Great goals, and happy 2014!
Well, here I sit in the wee hours of the morning on January 1st, going over some goals! (nothing like wating till the last minute, eh? One of my goals is to NOT do that! Haha!)
SO, here are 3 of my main goals for this year:
1 – to lose 40 pounds (and become healthier in the process) before my daughter’s wedding in September. I will do this by walking on treadmill for 1 hour at least 3 times a week, doing some other activity (yoga, other exercise) for 30 minutes 3 times a week, and cutting down on excessive sweets and treats, as well as increasing fruits and vegies to at least 5 servings of them each day.
2. I will have my Etsy shop up and running by March 1st, with soaps as well as various handcrafted items, especially sewing, crochet, knitting, and also plan on selling PDF patterns for my designs, and setting up my digital scrapbook products at Etsy as well. I have a planner/notebook that has areas for each of these products, with specific details on what items I want to prepare for sale.
3. I will continue to learn new skills with soapmaking, trying at least 2 new things each month… being part of the Soap-Crafting Club takes care of a big part of that for me, easy-peasy! 🙂
I’ve got a few more, but that’s prolly all I want to share here. 😉
Hope you have a wonderful 2014 and all your goals and dreams are achieved! 🙂
Your goals are totally SMART-ified, that’s awesome! I’m also happy to hear you’re joining the Soap Crafting Club, you’re going to have such a great time 🙂
I work in a very busy enviroment with about 40 other people and most time it can be very stressful and chaotiic. And although, i dont intend to hurt others feeling i some time may come across as being not nice and unsympathetic. My goal this year is to try to be more understanding of others feeling.
This year i work on it by:
1. During very busy solution hours if i caught myself wanting to blow up i will take deep breaths and be quiet rather then say things i might want to take back and its too late.
2. I will try to talk to my coworkers as if i am explaning to a student when i need to get things across rather then get mad and ignored the situation.
3. I will try and use more ‘sorry’ in my work world so i can be more sympathetic and understanding to others feeling if i feel i can not get to it or if the request require more time.
4. I will take vacation every other month so i can go back to work refresh and happy.
5. I will make soaps to keep my mind off of work and enjoy the things i love to do.
Hi Vanessa,
Taking positive steps to change is a great goal! Work can be stressful, and it’s great you are practicing a little self care 🙂 Happy 2014!
I’ve got categories of goals for this year.
– Work out 20 minutes 5x’s a week and finally shed the baby weight
– Get an hour a week of alone time where I can relax and do something I enjoy
– Make healthier eating choices – cook meals at home with fresh ingredients, snack on fruits/veggies, cut down on processed foods, quit drinking soda
– Get a good night’s sleep every night
– Slow down and soak up the special moments that happen every day
– Spend at least 2 days a month taking the kids on a fun outing
– Do a weekly craft with the kids
– Have a date night with the hubby
– pick my favorite products and solidify a product line up
– order supplies in bulk to cut down on costs
– post weekly on my facebook page
– work on local sales – advertising to groups that i am a part of
– stop buying fragrance oils. i am addicted!
Hi Erica,
You’ve got goals for every aspect of your life — that’s awesome! Thanks so much for sharing, and happy 2014 🙂
Well being recently retired now, I want to do several things: spend more time working on crafty fun things (like making soap), get back on track with getting in shape and eating right, and spend more time training and exercising my dogs. So my goals for 2014 are:
1. spend one day a week working on a crafty project, at the end of the year, I would like to accomplish making my own cards for birthdays, organize & inventory my craft room, complete the soap club projects, decorate a cake.
2. everyday review my goals for wanting to get healthy and why its important to me, one day a week explore my recipes that use healthy ingredients and attend 4 exercise classes a week. At the end of year, I would like to lose 10 pounds.
3. spend 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week with training my dogs and exercising their bodies or mind. At the end of the year, I want to progress to level 3 in nosework competition, start barnhunt, and get my dogs on a home diet.
Hi Jeanne,
I like you’re not only setting goals, but reflecting on them also. Have a fantastic 2014!
1. Start having home parties up to but no more than 2 per month.
2. Have 2 wholesale customers by the end of the year.
3. Get my full line of soap made by the beginning of July.
4. Build and organize my new soaping shed by May.
5. Read as a family for 30 minutes minimum per week.
1. Start having home parties up to but no more than 2 per month.
2. Have 2 wholesale customers by the end of the year.
3. Get my full line of soap made by the beginning of July.
4. Build and organize my new soaping shed by May.
5. Read as a family for 30 minutes minimum per week.
Hi Lois,
Awesome goals — they’re short, sweet and to the point! It sounds like you’ll be having a very busy 2014 🙂 Thanks for sharing!
Tonight we had our first annual family meeting. My husband, myself, and 5 kids got to discuss personal and family goals for the upcoming year. That was great fun!
Here are three of the goals I came up with.
1) To embrace and live-out our family mission statement daily.
“Our family will work together to make kind and loving choices.”
2) Play outside with my kids at least once a week regardless of the weather.
3)Complete the projects I started last year.
-finish painting the guest room
-finish the drywall and painting in the kids’ rooms
Hi Somer,
Your family mission is so heartwarming, I love it! 🙂 These are great goals — happy 2014 Somer!
I love that quote at the top of the post!
I’ve been thinking through my 2014 goals these last few weeks. I love getting a fresh start, and like you, I follow through so much better when I am specific about my goals.
1) In the stress and holiday abundance of the last few months, I’ve noticed my clothes have become a little (or a lot) snug. I’m nipping this in the bud, so until I have lost the 10 pounds I gained, I’ll be T-Tapping (an exercise workout) 3x a week and walking/stationary biking the off days until I’m back to my normal weight.
2) Clutter and “stuff” adds to my cleaning workload and stress and takes time from my life and business. Last year I made a concerted effort to get rid of things I didn’t use, like extra craft supplies I’ll never use, books I’ll never re-read, make-up I don’t like, etc. and gave away 241 items. (241 things!! And I couldn’t even tell the difference!) So my goal is to surpass this year’s total.
3) I want to take advantage of the “slow” winter season, so once a week for the next twelve weeks, I plan to try a new soaping technique, colorant, fragrance, or recipe to expand my skills. I seem to get too busy to “play” later in the year. I’ve already made a list of things I want to try, and I’m excited to get started–tomorrow!
Thanks, Brambleberry for everything and happy 2014 to you all!
I love your second goal, what a great idea! It’s so easy to accumulate clutter, and getting rid of things definitely helps me to feel more organized. Happy 2014 Amy!
I enjoyed reading about your goals for 2014. It inspired me to be more concrete about mine. I started my company 10 months ago, vowing to make and sell four skin care products that I had been making for myself and family for 25 years. I like things that are not ordinary and my creative juices have run wild. I now make over 40 products and 30 soaps. Three high end shops buy and/or use my products. I make at least 4 exclusive products for two shops. I have an Etsy shop and a brand new on line store with shopping cart. Because I still work at my regular job full time, all my production takes place at night and on my days off. Fortunately, my children are grown but I do help care for 4 of my 6 grandchildren. I could not do what I do without the help of my husband and 12 year old granddaughter. They label all my products, help make some and sell at all the markets. I have to be organized. After every sales event, we take a quick inventory so I know what I need to make. I must keep ahead with inventory supplies because I do not want to pay overnight shipping. I make a lot of lists. My goals this year are: 1. Add more areobic activity besides my yoga which I love. 2. Lose 10 pounds by juicing three times a week and eating at least 4 servings of fruits/veggies 3. Get my products into two more stores. 4. Determine the most profitable markets. 5. Find more storage for products and supplies 6. Figure out how best to increase traffic in my nonlinear stores. 7. Determine the best way to package my soap that reflects my company, protects the product, makes it available to the customer and isn’t expensive. Sometimes I am at a loss over this problem! 8. Figure out how to not be so stressed. Brambleberry has been my go to for supplies and info! Thanks for so much help. We will continue to share in each others success! Happy New Year!
Hi Jo-Ann,
You are sound like such an accomplished business woman, and based on your goals I think 2014 will bring you great things! Happy new year 🙂
For me 2013 has been a very rough year. I was diagnosed with a pituitary tumor, osteoarthritis in both feet, and a skin problem that the doctors have been trying to control for nearly 5 months. I am on cortisone medication that causes me to blow up a like blow up doll, brain fog that makes life a little difficult at times, BUT the good thing is, I found the Bramble Berry website, well first the Soap Queen TV! I made some MP soaps for Christmas and the family loved it. Now I am trying to find the confidence to do the CP. I have been buying ‘things’ from Bramble Berry, Santa did not update that one for me.
