It’s the call that every parent dreads. It can start with anything but ends with, “And we called 911.” In our case, it started with “I heard a ticking, and then a heard a bang. And now smoke is coming out of the vents. So Lily and I are on the lawn outside. Jamisen is with his Dad.” I immediately logged into our nanny cams and saw the entire house was filled with smoke and every detector was going off – and rushed home. The fire trucks passed me on the way home.
When I got there, our Nanny of 3 years was outside of my Bellingham home with Lily in pajamas along with 7 trucks of firemen, my husband Chris and our redheaded 4 year old. And there we all stayed. For almost three hours. No one knew what had happened except that the gas levels were so high in the house that no one could go in. One fireman told me, “If anyone had tried to cook anything, the entire house would have been leveled.”
At some point, I got the genius idea to check the nanny cams again and saw this. It’s grainy and small but clearly something was wrong; there’s a wall missing beside the fireplace:
It turns out that our boiler blew up, directly into our kiddo’s playroom where Jamisen had been playing recently.
Thankfully, instead of blowing up like a rocket ship, the force of the blast took it sideways into our storage area, and not directly up into Lily’s crib (her room is directly above the boiler).
The nannycam caught the boiler explosion on video as it happened. And yes, it did happen on Friday the 13th!
There’s a few lessons here – and I’m sure there will be more after the fire and explosion investigation is over:
1. Inspect your boiler and hot water heater regularly. Many homes have boilers in their crawl spaces. When was the last time yours was inspected? There are some places that suggest that this be done yearly. Ours was last inspected 18 months ago and deemed safe.
2. Escape plans do work. Our family escape plan is that in case of emergency we all run to the garden. When the explosion happened, our Nanny instinctively grabbed baby Lily and went to the pre-planned location to call 911.
3. Document, document, document. We had read all about home inventories and how important it was to do them. And, we even sort of half-heartedly have one done from last year. But when faced with an actual insurance claim, it is clear that we should have done a real one. The paperwork and questions are daunting and, right now our heads aren’t in quite the best frame of mind to do them.
4. Check your homeowners insurance. We are lucky that the house wasn’t leveled. If it had been, we would have found ourselves dramatically under-insured for the rebuilding costs by about 40%.
5. Always end with silver linings. I recently talked about the importance of joy, and cultivating gratitude in your daily life on the Indie Beauty Podcast (this episode right here). We have spent the last 12 hours going over all the things we have to be thankful for; that Jamisen wasn’t downstairs (he had played there in the last hour), that the boiler blew sideways instead of up into Lily’s room; that we had friends to take us in … all of it. We’re focusing on that and the feelings of thankfulness, and how lucky we are, rather than the dull monotony of all the next steps. We are safe. Our house can be fixed.
Thank you to those of you who have reached out via social media already. I’m feelin’ the love! =) The entire Soap Queen and Bramble Berry community are amazing(!). I am so thankful for all the positive people in my life that are keeping me thinking about the good things and not the what’ifs! It also has been gratifying to see the message about boiler safety spread far and wide. Here are just a few of the news media outlets that covered this story:
Oh my goodness, I’m so glad you’re all ok and that your kids were safe! What a scary moment!! I hope that the cleanup and repairs all go as smoothly as possible.
Hi Meghan,
Thanks for the kind message and support. It means a lot to Anne-Marie and her family 🙂
-Amanda with Bramble Berry
So sorry to hear about this, Anne-Marie. You are so lucky that everyone is OK and you still have a house but I can only imagine how traumatic this is. Thanks for sharing your story. Sending you warmest wishes from Hawaii.
Thanks for your support Aline, that means a lot to Anne-Marie and her family.
-Kelsey with Bramble Berry
Oh My, this made national news, I saw it this week. Definitely angels watching over your family, so glad everyone was ok. Thanks for the tips on how to keep your house safe and check before these types of things actually happen. Many blessings.
Thanks so much Nicole!
-Kelsey with Bramble Berry
Your video made the Canadian news this morning (although I caught it on the Detroit news last night as well as here). Glad you are all safe and that the comfort in knowing that gets you through this transitional time til things get back to “normal”. I’m definitely going to check into our water heater as it is located in my soapmaking studio – Yikes! Thanks for sharing your insights and all the best.
