I just realized the weekend is almost over and I’ve been remiss in posting to the blog. Whoops! It’s been a busy weekend. Yesterday was Chris’s (actually, from a grammar standpoint, I’m pretty sure it’s Chris’) company picnic. Between trying to get Jamisen’s nap moved around and actually going to the picnic, it took up much of the day. Look at him below; can you believe he’s gotten so big?!
No complaints here though because Grandma and Grandpa Renoud (Chris’ parents – or, is it Chris’s parents?) were there and Grandpa Renoud was amazing with baby Jamisen. He followed Jamisen’s random wanderings and was a total eagle eye. Sorry that I don’t have any photos of them together yet (hopefully tomorrow) but rest assured, all the boys were cute.
I had a chance to read and cook a bit this weekend as well (joy joy joy!). Two books I am loving (!!!): ‘Where’d You Go, Bernadette‘ and ‘The Age of Miracles.‘ Both are absolutely worth reading and I recommend them.
I also whipped up a batch of eggplant polenta and Jamisen is loving it (!!!). He seriously thinks he is in heaven and does his little ‘more’ sign language sign for all he’s worth. The recipe, from Martha Stewart, is here. I added a bit of kale (of course!) in between in the layers.
I managed to get a hike in yesterday and today (woot woot) but the big excitement of my day was cohosting a fundraiser for Jay Inslee, running for Governor for the State of Washington. I was honored to do the ‘ask’ at the end. The ‘ask’, if you’ve never been to a political event, is like the clean-up hitter. The job is go in and highlight some key policy points and then remind everyone that elections cost money and do the ‘ask’ for that money. I spent part of last night in front of the mirror practicing my 4 minute talk. When I went to public speaking school six years ago, that’s what my instructor, Reid Buckley said to do: practice, practice, practice.
Finally, some sites I am loving lately are Whitney’s blog on Public Relations and Marketing, Umani Girl on cooking, and Blogilates on awesome do-at-home work out routines (go abs!). I hope you had an equally fun-filled, busy weekend. I’m ready to hit Monday with all I’ve got – my ‘top five‘ goals are written down (and one of those goals is to get to the bottom of the bail-jar-status-mystery!). I’m excited to take the rest of the night to read ‘The Week’ magazine and relax. ‘Night!
Hello Dear Friends!
Please tell me you have news on the plastic bail jars! I like so many others, I am sure, saw a jump in sales using these for balms, butters and salt scrubs!
Anxiously awaiting news!
Jan Pace
Power Of Three Creations
Fallbrook, CA
Hi Jan! We have ordered more bail jars and they are on their way. As soon as they come in, we will put them back up on the website, so keep your eyes peeled! 🙂
-Becky with Bramble Berry
Sorry, Angel, but I disagree. Nancy’s right. It would be Chris’s. Anyone born after the 16th century would have an extra ‘s at the end of their name. (So Jesus or Moses would be Jesus’ mother or Moses’ tablets, but my ownership of my adorable puppy would be Mrs. Barclay Nichols’s cutie puppy!)
A great resource on apostrophes! (To establish my cred, I’m was an English major, currently a writer, and the wife of Mr. Nichols, so you know I’ve researched this quite a few times, especially right after the wedding!)
If a word already has a “s” on the end, you do not add an apostrophe “s” at the end to show possession. Therefore, it is Chris’ or Nicholas’, or Jones’. If the word does not have a “s” on the end (example: Mike’s bike, Tom’s cup), you so add an “s” on the end to show possession.
Anne-Marie – You look great! Thanks for the book recommendations.
Aw, thanks! That means a lot coming from you =))
Anne Marie: I had to write to you personally due to some changes that are being made and I want you to pleae hear my plea. I just started offering Body Cremes in my product mix and they have gone over SO well. EXPLOSION of sales! I package them in your 4 oz PET plastic bail jars. My customers love them. I am all out and have a huge show this weekend – Brambleberry tells me they are not reordering and may carry “glass!” ones in the future. Glass in the bathroom ? Please bring back the 4 oz plastic bail jars or maybe you will be kind enough to let me know of your supplier. Thank you. Tonya Tate Nature’s Bath 859-835-1616
[email protected]
Roger that – I saw someone else mention that on our FB page and I am all over it. I’ve started a new sourcing process with a different vendor and I’m hopeful. In the meantime, I do have a bunch of glass ones being made! =)
you look awesome in that dress.
I had no idea that you were engaged politically.
THX for the book and blog reccomendations.
I’m still involved reading FLOW which you’ve recommended.
Wish you a successful week
How are you liking Flow? I just started a new book on how habits are formed. I can’t wait to discuss it with my book club.
Yes, engaged politically and with quite a few non-profits for our local community and state. I love getting involved in areas other than just business. It’s extremely rewarding. Thanks for the kudos on the dress. I am loving yellow lately =)
Jamisen is growing so fast! But he is a cute little boy!
Growing so fast. I can’t believe that last year, he had just started crawling!
Love your blog posts! I’m a professional copyeditor. “Chris’s” is correct. I understand the confusion, however. I think most of us learned in school that it should be Chris’ but that’s incorrect. Conventions have changed a bit over the years so it’s possible that 20 years ago, Chris’ was the accepted form. The new edition of Chicago Manual of Style recommends the “apostrophe s” for nearly every singular word ending in “s”.
I love the Chicago Manual of Style. And I feel bad that I couldn’t italicize the title in this format.
And speaking of apostrophes, why aren’t there any on the front page of Whitney’s blog? If I had come upon it by chance rather than recommendation, the first “Im” and “cant” would have made me click away. As it is, I’m wondering if it was an import/cut-and-paste bug. Either way, proofing is important!
Mellifera, Ha! Good one. I get really bothered by bad grammar too. I must have been in a forgiving mood because I didn’t catch those. =)
Thanks Nancy! Seriously, it drives me insane trying to figure it out (and I never remember)! =)