With that being said, my goal is when get my next box with goodies to do the CP. Being creative with the MP was so good for the soul, and I hope that I can keep on doing that for the year to come. I don’t know where my road is leading, but I want to do and accomplish that. I so want to learn more about soap making, but all in good time. When the $$ are there I would love to take a class with Anne-Marie. I think you are an outstanding teacher and I love watching your videos on YouTube.
Anne-Marie, thank you for coming into my life. I hope that I will find a way to make you proud. 🙂
May God bless you and your family.
Hi Zanet,
Despite your hardships this year, I’m happy to hear you are moving forward in a positive direction. Let us now how your adventures in CP go, and happy 2014!
I am focusing on professional and personal goals.
For personal goals: I am committing to working out 3x a week and adding one more green smoothie per week. I will also spend a half hour each night connecting with my husband once the kids are asleep.
Professionally: my goal is to start a business! I will continue meeting with my small business mentor and open a etsy shop by the end of Febuary.
After purchasing and reading one of Anne Marie’s books, I formed an accountability group. 7 of my favorite people will be checking in with each other every Friday to report our progress and offer support. I love the idea of the accountability group. I know it will help keep me focused. I am so excited for 2014! It is going to be a wonderful year!
Hi Jennifer,
Great goals! I’m glad you’re deciding to start an accountability group. I just started my own recently with some friends and it’s so helpful 🙂 Happy 2014 and good luck with your goals!
By September 1, 2015 I’ll weigh 215 pounds (which is down 60 pounds from my current weight, which is 6 pounds a month).
How I will reach that goal:
– Improving my diet.
– Increase my physicality.
– Work on my mental health
Nutrition goal: I will improve my diet by eliminating junk.
How I will reach that goal-
1. Eliminate soda from my diet completely.
2. Limit fast food to once a week until February 1, then every other week until May 1, then once a month.
3. When craving sweets, I’ll limit it to one snack a day, anything more than that will be substituted with fruit.
Nutrition goal: I will improve my diet by eating healthy portions of food.
How I will reach that goal-
1. I’ll use a proper plate ratio (1/4 protein, 1/4 carb, 1/2 fruit and veggie)
2. Five meals a week, I’ll use unrefined carbs (like brown rice) until April 1, then I’ll limit refined carbs to one day a week.
3. When eating out, I’ll get an appetizer as my meal or a salad with dressing on the side.
Exercize goal: I will go to the gym for an hour a day at least three days a week (continuing a trend I’ve been doing the last couple weeks).
How I will reach that goal-
1. Wash gym clothes when I get home from the gym in preparation of the next day.
2. Plan my workout week on Sunday evening to make sure that I have no conflicts in my schedule.
3. Utilize workout buddies, either my wife or my best friend, to make sure I’m held accountable so I can’t back out.
4. Any day I can’t attend the gym, I’ll find alternate workouts- either swimming at the local pool or ocean or walk around the park near my house.
Personal goal: I will do things to help with my mental health, which both my nutrition and exercize goals depend on.
How I will reach that goal-
1. I will continue soaping or crafting because it makes me feel less stressed.
2. I will read more often, starting with a book a month and work my way up from there.
3. I will take a meditation course, and work on grounding myself.
4. If relaxation, exercize, and proper nutrition aren’t helping to keep my anxiety and depression at bay, I’ll get counselling.
I really liked the fit school site and I’m totally going to use it with my wife for our fitness goals this year.
A little more info on my goals, I have been caffeine free for over a year with my drinks and have been cutting down on sodas in general so going soda free is the next step. And at the gym, for the last three weeks my wife and I have been doing five days a week at an hour each session so continuing that trend is the goal. I’m unemployed (except for my soap) and she’s an independent midwife so she pretty much sets her own hours so she makes time to go.
The reason I chose Sept first is that my wife and I are currently living in NZ but I’m American (from Puyallup, WA) and she’s Canadian (from Nanaimo, BC) and we don’t get to go home often. The last time we were back home was 2011. We saw her parents when they came to us in 2012, but otherwise no one has really seen us outside of occasional Facebook pictures and Skype so we want to look great when we go home.
My super-amazing-hope-it-happens-but-not-too-realistic dream is that I can get an extra roll on Avatar when it starts filming down here and that’s helping to fuel my fitness goals. But here’s hoping.
Just a few little additions on my post before.
I’ve been caffeine free with my sodas for over a year (I used to drink 5-7 cans a day which explains why I want to lose over 60 pounds) so cutting out soda completely is just the next step for me.
With the gym, I’m currently (as of the last three weeks) going 3-5 times a day for an hour, so the goal is not so much to DO the activity but to keep it going.
My motivation for losing weight is three-fold.
1- My wife and I are currently living in New Zealand and we’re both from North America (her from BC and me from WA). Getting home is quite an expensive venture so we’ve only been home once in the four years we’ve been here so far and that was in 2011. We both just want to look amazing when we get home.
2- We want to be more active, but we’re always so self-conscious about our weight and our bodies that we’re afraid to try things. Or when we do try them, they’re not really for large people so it ends up not being successful.
3- This is my nerdiest reason… Avatar 2-4 are going to be filmed in New Zealand and I want to do extra work on it, BUT I won’t feel brave enough to do it if I am too heavy. It’s actually been a massive motivator for me. I am with an extra agency now, but I only get calls to do crowds of “undesirables” usually fat, unattractive people and that really sucks for me. So I’m changing it. One day at a time.
Hi Jakob,
Your goals are so SMART-ified! That’s great to see, and that also gives you a very clear path to attain them and make them happen 🙂 Thanks so much for sharing with us, and have a wonderful, healthy 2014!
I’m a writer and a soap maker so I tend to get more caught up in the creative side of what I do than the business side of things. My goal is to change this by putting aside one hour a day for the “grown-up” part of what I do . . . and save the remaining 23 hours for the fun stuff. Okay, maybe one hour for sleep 😉
One hour per day is a great start! 🙂 The more time for fun, the better. Happy 2014!
My goals:
Carve out more one on one time with my five year old. (ongoing)
Establish and maintain an online presence thru my (now sadly neglected) website. (June 2014)
Apply to graduate school. (September 2014)
Establish and fund a retirement account for my husband. (January 2014)
Establish and fund an emergency savings account (because you just never know). (ongoing)
Expand my lavender farm by an additional 600 plants. (June 2014)
And because a girl can’t just sit around, remodel at least one of my bathrooms with my husband, and still be married by the end of the project. (December 2014)
I’m also motivated by Anne-Marie’s goal of reading a book a week. I’m working on a similar goal, but I’d love to know how you do it. I have kids the same age and also work full-time and can’t imagine how you get it done.
These aren’t quite as ambitious as some of the goals listed here, but I think are achievable by the end of the year. 2014 is going to be a good one.
Hi Heather,
Setting realistic goals is the key — you want to set yourself up for success! I think it’s great that you gave yourself deadlines to complete goals too, that’s awesome motivation to work toward and achieve them 🙂
First of all, thank you for a year full of great blog post. I have learned so much from you. Second, thank you for putting so much time and energy into Bramble Berry. I always know whatever I buy from you will be the best. I have yet to be disappointed.
I’ve been working on my New Years Resolutions for a while now and I think I’ve finally settled on what I what and need to do.
1) I’m not dieting this year! I have battled with my weight since childhood and I’ve decided that this year I’m not setting myself up for the same failure. Instead I’ve decided to change my outlook on food. It’s gonna be a work in progress but it’s time to take the leap.
2) I’m going to spend more time with my kids. For anyone who knows me personally that may sound nuts. I homeschool my kids and work from home so there is very little time when I’m not “with” them. But I often forget to make time to just be their mom. I want that back in my life. My four little girls will be all grown up before I know it.
3) I’m going to get back into yoga at least 3 times a week. Even if it’s only for 15 minutes I’ve gotta start somewhere.
4) I am vowing to organize my house. Running a business and a school from your home can make for some serious clutter. It drives me nuts. So I’m going to get it under control.
1) I’m starting the new year with SoapMaker software. I don’t want to guess anymore on what I’m spending verses making. Plus, I really want to start adding lot numbers to my ingredients and finished products so that everything can be tracked more easily.
2) I’m finally going to use all those bar codes I bought. I want to go wholesale so it just makes sense to have the bar codes on everything.
3) I’m going to get 15 wholesale accounts by the end of the year. I bounce between 3 states pretty regularly so, I think that should be attainable.