Thanks for the support Michele. Anne-Marie and her family are so thankful for all the support they’ve received.
-Kelsey with Bramble Berry
I’m so glad that you and your family are safe. Sending hugs!
Thanks Sheri, that means a lot to Anne-Marie and her family!
-Kelsey with Bramble Berry
I’m glad you guys are all safe and no one got hurt or worse.
I will keep you in my prayers .
I’m thankful you guys are all alright.
you are so lucky it was just a wall god is really looking out for you.
Hug and kiss your love ones and be blessed you can know that god is truly looking over your family. 🙂
Thanks so much Jeri! That means a lot to us. 🙂
-Kelsey with Bramble Berry
I’m so sorry this happened and I’m glad everyone is safe. What a shock. Hope the repairs go smoothly.
Thank you Michelle, that means a lot to us!
-Kelsey with Bramble Berry
I am so happy everyone is okay. Thank God! I read this post and watched the video last night, knowing it was going to explode, but I still jump off my chair when it happened. Then this evening I am watching the local news and see story. I cried last night, but I am still in tears after seeing you Anne-Marie visibly shaken. As a Mom I know how you feel. Thank God you are all safe. Homes can be rebuilt/replaced, things can be replaced, but lives can not be replaced. May the peace of God be with you and give you peace.
I just saw your story on the Nightly News with David Muir. So glad you are all ok.
Thanks Shelia, we’re really glad too!
-Kelsey with Bramble Berry
Just saw your video on ABC! Thank you for sharing your story , who knows how many people will heed your checklist for prevention. You are an amazing all around roll model. Just wanted to say so 🙂
We are hoping the story may help others in the future! Thanks for your support, and your kind words Pamela.
-Kelsey with Bramble Berry
I just saw you on the news in NH. So glad you are all ok Anne Marie, that is the most important thing. I saw this on your blog first a few days ago. Sending thoughts and prayers your way, and hope for an easy clean up.
Thanks for your support Donna! We are so relieved everyone is safe.
-Kelsey with Bramble Berry
Glad to hear your family’s gonna be ok! That had to be scary. You are amazingly strong to stay positive through this. Thinking of you and yours. Power on!
Thanks so much Katenik! It means a lot to Anne-Marie and her family.
-Kelsey with Bramble Berry
You made the GMA news this morning. Could not believe it, so happy everyone is safe and that you can move forward in putting things back together.
Thanks Deb, it means a lot to Anne-Marie and her family.
-Kelsey with Bramble Berry
Oh My Gosh !! After watching that video what a scare!!! thank god you are all ok and safe you never know in a blink of an eye what could happen.. God bless you and your family <3
The video definitely gave me chills! Thanks for your support Lina.
-Kelsey with Bramble Berry
I just read this entire post and all I can say is that I am glad your family is safe. All of your worldly possessions can and will be replaced.
We are so glad too Erin! Thanks so much for your comment. 🙂
-Kelsey with Bramble Berry
Houses, walls, stuff. They are hard to replace, & sometimes it’s easier said than done. Children, Family, Close Friends. Those really are priceless and can’t be replaced. I was relieved to read that You and Yours are safe and sound. I lurked here and on Bramble Berry for 6 months before I took the soapy plunge-in a way you have all become internet friends & teachers, even though you didn’t know it . What could have been heartbreaking is now simply frustrating. I wish you well on your reconstruction & here’s to guardian angels, whoever they may be!
So glad no one was hurt! It’s definitely a wake up call for the rest of us. It’s wonderful to see you still staying positive.
We are glad too Monica! Thanks for your support.
-Kelsey with Bramble Berry
I’m glad everyone was ok. What a horrible thing! I hope your insurance pays quickly and your home is repaired as soon as possible, and you and your family can get back to normal.
Thanks for the support Gwen! It means a lot to us. 🙂
-Kelsey with Bramble Berry
Oh my goodness Anne-Marie! That must have been very scary.
I am so glad that no one was hurt and everybody is safe. Thank the Lord that your children and nobody else was anywhere near the explosion. God bless!
