I’ve always had a particular affinity for oceans. In fact, when I was little, I thought I would be a marine biologist (well, that or a pop star but marine biologist seemed slightly more realistic). We’re introducing Jaminsen to the ocean early.
We drove on the beach, we walked on the beach and then took Jamisen to his first sand castle competition. He adores walking in a stroller and just takes in all the sights, drooling, laughing, smiling and then zonking out. Come to think of it, that sounds like a pretty good time. I’ll take one of those, please.
We love the Baby Bjorn. Jamisen is just getting big enough to have me not worry about him smothering himself when he falls asleep (yes, you can call me paranoid and perhaps a bit overprotective. What can I say? It’s our first!).
Jamisen has learned to laugh. We all find it quite charming and do all kinds of silly things to make it happen (video example below). My husband rarely reads this blog so I’m counting on all of you to keep the fact that I put this clip up for public consumption a secret. Pinky swear?
Anne-Marie, you have a wonderful little boy there! There is nothing like the first giggles. My boys are 5 and 8 now and that seems like eons ago. They both laugh nearly to tears when I tuck them in at night and blow raspberries at their neck. Children are such precious gifts.
5 and 8? Wow, that seems so far away but I know it will go by like ‘that!’ in the blink of an eye. Congrats on having two giggly boys. =)
So cute! it reminds me a little of that funny video on YouTube with the baby cracking up when the dad is tearing paper. I miss those sweet moments.
Good for you. I’m happy for you with baby and dad. you all are sweet. xo
I love that video on YouTube and then the one of the Mamma blowing her nose and her baby getting very startled and then giggling like crazy! It’s hilarious =)
That was to die for!! Babies are so pure in what they find funny!! Thank you for sharing it has made my day!
I got him a new toy today that he LOVES – giggled so much when I brought it out and started shaking it at him. It was super colorful and had lots of little dangly things. If I can get a laugh, I’ll bring that kind of toy home every day! =)
Made me laugh, too. Chris AND Jamisen both! Too much fun.
He he. My husband makes me laugh every day. I’m soooooo lucky to have them both.
Baby laughter is so precious!!! I think most parents do crazy, silly things just to hear that wonderful sound. It’s so infectious. Thank you for posting this and bringing a smile to my face on this gloomy northwestern day!!!
Oh it so SO gloomy today, isn’t it? And in Bellingham, the wind is going like CRAZY!
Glad you liked it =)
OMG it doesn’t get much cuter that that..how adorable and it makes the watcher smile!
Glad you liked it! =)) YAY!
What beach did you go to Anne-Marie?
Sabrook, WA http://www.seabrookwa.com/ with the fam for a week. Both Chris and I worked during the day and took turns Jamisen-watching so we could get our conference calls and emails done but there was plenty of down time for the beach, for walks and for reading. It was such a joy.
How are you not cracking up while filming that?? it’s way too cute!!! They are both awesome! (as are you!)
Totally! It was very hard to stifle the laughter =)
How adorable the little soaplet is, per my husband who was watching over my shoulder. It is so wonderful to see a father enjoy his baby so much! What a joy thank you for sharing this Anne-Marie!
Love that term! Your husband coined a good one. Maybe we’ll call our next one Soaplet on Twitter (since Jamisen has taken @bramblebump! LOL!)
Oh that is hysterical. What a happy little guy! This might very well become a viral video so prepare your husband…lol
LOL! He would sure be surprised. He is the kindest, most supportive husband in the world but he just doesn’t follow the blog much (and really, it’s not like his business is about soap so I ‘get’ it) so yes, he would be very surprised =)
There’s no happier sound than a baby’s laughter! Absolutely adorable! Thanks for sharing!
It is the best sound ever. I love it so much =)
laughing is one of the best milestones. It took forever for my lil girl to actualy laugh instead of just “scream with joy”. She’s 18m now and we still find ourselves doing stupid things to get her to laugh!
Don’t you just laugh at yourself when you’re doing all the crazy machinations to get her to laugh? It definitely brings a lot of joy and silliness into my life.
What a GIFT to hear your baby erupting with laughter!! I am always excited to see the word Jamisen on the subject line of your emails. Thank you for sharing you joy with all of us!! I can never have too much laughter in my morning.
Oh I have two more full posts with photos in there and I’m anxiously awaiting Friday or the weekend so I can post them. LOL! =) I try to stay mostly business and soapy during the week but it’s hard when your entire life revolves around baby + soap! LOL! =)
So cute! My little man said “dat baby punny and dat man is punny too!” (He’s 3!). Enjoy every precious moment, even the ones that deprive you of sleep! HaHa
OH! I love that! I can’t believe you have a little guy that’s talking. That seems so far away but I know it’s going to go by quickly.
How absolutely adorable; congratulations!!!!!
Thank you. We feel extremely blessed =)
What a cutie! And the baby too LOL!
He he. Yeah, I think my husband is totally adorable too =)
Jamisen has your smile Anne-Marie:) he is just gorgeous! my silly computer wouldn’t let me see the video but I bet it is wonderful. I love the sound of babies laughing, they always make me smile, I used to have a baby laughing ring tone on my mobile, it used to make heads turn all the time:)
Sad that you didn’t get to see the video – it’s pretty precious (but I am a little biased). Love the idea of a baby laughing for a ring tone!
I think baby giggles are the most beautiful sound in the world. Our baby girl is about 2 months older than Jamisen and has that sweet innocent baby giggle. We find ourselves doing the silliest things to make her laugh.
Every so often, I’ll catch myself being INSANE out there, with arms and legs akimbo and making the silliest faces and sounds, and I’ll be like “Wow, if anyone could see me now!” but it’s all worth it for one precious giggle =)
OMG What a cute smile, that is Jamisen not you AM. LOL.
Adorable and I will do just about anything to see it. LOL!
kids – is my life! when I look at them …when they sleep, when they laugh … and I understand, what is happiness !!)))
You’re right, they do quickly become your life don’t they? =)
oh yeah! can not imagine how we lived without them before ))))) and my happiness is triple-three daughters)))
This is the most adorable video. My little G let out her first giggle yesterday! It was the most glorious thing I have ever heard. Now if i could get her to do it again LOL! 😀
I remember the first giggle too! Jamisen was on the changing station (he loves being naked) and that was absolutely hilarious! They do just warm your heart, don’t they? =))
That is so freakin’ adorable. Your a lucky girl Anne-Marie!
I am incredibly lucky – two amazing men at home keeps me feeling grateful all the time.