4) I am going to give myself actual hours. I may not always be able to work from 9 to 5 but, I can set goals and a certain amount of time for myself. I seem to run myself crazy being that I never get to “go home” from work. I need boundries so I can really work on my personal resolutions. Especially number 2 🙂
Hi Timmi,
I’m so glad we’ve been so helpful to you on your soaping journey — that’s what we’re here for 🙂 Also, I love that your goal is to NOT diet this year, I think that is great, and you’re doing what’s best for you. Setting boundary between work and home is good too. You’ve got some great goals, and I hope you have a happy and successful 2014!
My husband will be able to retire in about three years. We are planning and setting goals for our farm and my soap business. I am a kindergarten teacher and started soaping summers 2013. I am making soap now for the farmers market this spring and summer.
Our goal is to have our home farm business up and going before my husband retires, this includes my soaps. I made three batches this morning and can’t wait to cut them. Set up a facebook page for our farm produce including the soap that is made from our own goat milk. We are going this week to see what type of licenses we need for our business.
I also have a goal to lose weight this year. I am a breast cancer survivor and want to stay healthy so losing weight is another goal for 2014.
Have a blessed day,
Hi Betty,
You’re going above and beyond making goals three years in advance — awesome! Great thinking, and have a wonderful 2014!
I am going to work out 3X per week at 30 min per time.
I will build up my strength and increase that time to one hour. I will then incorporate weights and do so 5X per week.
I will eat smaller portioned meals, 5x per day, instead of 3 very large meals per day. I will increase my vegetable, and fruit intake as well. I will only have one Pepsi per week, and increase my water intake for my weight category. I will learn when I am hungry versus just a craving.
I will have realistic expectations of these goals, and not be disappointed when I fail them,but grateful for my milestones with them.
Oooh, learning the actual hunger vs. food craving is such an important distinction. I might borrow that goal from you 🙂 Happy 2014 Iris!
I have personal and work goals that are pretty big this year!
Personal goal #1: Be moved in or closing on a new home with my boyfriend by Dec. 31st 2014. (Our anniversary is New Year’s Day! 2 years!)
Personal goal #2: Save $150 a month that will go to my soap business until Dec 31st 2014.
Work Goal: Officially open the soap business by Dec. 31st 2014 (Do all the paperwork, get all licenses, open online shop)
Here’s hoping I can accomplish all these huge goals! Happy new year!
Hi Leanna,
Those are big goals, but you’ve broken them down enough so that they’re much more achievable! Happy 2014 🙂
Great way to set your goals and put them out there! I wish you the best success in 2014!
Thanks Peter! What are your goals for this year?
I had a good year of goals in 2013 and I am looking forward to what I have planned for 2014!
Goals met in 2013:
– Quit the job I hated
– Worked with horses 4-6 days a week and started training horses
– Finished the 1st draft of my 1st book
– Lost 24 lbs by being physically active (walking/running, weights, riding horses) and paying attention to the crap I was putting in my mouth.
– Started new fundraiser program for Neigh Savers Foundation(off track Thoroughbred adoption program) and made $3,000 in the last two months of the year for them selling used tack.
– Got a job in the horse industry (Internship at Golden Gate Fields and hired as Operations Manager at Neigh Savers Foundation).
2014 Goals
– Finish book revisions and start mailing to publishers by July 31st (Write 5 days a week. Make it like a job.)
– Lose last 8 lbs by April 1st (walk/run three days a week, weights 3 days a week, horseback riding 4 days a week).
– Run in the Lets Go 510 10k race at Golden Gate Fields in October.
– Show my OTTB at the Northern California Thoroughbred Classic Horse Show (Date TBD. This goal will depend on the health of my horse, but will be achievable by riding 3-4 days a week).
– Mobile Used Tack Store for Neigh Savers Foundation. This will require having the trailer fixed, arranging tack donation drop off locations, and planning events to haul to. This will make fund raising this way MUCH easier and more profitable.
– Establish new Neigh Savers operations system by reworking the current program to be digital and working with the Board of Directors to change several policies. May 31st deadline for taking us mostly digital.
I’m looking forward to the challenges! It will be a great 2014.
Hi Rachel,
These are picture SMART goals — I love them! Just the right mix of ambition and achieveability. Congrats on the new job, it sounds like you have big plans in your new role 🙂 Happy 2014!
What a great way to help us start 2014 on a positive note, A-M. This is exactly what will help me cement my goals and keep me accountable – just by simply writing it down publicly! 🙂
Last year, I met several goals, namely dropping ALL soda beverages from my life, losing 50 lbs, and finally starting my own business.
This year, in 2014, I have even more fire in the belly (I’m turning 40 in May!) to pursue these goals:
Personal Goals
1. Lose 30 lbs by my 40th Birthday on May 26 by increasing my fitness routine to 30 mins, 1x per day, 5 days a week.
2. Give up caffeine for good, just as I gave up sodas last year. (I already started this on Christmas), just by steering clear of any energy drinks or Starbucks.
3. Allow myself some “Me-Time” without feeling guilty or rushed at least 1x time daily for 30 minutes or more. Once the kids are in bed, I’m going to unplug and just enjoy doing something I want to do – crafting, genealogy, or reading.
Business/Professional Goals
1. Go back to college, start a teaching credential program by September 2014 so that I can continue another of my passions – working daily with special needs children this past year has been like a dream come true, and hasn’t been like “work” at all.
2. Sponsor my son and create a team for him at the 2014 Autism Speaks annual walk in April. Start saving whatever profit I might have from my business and put it toward the sponsorship beginning in January.
3. Increase my Facebook fan base to 200 fans by August, by increasing the amount of giveaways, and not forgetting about other marketing tools like pictures, videos, etc.
4. Increase sales this year by adding new items to my brand line up, i.e. lip balms, lotions, etc.
Thanks for reading, and for hosting a great contest! Wishing all of the folks at Brambleberry a very Happy New Year!
Hi Stacey,
Wow! Losing 50 lbs is an incredible accomplishment, way to go. I’m happy to hear you’ve found an additional passion for working with special needs kids, what a wonderful thing to dedicate time to. Happy 2014!
This year I will complete my business plan, outlining where I want my business to go and the steps by which I will take it there.
I will make my soap business a priority, setting aside time every day to complete business related task, including book keeping and marketing.
I will attend several craft fairs, as many as I can, to promote my soap and build a customer base.
In addition, I will begin an email list with a monthly newsletter.
My business blog will be updated on a regular (weekly) basis, including recipes, fun facts, and soaping information.
I will institute a customer loyalty program offering discounts/free gifts for customers who regularly purchase from me.
Join local and national soap making organizations
Begin saving for a brick-and-mortar shop.
And, of course, make lots and lots of soap!
Hi Amanda,
Creating a business plan is a great goal — all successful businesses begin with a solid foundation 🙂
Have you seen our posts with craft fair tips? We’ve got a few you might like:
Selling Success at Fairs and Public Markets: http://www.soapqueen.com/business/selling-fairs-public-markets-guest-post/
Fundraiser Kit + Craft Show Tips Galore: http://www.soapqueen.com/business/fundraiser-kit-craft-show-tips-galore/
Happy 2014!
I’ve written out my business goals and my personal goals already for this year. Here is a short mix of the two.
1. Run a Tough Mudder with my 15 year old
2. Get back in to running every day. This doubles as me time and I have neglected myself in 2013
3. Spend more time at our local rescues loving on and walking the doggies.
4. Expand my business into the wholesale market (have already started this one)
5. Expand my business even further by adding at least 5 new products by the end of 2014
Hi Kym,
Running a relay race with your 15 year old sounds wonderful! How fun. And spending time at rescues sounds beneficial for you and the doggies 🙂 Happy 2014!
Already have my 2014 business goals mapped out 🙂 I will get my b&b business off to a running start by getting my licenses and insurance in place and opening my etsy shop by March, having 100 listings before the end of the year, attending at least 3 craft fairs and posting on my blog once a week.
Hi Emily,
I’m excited to hear you’re starting your own soapy business! We’ve got a ton of resources to help you out! Take a look:
Fundraiser Kit + Craft Show Tips Galore: http://www.soapqueen.com/business/fundraiser-kit-craft-show-tips-galore/
Bramble Business Series: How to set up an Etsy Shop: http://www.soapqueen.com/business/business-series-how-to-set-up-an-etsy-shop/
Selling Success at Fairs and Public Markets: http://www.soapqueen.com/business/selling-fairs-public-markets-guest-post/
Good luck this year, Emily! 🙂
My goal is to secure interviews for medical school this year (and then be accepted to at least one school). To do this, I will:
1. Study for the MCAT at least a few hours each week, and do a 20 minute practice at least every other day.
2. Take at least 10 full-length MCAT practice tests and then take the real test in May.
3. Volunteer at the hospital at least 8 hours a month, and work on shadowing at the Mayo Clinic.
4. Continue with my other volunteer/leadership clubs.
5. Have my letters completed and filed by May.
6. Choose at least 12 schools to apply to (I plan to know which by spring break), and fill out the online med school application before the opening day so that I can submit everything at midnight/at the earliest time possible.