Thanks for your support Kristen! I know it means a lot to Anne-Marie and her family. 🙂
-Kelsey with Bramble Berry
Hi Dear,
Im so glad that you and your family are ok. Thank God nothing bad happend to you! 🙂
Jacklin Yalmeh
Thanks so much Jacklin! We are definitely relieved too.
-Kelsey with Bramble Berry
So sorry that happened. Im glad everyone is ok.
Thank you Estrellita! That means a lot to us. 🙂
-Kelsey with Bramble Berry
Praise God for his protection and that everyone is okay!
We are so thankful! Thanks for your support Hannah. 🙂
-Kelsey with Bramble Berry
Wow, thank god no one was near this, what a disaster!
It was definitely scary for Anne-Marie and her family, but we’re glad everyone is OK! Thanks for your support Carlos. 🙂
-Kelsey with Bramble Berry
I am so glad your family is safe!
We are so glad too! Thanks for your support.
-Kelsey with Bramble Berry
Incredible! It could have been so much worse. Take the time you need to take care of things and yourselves. You have a great crew there at Brambleberry and they will carry you. Use them…it makes them feel better too!
I’m so very sorry this happened to you, but very happy no one was around when it happened. I guess on the bright side you get to remodel. Glad no one was hurt.
Holy smokes!
So glad everyone is ok <3
Thanks Rhiannon, it means a lot to Anne-Marie and her family!
-Kelsey with Bramble Berry
I’m so sorry this happened to you but so grateful everyone is safe. How thoughtful of you to post your experiences for all of us to learn from, at a time when your head must be spinning. Thank you. It will be ok soon.
So thankful that you and your family are unharmed! I will continue to hold you and your family in my thoughts and prayers as you prepare and rebuild. I can only imagine the terror you must have went through.
OMG what a nightmare. Thank goodness you are all okay.
It was definitely scary for Anne-Marie and her family. Thanks for your support Odette.
-Kelsey with Bramble Berry
YIKES! Ditch the boiler and give the nanny a raise! :-). I’m so glad you’re all safe and I wish you all a speedy recovery from this trauma.
Glad everyone is safe.
We are too Marleny! Thanks for your support. It means a lot to us. 🙂
-Kelsey with Bramble Berry
What a frightening video -you must have been shocked to play it back. I’m so glad you and your family are safe, Anne-Marie! Houses can be repaired. I hope the process is speedy and as stress free as possible. Thinking of you….
Wow how scary! So glad that your family and nanny are fine. Reminds me that our broiler needs to be inspected. I’ve been putting it off. I will make an appointment tomorrow. I’ll be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers!
Oh, my! That is terrifying! I am so glad you all are OK. You’re in my thoughts and prayers!
It was definitely terrifying! Thanks so much for your support Janita.
-Kelsey with Bramble Berry
The Guardian Angels were watching over all of you! Thank God you are all OK. Everything else in the world can be replaced.
That is so true Linda! We are so relieved no one was hurt. Thanks for your support.
-Kelsey with Bramble Berry
Anne Marie,
I am so glad you and your family are safe! And, just think, how many people you reach through your blog, that this horrible mess could save one or more lives! So thank you for sharing your life, the good and the bad! I’m praying you have a quick rebuild, and get back to normal soon. I live in Florida, so we don’t have boilers. Can you replace it with an electric AC/heat system? I know a lot of people love gas, but it scares me!! God Bless!!
How awful, so glad no one was hurt. too close a call. I am sure you have many thoughts going through your head right now. try and push it out and celebrate that you are all ok. Hope everything goes ok with the rebuild.
So sorry this has happened, what a horrible thing! So relieved to hear you are all okay and safe. Wishing you smooth sailing through the insurance and rebuilding.
Thank you for your support Patricia! We are so happy everyone was OK.
-Kelsey with Bramble Berry
Anne-Marie, I’m so sorry you and your family have to go through this, but also so glad that everyone is ok! Hang in there and take the time to decompress. This must be so hard to process. I don’t this this kind of trauma is over in a few days or even a month. Best of luck.
Thank God that all of you are all right. As you well know, things can be replaced but people can’t. You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers as you rebuild and work to get everything back in order. It is a stressful process but at least you have each other. That is the main thing.