7. Continue making soaps and lip balms for fun so I can unwind after all of this stress!
Happy New Year, everyone, and best of luck with all of your goals and dreams! 🙂
Excellent, focused goals Rae! With a plan of attack like that, you will surely be successful this year 🙂 Happy 2014!
1) Spend more quality time with my family
a) Take 1 afternoon a week for arts and crafts with my girls. No laundry, no work, no technology
b) Plan an outing at least once a month that gets us all out of the house.
c) Save a percentage of income per week to take a vacation away from home. (side note: to California to see my mother who is in remission from cancer and to meet up with the family who adopted a sibling of my adopted daughters)
2) Lose at least 25lbs by May 2014
a) walk at least 15 min a day / 4 days a week with my dog.
b)Do 20 min 3 days a week on the recumbent bike
c) cut high fat, high calorie foods in 1/2 by Feb 2014.
BUSINESS GOALS (PHOTOGRAPHY) Because my business is as a self employed stock photographer it would be hard for many to understand the details of some of my goals.
1) Increase profits on photo shoots
a) Hire a contractor to set up a mock room for lifestyle shoots.
b) Work more effectively on shoot days by planning ahead.
c) Contact at least one new model a month
d) submit more images for publication
1) Set up a plan for projects to do throughout the year.
a)Plan at least one craft a month while focusing on quality and completion time
b) set up a marketing goal/plan for 2015
c) buy liability insurance by Sept 2014 for testing products.
d) Research LLC
1) Stop Smoking by Summer 2014
2) Plan at least one date night a month (this is a tough one)
3) Be more thoughtful of others.
4) Join the PTA
I love the scope of your goals. From personal to professional, you’ve got it all! Happy 2014 Bobbie 🙂
My soap making business has grown, often leaving me scrambling for inventory last year (darn that cure time). I also farm, and sell both produce and toiletry products at 2 farmers markets from May through October. So there is always always something to do. So, my big goal for 2014 is to ramp up production, on a regular schedule. This includes figuring out how to master batch my lye and oils and make soap every Monday. On a personal level, I’m planning on taking two weekends off this summer so my husband and I can get away and go camping or do a road trip. Being tied down to the farm every single day for 6 months straight is exhausting.
Hi Jennifer,
What great goals! Have you seen that Bramble Berry carries an e-book on master batching? You might find it helpful:
E-Book Efficiency in Scaling: https://www.brambleberry.com/efficiency-in-scaling-your-cold-process-soap-recipes.aspx
Good for you for planning vacation time too. It’s so important to rest and recharge!
1) I will make meal menus Sunday evenings to help remedy food waste, eating out and blowing the food budget.
2) I will save $100/mo in an account for myself to splurge on some things I really need or want.
3) I will date my husband again and stop making him do all the date planning work. He’s so good at it, I forget he needs me to take the initiative on that sometimes too.
4) I will say 3 positive things to myself for every negative thought or word. The goal is to teach myself to focus more on the positive than the negative and make a habit.
5) I will tell my girls how beautiful they are and how much I love them throughout the day instead of just at bedtime. I will hug them more and work to speak their love languages.
Business Goals:
1) Find new storage options for Soaps.
2) Formulate two new soaps, foot cream and body butter recipes every season.
3) Research Business Seminars in my area and sign up for at least 2 this year.
4) Start an etsy page. So far my business has been through word of mouth and from me giving out a ton of samples.
5) Research better packaging that looks more sleek but still unisex.
6) Send more sample packages to more male clients to get more feedback on my men’s products. This way, I can grow that part of my business by learning what men really like and cater to that.
Hi Shannan,
Making meal menus is such a fabulous idea! That’s definitely something I need to do — would really help me to stop wasting so much money eating out! I like that you’re doing more research into what men want out of bath & body products. Such a huge untapped market! Happy 2014 🙂
Hello 🙂
My goals for 2014 are as follows:
1. My whole life I’ve dreamt of seeing the pyramids at Giza and standing where the ancient Pharaoh’s once stood and look out over the beautiful Nile river. This is such a huge wish of mine I dream about this once on a lifetime opportunity. No matter what it takes I’m going to make it there in 2014.
2. Another major goal is to develop my bath and body business enough to hire 3 employees and be a major success and pillar in my community. Being from Detroit I know how important community is and to have a vision of making things better for every life you touch.
3. My third goal is to be the best wife and mother I can be. To not let the little things obscure the bigger picture. Also to make sure every day my loved ones know what they mean to me.
Have a safe and blessed new year!
Hi KeMira,
Traveling is an awesome goal, and visiting Egypt sounds fantastic. I hope you make it happen! Growing your business and continuing to be a great wife and mother are excellent goals too! Have a wonderful 2014, and thanks for being a great member of our soapy community 🙂
First I want to say how much I appreciate you Anne Marie, you have helped me grow as a soap maker and a business woman, so thank for all the teaching and guidance you offer.
My business goals for 2014 are:
1 To decrease my full time job from 44 hours to 32 by May 1st. To allow me more time to grow my business. I presently out grew my current ability to grow as a company due lack of time.
2 Approach new businesses to sell my products and gain 5 new retail store customers by 3/1/13. I have a fear approaching new stores, so 5 is a big step for me, presently in 3.
3 Organize and get rid of things that aren’t serving a purpose.
4 Continuing education with soap making. Will do this through reading soap books, websites and at least once a month practice a new skill
5 Increase sales at craft shows, with becoming healthier as a person, to increase self esteem, physical health, which in turn will help me attract more people to my booth, when I feel good, others will feel good too.
Personal goals
1 exercise daily with at least some, but aiming with a 1 mile walk each day
2 Stop all soda drinking
3 Eat healthy again ( the way I used too, the way I know I can) Fell off track when I lost my dad.
4 To be a runner again, to run daily, even if only for a few minutes.
5 Save money to allow me to take the final leap into my full time soap business, and farming/honey bee business.
Thank You Anne Marie for making me put this in writing!
Hi Karen,
I love that your goals include practicing new soaping skills. Expanding your skill set will help you with your other goal of expanding your soapy business! Thanks for sharing, and happy 2014 🙂
-Kirsten with Bramble Berry
I have a lot going on in my life, as I have a soaping business, an engineering job and desire to lose 10 lbs that I gained last summer while sick. I admit that I am a Franklin Planner woman myself, but it is always good to refresh my focus on my horizon. Here are my goals for 2014:
Lose the 10 lbs by next Christmas:
1) average 90 minutes of exercise 6 days a week, which might seem like a lot but is what I do when not sick
2) eat 3 fruits and 2 vegetables a day…everyday
3) cut back on the Friday fried foods, as that is not actually an event.
Organize a consortium in my research community to deal with the mitigation problem (probably best to not get into it in detail here).
1) discuss the situation with the relevant research groups by end of Jan 2014
2) organize a telecon to discuss ideas and assign tasks by Feb 2014
3) organize a progress report meeting with group at annual meeting in July 2014
4) finish tasks by Dec 2014
5) write up the consortium’s progress by end of Jan 2015, so that we can present our work at the annual meeting in 2015.
Organize the soaping business’s books:
1) inventory every month at store and at home
2) write down all sales within 1 week of sale
3) cash checks with 1 week of when received.
Lots to do this year as always!
I love how you’ve specified metrics on how to achieve your goals, and what your success looks like. Very “smart” indeed! Happy 2014 Heather 🙂
Personal Goals:
1) To be as creative as possible every single day. I thrive on creativity, whether it’s soaping, sketching, writing, or even baking. There’s something about being creative that gives me peace
2) To stop for five minutes every day and just appreciate the beauty we’ve all been given. Listen to the birds sing, look at the stars, smell the sea breeze, feel the sand under my feet.
3) Give myself a break. I’m an awful perfectionist. I need to remember that mistakes are a good thing, it’s what makes us grow spiritually.
Business Goals:
1) To get my website up and running by the end of January
2) To expand my line with at least 3 new products this year
3) To make cold process soap for the first time
Happy New Year, Everyone!!!
Hi Sara,
Those are wonderful goals. I find there is such value in stopping every once in a while to admire the world around us! Great goal 🙂 And please do let us know how your first CP experience goes. Happy 2014!
-Kirsten with Bramble Berry
I have a few personal goals and business goals that run into each other:
1) Spend more time with my family (a very popular goal!). I work a lot as a group fitness instructor at a gym so I get a lot of workout time(which I love!), but it takes time from my kids and husband. I vow to give up a class or two a week to give me a morning or night off so I don’t have to rush to work all the time.
2) Start soap making! I love homemade soap and stalk this website constantly to gaze at the beautiful colors and dream about what they smell like! I’m ready to finally set time aside to get creative, follow these wonderful soap makers online and get to it! So excited! I hope to one day sell my products (Goal for 2015!).
3) Another goal is to take a real trip this year for a full week with my husband and kids. We usually don’t take a week off because my husband runs his own business and it’s hard for him to get away. I have already started my envelopes to start saving for that trip in August.
Have a happy and prosperous 2014!!
Hi Kristen!
I’m so glad you have been enjoying this blog! I love the goal to take a week vacation, that is so important! Thank you for sharing these goals with us 🙂
-Amanda with Bramble Berry
Yes! I love this follow-up post regarding the other goals post from a few months ago. I stated that I needed to get to work on my 2014 goals back then (Oct/Nov) so that I wouldn’t feel like I was in another blur again.
1)To help save for our Disney Family trip this summer, my husband and I started the plan where you add money to “the pot” according to the week. For example, in week one we added a dollar. Week two we added two dollars. Happy to say we are at week 6. We have also implemented the same plan to help fund a nest egg.
2) For my business, I’m starting off small and purchased a Big Cartel subscription. I originally wanted to have my own website, but that’s not gonna be a good fit for me right now. My biggest issue with handling my business is time management and doing it well with three little ones. I devote 4 hours during the day and three and a half at night, three days a week to my business. I also devote 4 daytime hours per weekend. My awesome husband definitely helps out so much! I must add that of course with kids and having the best intentions, sticking to my work schedule doesn’t always happen.
3) My personal goal for 2014 is to run a 5k, but due to moving in less than two weeks and major surgery, I can’t start training. Plan B: Slowing down and taking care of me
I started this week by making a foot soak and giving myself a facial. I’m an esthetician and I have an in-house treatment room. I don’t have the time or money to splurge on a series of treatments at a spa. So duh, do it myself at home! Once a week for two hours, totally feasible! With making time to do my nails, doing something to my hair instead of a ponytail, feeling refreshed can all lead to success with my other goal…
4) Date night with my husband at least once a month.
I don’t have much of a plan with this one just yet, but we’re working on it.
Hi Patrice!
Thanks so sharing all these awesome goals with us! I especially love the goal to save for a Disney Family trip! It’s always good to have a fun goal like that to work towards! Also, date night once a month is a great idea and is so important. Thanks for sharing these goals with us!
-Amanda with Bramble Berry
Goals for 2014: (business in there too)
1. Establish prices for all products with a healthy profit
2. Sell more soaps by trying 2 more local craft fairs
3. Be nicer and really help others more than last year
4. Work out every night even if I’m tired
5. Keep trying more and more and never want to give up
6. Find a good labeling system and label all products
7. Eat veggies 3 times a week and fruits at least once a day
Even though some seem easy, I will be really happy if complete all of these!
Hi Allison!
Love the “work out even if I’m tired.” This is often my excuse too! Good luck with all these goals!
-Amanda with Bramble Berry
My goals for this year are
1) Start eating healthier! I’d like to get the whole family on board with this goal. There has been way too much soda and sweets and not enough fruits and vegetables!
2)Start walking for exercise again. Work my way up to a 1/2 marathon distance by the fall.
3) Get more organized…I am a clutter bug and would feel accomplished if I could tackle one area per week and get it clean.(example…the laundry room, the junk drawer in the kitchen, the top of my dresser etc.)
4)Work a few more hours every week to save enough money to finally get a membership to HSCG.
5)Lastly, push myself to be present at least once at the town farmers market and sell my soap!
Hi Michele,
Eating healthier is so much easier when the entire household is on board! Having cookies in the cupboard can be so tempting! I also love your goal to be more organized. Good luck with selling your soap as well!
-Amanda with Bramble Berry
My goals for 2014 are:
1. spend more time with my family, I finished grad school this December so a lit if time should open up!
2. Lose 20 lbs by July!
3. Finish painting my kitchen by July! Really hate painting
Just had a logo created, so 1. Register logo
2. Learn more on websites/blogs, which would work best for me as I’m starting out?
3. Make more batches of soap a month and build inventory! I have only been making soaps for family and friends, ready to expand!
Absolutely love making soaps! My long term goals are to eventually be able to do this full time and quit my full time job!
Hi Rebecca!
Congrats on finishing grad school soon, so exciting! Painting your kitchen can be such a huge task, just keep your mind focused on how great it will look when it’s done :). Good luck on expanding your soaping inventory!
-Amanda with Bramble Berry
Goals this year for me are an etchy situation. We started our side business last year. We are a farm and do soaping also. I started soaping to help supliment some income through the winter months. Much to my suprise it was a huge success. Just when I was at the peak of my game I found out I was pregnant which is a huge blessing. The last 4 months I have spent on bed rest trying to decide how I would juggle 2014. So here are my goals.
1) give birth to a healthy baby girl the end of January
2) review and narrow down my product listing while I’m on maternity leave from my main job. I want to find about 6 strong products I can focus on that will travel well for the farmers markets this year
3) narrow to a small scent line with basic clean scents that can carry over to the products I want to focus on
4) figure out how to juggle a full time job, a side job, and my family without overwhelming myself 🙂
If is succeed in #1 and #4 I think I’ll have done something right.
Hi Elizabeth!
Life can certainly “get in the way” when it comes to goals 🙂 Congrats on your baby girl, how exciting! I think it’s really smart that you are keeping your goals realistic, and focusing on your upcoming addition! Thanks for sharing these goals with us!
-Amanda with Bramble Berry
After struggling to find the energy for the past few years to keep up with my goals, this year I’m keeping them very small and concrete.
1) Finish my allergy shots (hopefully this will help me stay awake and energetic during the summer)
2) Track my activity levels with a pedometer and monitor my weight.
While these goals aren’t very exciting, I’m very excited at the prospect of building positive momentum and improving my health. Better health will lead to more energy and will result in all those other goals becoming that much more achievable!
Hi Kristine,
I think these goals sound great! Improving ones health is so important, and having more energy will effect everything you do! Good luck with these goals Kristine!
-Amanda with Bramble Berry
First, I have to say how appreciative I am for this blog. I only found it a few weeks ago, but I am already addicted! Thank you for sharing your craft with everyone and making it so easy to understand.
My goals for 2014:
1. Increase my fresh fruit and veggie intake by drinking one freshly made juice every morning. I have subscribed to a local farmer’s market delivery service so that I always have fresh fruits and veggies available.
2. Learn a new homesteading skill. I just bought my first cold process soap kit to make my very first batch ever, have subscribed to Soap Queen blog, and will make at least one recipe every two weeks in order to perfect the new skill.
3. Get back on the exercise wagon. I just purchased a new gym membership that comes with a masters swim class and a die hard coach that calls if you miss a class, and also downloaded the Run Keeper app which provides me with a training plan. To keep me honest, I talked two runner friends into doing it with me and set up a runners challenge that tracks all of our runs (so that we can see who is running and who skipped a workout, and then hold them accountable).
4. Appreciate more. I started a “feel good” jar, and every day will write down one good thing that happened and put it in the jar every night.
5. Stop yelling. As the kids have been getting older, I find myself yelling more, which usually ends up with a worse situation, and a lot of anxiety. Step 1: Whisper instead. Step 2: Pay attention to my body’s stress response and give myself a time out when I feel tension rising before coming back and addressing the situation. Step 3: Clear consequences- no more yelling that the trash hasn’t been taken out. Give a clear consequence for each action/inaction instead.
6. Be demonstrative in love. Make a point of saying “I love you” every single day. I get so caught up in the bustle of life, that sometimes I forget to appreciate all of the amazing gifts that I have.
Have a wonderful, blessed, and peaceful New Year!
Hi Kelly!
I’m so glad you’re finding this blog helpful and fun! Love your “feel good jar” idea! These would be so fun to go back and read after the year is over. I also really like making a point to say “I love you” everyday. Very sweet. Thanks for sharing with us Kelly, and good luck with your goals!