I am just so relieved everyone is safe.
This could have ended horribly.
Using this to raise awareness is beautiful.
Perhaps this occurred so you and your families horrific experience can serve as life saving info for someone else’s family.
Thank God everyone is safe. Property and material things can always be replaced no matter how priceless we think they are. Lives are the priceless and irreplaceable. He watched over your loved ones and we should praise and thank Him for it.
Praying that you get back on your feet soon.
What a frightening incident. It’s a blessing no one got hurt. I’ll be praying for your family. May the technicalities go smoothly and your rebuilding be quick and efficent. Most of all may you, your husband and children have peace and comfort through this recovery time. Hugs ~ ione eve
I read this with much concern for you and your family yesterday. I live alone in a rental, and last night, I went to bed thinking about this incident, and wondering if everything was safe and wired right in my house. I’m glad you are all okay! Thank you for sharing lessons learned. God speed on getting it all cleaned up, and restoring your sense of peace and security.
Oh my goodness! I’m so glad that you all are, physically, okay! How scary! Thinking of you and your family and praying that things get sorted quickly for you!
We are so glad they are OK too Sara! Thanks for your kind message.
-Kelsey with Bramble Berry
Amazing video, and – Wow – how terribly scarey!! So glad you and your family are all OK! I’ve always been afraid of boilers for that exact reason! Our previous home, built in 1899, still has it’s original boiler (though now converted from coal to natural gas). Every week I keep expecting to see in the local paper that it has blown up! (So glad I don’t live there anymore… maybe the new owners have replaced it by now – it’s been 20 years since we lived there) 🙂
Sorry to hear what happened but at the same time, it is a relief to know that there was only material damage. Thank you for sharing as all of us can learn from it.
Thank God you and your family are safe!
We are so thankful no one was hurt! Thanks for your support Kenny.
-Kelsey with Bramble Berry
Wow…so glad everyone’s safe. Hold your family close.
How truly blessed you are that the family is okay. I’m so sorry you are going through such a tough time, and hopefully the rebuilding will go smoothly. There truly must have been angels watching over your little family that morning. A ‘hug’ to your wonderful nanny, too. Take good care and hold each other close.
Dear Anne-Marie! I’m so sorry this happened, but thank God that you, and your family are safe and sound. I hope your house rebuilding will be fast and smooth. I’m so far in Europe, I’m just praying and thinking of you and your family.
XO Kata (from Hungary)
Thanks so much for your support Kata. It means the world to Anne-Marie and her family.
-Kelsey with Bramble Berry
Praise God that all of you are safe and sound!!!!!! Praise God!
Thanks so, so much for your support Patti! We are glad everyone is OK.
-Kelsey with Bramble Berry
I praise God you all are ok! I just saw this video and I am speechless. Over the past few months I have been getting your nightly newsletters (the only daily newsletter I have ever read let alone looked forward to! Every night, when my phone dings, my husband, Jonathan, says, “You got an email from Soap Queen.” It has been strange that I have developed such an attachment to someone I have never met. You have helped me so much in my soapy and cosmetic endeavors and I told my daughter that your newsletters and blog are the perfect example of how to create a bond with a brand. You don’t just share tips you share yourself and it is greatly appreciated. Last night I prayed for you and your family for the first time. I prayed that God would send His angels to protect and minister to you and your family and prayed that He would bless you all. That just makes this all the more shocking to read. I saw the video and am still fighting back tears. I thank Jesus you all are safe! Keep the positive attitude and thankfulness for all you have. God is real and hopefully you thank Him too. He is His own Person, not just a collective accumulation of our imaginations, and He loves you so much He died to save you! On this earth you are the perfect model for love and kindness and many more wonderful things and I would so love to meet you one day (ok im being nerdy now)! But God’s standards are perfect and Holy and we all fall short in that area. Every one of us is guilty of violating His laws (children are under grace until they reach an age of understanding). Because we have all violated His law and He is a Righteous and good Judge He must uphold the penalty for the crime which is eternal separation from Him in hell. BUT!!!… He sacrificed Himself to save us (He is God so He cant completely die and is alive in heaven now)! He paid our penalty for all who will accept this gift of love. It is FREE. He even wrote a love letter just for us……the Bible. God promised His Word would be preserved and it has been preserved in the King James Version (as well as some others but this one has superior accuracy in translation). John was Jesus’ closest disciple so I recommend reading John first! I hope you do : ) Many blessings to you dear Anne-Marie and your family! May God continue to watch over you! I hope one day to meet you! You are an inspiration to so many!