-Amanda with Bramble Berry
My goal for 2014 is to lose a bit of weight (I have a different problem than many of you, my weight gain has happened after menopause!) and continue to work on being the best Pilates instructor I can be. I teach fitness for a living, so I have an image to uphold!
I am a new soaper, and would love to develop this as a bit of a sideline business, it will fit in nicely with my honey and egg sales, I think. My little Bit of Earth label could easily be adjusted to wrap around nice earthy natural soap bars!
My main goal is to really appreciate all that life offers, to be content, to enjoy friends and family. In the end it is all that makes us truly happy 🙂
Hi Ann!
These are all such fantastic goals. I especially like the one about being content and appreciating what life has to offer. This is something I think we all need to remind ourselves more often! Thanks for sharing this with us Ann 🙂
-Amanda with Bramble Berry
1) Floss 5 x week (because I know I won’t do it everyday)
2) Read 12 books for me (1 x month)
3) Read 12 books to my daughter (1 x month)
4) Drink 64 oz of water each day
5) Don’t go to bed after 11:30pm more than once a week
6) Do some special day long activity with my girl once a month ( crafts, baking, etc)
7) Learn something new every month ( New knit stitch, New gardening method, new DIY craft, etc.)
8) Remember to send birthday cards to all my family members and good friends (I’m always terrible at remembering birthdays)
9) Walk more than 3 miles at last 5 days a week.
Hi Katherine!
Oooh, flossing is a good one! I need to add that to my goal list as well! Having a crafting day once a month is also a great idea, and so much fun! Thanks for sharing your goals with us 🙂
-Amanda with Bramble Berry
My personal goal is to declutter the house and keep it clean and organized.
My business goal is 1000 sales on Etsy and at least 5 steady wholesale accounts.
I love Fly Lady for http://www.flylady.net/ getting my cleaning under control. I’m a clutter queen too because I just get so dang busy that everything else takes precedence.
My only goal so far has to do with my hobby – dog agility…so not soaping related! LOL!
I want to participate in at least one agility trial this next year with my youngest dog.
1- work on one skill every day
2 – run mini courses 3x a week
3 – Go to open ring time at least 1x every 2 months
4 – Take a private lesson at least 1x every 3 months
Hi Carma!
That sounds like such a fun goal! I love watching dogs do this kinda stuff when it’s on TV 🙂 Good luck with this goal, I hope it’s fun as well!
-Amanda with Bramble Berry
I have goals that I make and set…and do my best to achieve. I’ve found that most of my missed goals were the ones that I set way too high for myself and failed to be realistic in how I set it. Sooooo, for my first goal….
1. Be more realistic in what I set out to do and don’t set myself up for failure! (professionally and personally speaking)
2. I do floor Pilates and usually have a new move that I want to achieve and conquer …. I’d like to move to some of the equipment, so I bought a large ball to help me get started …. Learn to balance and strengthen on the ball with new moves before spring!
3. Sell off the rest of 2012’s soap stock before April, 2013.
4. Get more involved in my local community, of which I’m a newer member, having moved here less than a year ago. Join an artist’s guild or group and get into some of their events!
5. Give my ever growing children more of my focused attention. Work on balancing the time I spend on my work with the time I spend on my family….and get it right!
6. Work on staying positive…in all areas of my life. I have a tendency to let negative thoughts conquer my feelings and bring me down. I will take steps to beat the thoughts when they begin and not allow them to grow….first step: recognize them when they appear, disarm them with truth, and change my thought to a positive one.
7. Keep paying attention to the foods that aren’t agreeing with my body. Start a list of the ones I’m not able to digest, an start keeping them out of my diet. (I have low tolerance for many foods, an it is always changing….time to keep a food diary.)
I am already living in the past …. see my years up above??? Sell my soap stock from 2012 by April 2013? ……. …. yeah …. that’s where my mind is ….
#7 … clear my thoughts and concentrate on the moment so I’m not saying ditzy things!!
….sell soap stock from 2013 by April 2014!! … 🙂
….and be positive and understanding of my own mistakes!! 🙂
Ha! You’re funny. I saw that in the dates and was wondering about that. Smart thinking about the stock and selling it. After all, if you can turn it into cash, it’s literally cash sitting on your shelves right now =)
Thank you for this blog post. I have been formulating my goals in my mind but now it’s time to put them on paper. I tend to be an all or nothing girl so breaking the big goal up into bite size pieces is perfect therapy for me 🙂
Business Goal 1. is to become a good social marketer. I have already started this process by reading “The New Rules of Marketing and PR” and have two other books lined up after that. Through the month of January I will be reading blogs that potential wholesale businesses frequent and that they write. My hope is to learn what is important to them and become a thoughtful and interesting blogger through this process. This will help me accomplish my long term goal of getting my wholesale accounts up to 7.
Personal Goal 1. is to become healthier. I have set a short term date for a certain weight so I don’t become discouraged by not jumping from point a to point z. I am cutting out processed foods and increasing my water intake. The process will continue from there with calorie counting and increasing activity.
I have more goals and more specifics but they will not be reached with out these first two.
Thanks again for the post. I really enjoy your blog. Have a great year!
Hi Missy!
I couldn’t agree more, breaking up a big goal into smaller pieces helps so much! Becoming more social media savvy and a more interesting blogger are great goals, and can be so much fun! Good luck with all your goals!
-Amanda with Bramble Berry
My goal for 2014 is to grow my business.
When I was 14 my mom and I made some soap for a homeschool project. I quickly fell in love with the whole process and could not get enough of it! That was 4 years ago and now I have my products in a few stores and boutiques and have quite a local following. Now I would like to open myself up to the internet. This year I hope to make a business plan and get a website. It’s something I have put off because l find it a bit intimidating but if you never take chances you will never reach your dream! I have several new ideas for products to introduce in 2014 and cannot be more excited!…BRING ON 2014!
Doing a business plan can be daunting. I wrote a series of blog posts about it here: http://www.soapqueen.com/business/endless-possibilities-day-nine-2/ Links to all of the posts at the bottom of that one.
I hope that helps you keep your plan organized =)
Thank you very much for the help! Your awesome! 🙂
putting up a website is on my list for this year. Trying to get at least 3 more places to sell my soaps, and to always keep learning more ways to market and perfect my goat milk soaps. keep better, more accurate records of my business and schedule. Thanks
Hi Marilyn!
These goals sound awesome! Good luck with them all, and thanks for sharing them with us! 🙂
-Amanda with Bramble Berry
I read a lot, but I want to focus on reading at least 1 non-fiction book a month.
I started eating healthier and losing weight this year, but I would like to continue the good trend by exercising 3x a week and continuing the good eating.
And finally, I’m taking up guitar this year in lieu of my usual MO of taking up a new crafty pursuit each new year. I don’t know what my specific goal with that is yet though.
Guitar sounds great and you’ll always be the popular one at parties if you bring it =)
In 2014 I’m going to wake up half and hour earlier to take some me time, drink green tea, enjoy the fresh morning dew and relax (the daily calm before the storm). 🙂
My goal is to loose 20 pounds by Spring/Summer 2014 so I will dance 5 times a week for 20-30 minutes in the mirror.
I would love to expand my business in 2014 so I am going to try to set up at least 1 extra 2 hour bath and body party per week with friends and family.
I want 2014 to be a family togetherness year, so I am going to set aside 2 Saturday nights a month for family outings and 2 Friday nights a month for date nights with Hubby.
Hi Rebecca!
Oh how I would love to wake up early and enjoy a cup of tea every morning! My bed is just too comfy, haha 🙂 I wish you the best of luck on this goal, it’s such a good one!
-Amanda with Bramble Berry
Thank you! So far so good! 😉
Goal: Gain more muscle instead of flab by June 2014 (Swimsuit season!)
1. Stop buying snack foods all the time (I’m looking at you, mini powdered doughnuts)! Instead, make snack foods yourself so you know what exactly goes in it (this goes primarily for potato chips)
2. Only eat refined sugar twice a week, and in small amounts each time (amount to be determined)
3. Work out at the gym an intense half hour before work and a gentle hour during lunch three times a week.
4. Go for a run every Saturday/Sunday morning with “Zombies, Run!” as long as the weather permits(it is a fantastic app I found where while you are running, you are running in a game from zombies!).
5. Start standing up at the desk at work instead of sitting all day.
6. For each sugary drink you have (coffee/juice), you have to drink two glasses of water. NO SODA. SODA IS ACID. EVEN THOUGH COKE WITH VANILLA SYRUP IS DELICIOUS, YOU MUST RESIST.
7. Cut out most of your frozen foods and stick to fresh fruits, vegetables, and meats.
8. Even before you gain muscle, look in the mirror every morning and love the body you have. It’s a slammin’ body even with flab.
Oooooh, mini powdered donuts are kryptonite! Deliciousness. Pinterest is such a huge help for me in making healthy snack foods.
Zombies App – Have heard of it but haven’t tried it. Mostly because I think I’m sort of scared of Zombies.
I appreciate and admire your self-affirmation. Nice work! =)
I have 2 main goals this year-one personal which will greatly effect my (other) professional goal.
My personal goal is to get in better shape and get my hound dog in better shape as well. The number on the scale is not nearly as important to me as how we both will feel and perform. I would hope to make a significant improvement each month, but would like to feel marvelous by June 1st, 2014!
The plan: Walk for 30 minutes each day, 5 days per week, either in our neighborhood or a local forest trail or dog park trail.
How I will measure our success: The walking will get easier and we will be able to tackle longer and more difficult walks without getting winded and tired. I will be more confident. My dog will be healthier and happier.
My professional goal is to advertise my small natural cosmetics and skin care company more and to develop a system for a new realm of at-home type sales.
The plan: To plan! Go to the drawing board (literally and figuratively) and get plans and details and ideas mapped out considering budget, time, commitment and realism. After this, I will contact appropriate resources to get information and make connections and go from there.
How to measure success in this: Sales aren’t as important as exposure for these goals. Facebook and Twitter likes should go up, visits to my shop will go up. By February 14th I will have my plan in place for at-home sales and will start that process and make realistic goal dates as I go and hope to have it all dialed in by early Summer of 2014.
Phew! That’s a lot, but I’m excited to embark on the adventure and make some great changes and improvements 🙂
Thanks for the post, it’s very realistic and down to Earth which is great!!
Have a happy new year!
Hi Aurora!
I love that your fitness goal revolves around feeling better, and not necessarily focusing on a number. Also, I love that your plan is simply that…planning! So important! 🙂 Wishing you a happy new year as well!
-Amanda with Bramble Berry
For this year my goals are a mix of both professional and personal.
1) My first goal is expand my business. I am planning to open my very own retail shop by June of this upcoming year :)!!!
2) My second goal is to lose the additional 20 pounds that I have been stalling on. I lost 20+ pounds in 2013 but I managed to get off track. I did not gain anything back but I am not on a schedule and do not have as much energy as I did before.
3) My third goal is an education related one. I am looking forward to finishing my MBA in May of 2014 and I am planning to continue my studies. I will be starting my doctorate or DBA degree in June 2014. This will be such a huge accomplishment to me because I will be the first person in my family to have a doctoral degree.
Thank you for sharing your goals and listening to mine :)!! Everyone Have A Happy New Year!!! Let us all stay positive and obtain our goals!!
Seriously!? A retail shop will be so cool! I love your avatar/logo for your company. It’s friendly, recognizable and approachable.
Congrats on being the first in your family with a Doctoral degree. =)
Hi Anne-Marie,
Yes, I am so excited about the shop!! I take a few moments everyday to work on the design and feel of the shop. This helps me know that I am getting closer to my goal :)!! Thank you for your comments regarding our new logo. The idea was actually Sophia’s (my seven year old daughter). She told me one day a few weeks ago that she wanted to have her face not just her name on every product!! She is so business minded to be so young. I am very proud of her!!
Thank you for the congrats on going for my doctoral degree :)!! I accidently clicked submit before I could type that part. This tablet is too sensitive.. LOL 🙂
Setting goals is hard for me to do..I end up usually not sticking with them but the past year I have found my motivation to keep them going is the people who are encouraging me and depending on me. This year…. I plan to:
1. Launch my company consulting opportunity by the end of January, I’m waiting for my catalog to be printed and for some of the supplies I ordered so that I can fill consultant kits. (I have decided upon going a direct selling route because I have many who want to share the products with others)
After the rest of the materials arrive, I plan on sharing the opportunity on facebook, word of mouth, fliers, and at home parties I personally have scheduled. Then I will host a meeting for the eager consultants in January to get them familiar with the business.
2. Have 10-15 consultants nationwide. I have 5 already in the Illinois area that are waiting for the launch. I plan to get more either by word of mouth, doing vendor shows in different states or online and facebook advertising.
3. (Personal goal) Either buy a treadmill or get a personal trainer. Not sure which one yet but I need to. Enough with excuses. I will use it 4x a week for an hour each time.
4. (Personal goal) Spend more time disconnecting my self from work when I’m supposed to be with my fiancee or friends. Setting aside specific days of the week where its just us, no cell phone or email interruptions on date nights. And same with friends, reserve one night a week to spend with a girlfriend for dinner or shopping or a movie.
I also noticed that it has helped me if I write the goals down and have them somewhere I look everyday, in my office with encouraging quotes and pictures.
Hi Kristin!
I totally agree with you, I sometimes have a hard time sticking with goals long term as well. I think your goals sound really smart, yet realistic. I totally hear you with the “enough excuses” regarding fitness! Good luck with your goals Kristin!
-Amanda with Bramble Berry
Michael over the next year would be to learn patience. My husband will be deployed again starting in April for at least 8 months overseas again. This will be our second appointment together however our first appointment while being married and having our little munchkin. So I’ll definitely be kept busyyou with last time to think which is good. Another goal that I will be working on will be to become more healthy and active. I will go back to at least having one green smoothie per day. As well as working out 5 days a week in some capacity that I can do in my house. I will continue with my love of soap making as well as making delicious sugar scrubs. Drinking more water will also be thrown into the mix as well as eating less sweets <3
My goal* lol
Ah, that is so hard. I can’t imagine being with a little munchkin while Dad is deployed. Big hugs to you there on that one.
Seven green smoothies a week and working out 5 times a week is impressive. I’ll raise a green juice glass to that!
I have big plans for this year, but as I seem to every year, I broke them down this year into monthly goals. I have a “soapy” goal, a “family” goal, and a “fitness” goal. January’s soapy goal is to finalize the recipes of my salt bars, the family goal is to go to our local aquarium with Daddy for some fun family time, and the fitness goal is to exercise at least 2 times a week this month. I plan on adding to my goals monthly- by the end of the year, I hope to have at least 12 recipes towards my goal of selling soaps, a lot of fun memories with the kids, and finally lose the rest of the baby weight (every time I get close, I have another baby, ha!) Happy New Year, everyone! I wish you all luck in your goals! Well, luck and hard work 🙂
Hi Jackie!
I love the way you have categorized your goals, such a smart idea! Also, I imagine it helps you stay balanced with work, family and personal. Thanks for sharing this strategy with us, and good luck with your goals! If you get a photo of your salty bars, we’d love to see them on our Facebook page! 🙂
-Amanda with Bramble Berry
I have quite a few goals this year. I joined the gym across the street from my house (because I know I tend to be lazy and if it’s close I’ll have a better chance of going) and have a plan already in motion for the new year.
1) Finish a farmer’s market from start to finish (March through October) without missing a week.
2) Get down to pre-2nd-baby-weight of 130 lbs by my birthday (July 22) currently at an abysmal 175 lbs.
3) Spend a special day each Sunday with my 4 special people (my son Gabe, my daughter Lyjah, and my youngest daughter Bailye.. along with my husband lol).
4) Get off my butt, conquer my fear of appearing like a solicitor and do my best to get 1 wholesale or retail account. This means approaching 1 business a month with a sample kit (5 different soaps, matching lotions and body sprays, lip balms, maybe some bath truffles or bombs). I have 5 businesses in mind including my neighbor who is a concierge for a local hotel/casino, and two salons down the street from my house.
5) Last but not least, put $50 away each paycheck to fund next year’s Christmas. I have an old Cheese Balls tub (it’s huge!) with the top glued on and a slit in the top to prevent me from getting into it easily.
I think these goals are achievable if I stick to my guns and keep it up. I have reminders on my iPhone set to alert me every morning to go to the gym at certain times on certain days for classes I want to attend. I’m already signed up for the Farmer’s Market so that shouldn’t be an issue. I have an alert on my google calendar set to remind me every other Friday about the $50 savings plan. I also have my first sample pack ready to go and will deliver it to the first place on my list (salon #1) by January 15th. Whew!!! At the very least it will be a fantastic New Year!!!
Those are some ambitious (lovely!) goals. Losing 45 pounds in 7 months is doable and be a nutritional change. I’ve been loving these cookbooks to help me with eating healthy yet flavorful foods:
Crazy Sexy Cookbook
It’s All Good
I’m doing this healthy eating for the year kickstart here: http://insidebydesign.net/ but with all the supplements, it is a financial commitment for sure. Either way, I LOVE the cookbook that comes with it. Such healthy flavorful food.