(Not that God wasn’t already watching over you all) just made that video all the more intense when i saw it. Shed a tear but put that bright smile right back on! It will be over before ya know it! I pray the clean up goes smoothly!
So sorry hat this happened Ann Marie. It’s hard to imagine without the video. Glad everyone is ok. I’m sure your kids are getting extra hugs tonight.
Sorry that happened to you and im thankful that you and the kids are safe.
Houses can be put back together. Glad you and your family are safe.
Anne-Marie…that video is so scary, I’m so glad everyone was ok. Thinking good thoughts for you and your family’s recovery!
Thanks a lot for your support Kevin! The video was definitely terrifying.
-Kelsey with Bramble Berry
It’s so scary , but I am glad everyone is safe. Hope everything is sorted out soon.
Definitely, we are so thankful Anne-Marie and her family is safe. Thanks for your support Pooja.
-Kelsey with Bramble Berry
I’m glad everyone is okay! You’re family was lucky to not be in the room! It’s such a horrible thing to have happen but it’s a lot easier when it’s just house damage and not family damage!
Best of luck with the insurance! I hope rebuilding will go smoothly!
We are so thankful everyone is safe! Thanks for your support.
-Kelsey with Bramble Berry
You are so very Blessed, I am so sorry to hear about this. You and your husband must have been terrified! I do not know you personally, I feel so deeply for you. You are my hero. I love you and your family and am so happy you’re kids and nanny are okay. I wish the best for you! God Bless your family . Keep us posted, Sincerely, Kristie
didn’t mean to sound creepy, I love who you are and what you do. It was your videos and supplys that have gave me the confidence to make soap. I am glad it was you who I found on the web when I searched how to make soap. You are my soap hero! I hope one day I can meet you at a soapers guild conference.
LOL! You didn’t at all sound creepy. I feel so close to all of my Soap Queen readers and viewers and totally know what you mean. It really means so much to me that the entire community is rallying for and behind our family during this difficult time. We feel so blessed – and I still tear up when I think about how close we came to losing one or both of the kids and our home. Thank you so much for posting and for your support.
It’s such an honor that I am one of the people that helped you learn how to make soap. YAY! =)
I’m thankful to our Lord in Heaven above that yall are safe!
We are so thankful too! Thanks Cynthia.
-Kelsey with Bramble Berry
I’m so so sorry your family is going thru such a traumatic experience. And so so happy you are all ok.
Thanks so much Rhonda, truly. It means so much to Anne-Marie and her family.
-Kelsey with Bramble Berry
Oh my gosh!!! Anne-Marie!!! That is so scary! I am so thankful your little ones are ok and nobody was hurt.
We are definitely thankful too Michelle! Thanks for your support Michelle.
-Kelsey with Bramble Berry
You are in my thoughts and prayers. It’s a good thing you had nanny cams.
Sharmon Nina Sutin
You and the family are in my prayers
That is so sweet, thank you so much.
-Kelsey with Bramble Berry
How terrifying!!! Having been through a major flood, I understand how daunting the insurance claim can get. You have plenty of time, so take that time to regroup, give thanks, and form a plan to tackle the paperwork. Once you get going on it, it really isn’t so bad. More time consuming than anything else. If it’s like our flood policy, you’ll need to document every sock, pet collar, baby toy, tube of toothpaste and lint ball. BUT, receipts aren’t required. Just take good pics of the damage and put down the replacement cost as of today. The adjuster will depreciate it so make sure you put fresh eyes on the final depreciated list they’ll send to you. Same with the repairs. You’d be surprised how costly it can be to replace simple power outlets when you have to replace every one in the house. Thank God everyone is OK! As I learned once I calmed down, it’s only “stuff.” Hang in there kiddo!