Good luck with your selling. You absolutely can do it but getting past that first ‘No’ is hard =)
Too true, that first rejection feels like someone just took your kid and said they weren’t yours to begin with. It’s hard to get over, but I just need to remind myself that I’ll probably hear 20 no’s before I hear a yes.
I eat pretty healthy, I just need to cut out my snack foods and get more active. This is my problem, sitting at the computer for upwards of 6 hours a day or reading in my comfy chair. Doing these things makes me want to snack, I just need to choose healthier snacks and snack less often. It’s all about self-discipline this year. We’ll see if I can do it, although I’m sure I can. =) Thanks for your reply!!!
My goals for 2014 are:
1) Lose the 20 lbs of baby fat by tracking calories and getting back into biking (bonus points for biking with baby!)
2) Improve Etsy business by starting a facebook page and sitting down with recipes binder to type up new labels and listings that include a list of ingredients according to the guidelines by scheduling 20 minute sit down sessions in the evenings twice a week until this is done.
3) Plan one fun adventure/activity to take place outdoors with the kids per month. Doesn’t have to be fancy, a trip to the park is just as good as a trip to the museum as long as something special (bring kites) is added to make it more fun.
I use My Fitness Pal to track calories. My user name is Soap Queen. Friend me! =)
I am new to the soaping business so I have two sets of goals: personal and business.
I’ll start with personal. My personal goal is to more healthy overall. That would look like shopping healthier at the grocery store, making it to the gym at least twice a week (baby steps, right?), and to drink eight glasses of water daily.
I’m also a full time student so I’m working on not procrastinating and writing all my assignments down and setting aside at least an hour a day for homework, studying, reading, etc.
On to my business goals. Like I previously stated I am new to soaping so my goal is to save money (10% of my income) to get going. I will open an etsy shop in June when the school year is over and find three locally owned businesses where I can sell my product by August.
2014 will be a great year because I will create my own luck! Happy New Year Bramble Berry!
Wow! Saving 10% of your income is a fantastic goal. And, getting three new accounts will definitely help with that goal =) I love your positive thought about creating your own luck.
My smart goals for 2014 are the following:
Secure trademark and logo for my new business by Q1
Perfect my recipes and product lines by Q2
Secure and develop website by Q3
Stock supplies for Q4 business kick-off.
Hi Teresa!
These all sound like awesome goals! I hope this post gave you some ideas on how to accomplish them!
-Amanda with Bramble Berry
Yes, it did! All of your posts are great inspirations.
I plan in 2014 to:
1) make my first batch of soap ever.
2) incorporate hand made soaps and lotions etc. into my massage business as a retail item.
3) Keep a “positive” journal where I write down 3 positive things that happen every day.
Make your first batch of soap ever?! SO COOL! I can’t wait to read what you choose to make for the first time. =)
I love the positive journal. There are tons of apps for them on Android and iPhones too if you’re a smart phone user.
I really enjoy making my own planner with the exact things I need inside. My goals are listed on the first page of every new month with a box next to each item that I get to check off and see my progress. I take the month of November to go over the previous year, make adjustments as needed, such as: learn a new soaping technique, finish my pilots license, meditate 20 minutes a day, etc.
This year I vow to myself to smile more, laugh more and remember God loves everyone.
Have a blessed year!
Hi Michelle!
This is such a great idea! Having such a fantastic organizational system must help tremendously, I may need to give that a try 🙂 Also, your goals for this next year sound great, thanks for sharing this with us!
-Amanda with Bramble Berry
This is excellent! I’ve had some goals for a bit now but I wasn’t sure how exactly to put them into action. I need to find a better balance between my business and my family, So I’m going to set aside 2 evenings a week for ‘business’ (things like improving marketing, researching new product etc). I also need to take care of myself some, I like the idea of 20 minutes a day ‘active’ time..I think I’ll borrow that one, but start at 3x a week since I’m a newbie 🙂 This is such an inspiring post..and I think it’s really going to help me in the coming year. Thanks!
Balance is such a difficult thing to achieve when you have a business and a family. I frequently feel like I’m shortchanging someone at all times =) I like your idea of setting aside 2 evenings a week for business things. You might consider getting even more specific with how many hours an “evening” is so you end up getting your focused time in consistently. I have been using the ‘Carrot app’ on my iPhone for goals lately and it’s been great.
I’m going to start writing out my goals right now, personal & business. Thanks for the tips.
Hi Jennifer!
So glad you enjoyed this post, and good luck with your goals!
-Amanda with Bramble Berry
I’m still working on my goals, but a few are:
1) choose 1 day per month to have a special day eith each child… so 3 days total per month will be set aside as mommy/child days
2) have a date night once a month with the husband
3)start saving now for christmas using the dollar a week plan (first week 1 dollar, 2nd week 2 dollars etc)
4) build my horseback riding instruction buisness by more advertising and possibly another schooling horse
5) make 1 small batch of soap a month to give as presents to friends and family for birthdays and holidays
I love the husband/date goal. We have that one in our Family Goals. We used to try for 1 time per week before kids and now, 1 time per month is plenty good =)
My goal for this year is to run a 5K with my 11 year old. This means that both of us will need to start training – in the dead of a Wisconsin winter. My new treadmill is set to deliver on Thursday and I have successfully used the C25K in the past.
Running with my kiddo is much more fun than I expected. He’s excited about it too.
The best part about this goal is that it means I will simultaneously achieve a couple of other goals as well, getting into better physical shape and eating better.
While this isn’t the loftiest of goals, it is still one that is hard for me as a single parent to carve out the time to exercise on a regular basis.
Hi Kris!
What a fantastic goal! I have always wanted to run a marathon, except for one problem…I hate running! Haha 🙂 That’s awesome that your family enjoy doing such a healthy activity together!
-Amanda with Bramble Berry
I have always wanted to do this, and have read (I think every single year) about your SMART goal settings. I got married a lil over a month ago and moved to Canada, so the time feels about right to do it.
Personal Goals:
1) Loose weight in order to be healthier and have a baby in the future, changing my eating habits and getting more active.
2) Start juicing veggies and taking at least 3x week.
3) Read more! Love to read, but don’t make the time for it. I will read a book per month.
4) Open a saving account for our future home.
“Business” Goals:
1) I used to own a small business back at home (Puerto Rico) and want to start making the same here in Canada. Just that couldn’t bring any of my supplies, so as of Jan 2014 will start building up again my small business Aroma ScentSations & make it grow.
2) Still have a regular 5 days/40 hrs week job as a sales representative. For this 2014 I will accomplish and exceed my monthly goals by doing weekly follow up and reaching out new prospects.
I love juicing! It’s such a mess to clean up that I really need to get back into the habit of it (thus, my goal!) =)
Since I am new to the business aspect of soap making. My goal for this year is to update the catalog of available soaps on my website monthly along with the current postings I do on Facebook. I also need to figure out how to do online orders directly through the website with the shipping costs calculated for me. All which is really new to me to learn how to do. I also want to be able to have the available stock on hand before summer hits when I start doing a lot of local fairs and markets around my area so that I’m not scrambling to get more made in time. Small but measurable goals I believe.
Hi Amy!
These are all fantastic goals! Planning ahead is key when it comes to soaping, so I think your plan to have your summer stock ready is really smart!
-Amanda with Bramble Berry
I have found that using a Franklin Covey Planner is the most wonderful tool. It is well worth it to take the time to learn the system and to follow it. Your immediate and long term goals are written in this book. Then, you plan each day and set weekly goals. I found that it really helped me to track the amount of soap bars that I made each week and to figure out how I could produce more. It takes only about 10 to 15 minutes at the end of the day to review what your goals for the day were and if you didn’t meet those goals, you simply move them forward. You also track your appointments with wholesale shops, etc. I also use a vision board and find it very helpful. My first goal for 2014 is already in the works and that is to open my Etsy shop.
I used to use their system (all the way back in high school and college) and have gone through Covey’s 7 Habits book 4X over the last few years. You’re right, planning on Sunday is so important!
I just realized that I didn’t actually state my goals…
1.is to use my Franklin planner everyday to keep my goals on track
2.open my Etsy shop
3.get 1 more wholesale account
4. ride my horse at least 4 times per week
5. add 12 new chickens to my flock of French Maran chickens so I can meet the demands of my Farmer’s Market customers.
6. design a new line of soap for weddings, showers, etc.