Oh my goodness! I’m so glad everyone is alright! Kudos to your nanny for being so vigilant! Wish there was something I could do to help out.
So scary!! Glad everyone is ok and wishing your whole family all the best!!!
Your support means so much to us Martina! Thank you so much.
-Kelsey with Bramble Berry
Most important all are ok with no injuries. I can only imagine how scary that must have been Thank God everyone is ok Hugs from across the states.
That is definitely important, we are so glad no one was hurt! Thanks for your support Victoria.
-Kelsey with Bramble Berry
I’m so glad you are all okay! Great job having a plan on what to do. And the nanny cam video! 0_0 Wow. Angels watching over you for sure.
Yes – that nanny cam video is insane, isn’t it?! Ours stores for 7 days (Dropcam brand) and is pretty easy to set up so we have them in a few rooms so we can check in on the kids while we’re at work. Who knew we’d get THAT on footage?! Thanks for the good wishes =)
Watching the nanny cam was terrifying, so thankful neither of the kids or the Nanny were hurt and that the house wasn’t totaled. Just goes to show you, you never know, thank you for sharing so we can all be more aware of stuff like that.
So terrifying; I’m trying super hard to keep myself out of that “what if …” scenarios but it’s difficult with such raw and powerful footage. Check your home insurance amounts =) We are definitely upping ours on Monday! =)
We are so glad that you guys are ok, relatively speaking. Thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family as you rebuild. Thank goodness your babies were not physically harmed by this event. Thank you for sharing such a personal event as a teaching moment for others.
Absolutely. I’m probably going to get some great learning lessons in the next month – three months – as our house is rebuilt (it’s structurally pretty damaged) and we are living in other places. I’ve already found my normal healthy eating routines going out the window since we’re not at home =)
Thank you for your good wishes. We feel incredibly blessed. So so very blessed.
That is scary! So, so glad you and your family were not injured. Best of luck getting your house and life back to normal. I hope everything goes smoothly.
Thanks so much for your support Molly! It definitely means a lot to Anne-Marie and her family.
-Kelsey with Bramble Berry
OMG! I am so glad everyone is safe! How scary!
We really are too Maureen! It was very scary for sure. Thanks for your support.
-Kelsey with Bramble Berry
A week ago tonight all our smoke alarms all went off and we had to call 911 as well because our chimney flue coming from our wood stove had caught fire. I can personally definitely relate to how frightening it is to see smoke and flames in your home. We had no damage but we are getting rid of this wood stove which has never burned properly. How lucky you are that the children (or anyone else) were not hurt by that explosion! Please, anyone reading this, check your smoke alarms and clean furnaces, stoves, boilers and heaters regularly & have fire extinguishers in your home!!! Its one of those things we all tend to put off but you just never know. So glad you are all safe!
Right? You always hear about the need to check all these things and then, get complacent. I’m just so thankful that our nanny was so quick thinking and got Lily out right away. The natural gas was filling the house and … well, I don’t even want to think of what would have happened had she not been so level-headed in that emergency. We are so thankful – but yes, it is a heart stopping series of moments when the emergency happens to you. I’m glad your family is safe too! =)
Thank God you and your family was ok and wow just watching the video I can only imagine what was going through you and your husband mind. Thank God everyone is ok.
Oh my gosh!!! I watched the videos and my whole body went cold. Thank GOD you are all safe and thank goodness it wasn’t worse.
Me too; watching the video is hard to see and think of our little ones playing in that room. We have so many happy memories in that room too. It might be a while before we all feel safe. We are figuring out how to rebuild on Monday … Thank you for your good thoughts.
your family is safe and they are the most important. The rest is material and with your artistic touch, you will rebuild your home and restaure your life beautifully like you always do. Love and sending you good vibes! xxx Ariane
I’m so glad you’re all safe! Take care 🙂
Thanks Marte! Your support means a lot to Anne-Marie and her family.
-Kelsey with Bramble Berry
Praising God that you all are all right. I will certainly be praying for you as you sort through and deal with the aftermath. I’m so sorry, though, really.
It definitely is going to be a daunting task to sort out and rebuild but what matters is that we are all safe. Who knew when we chose our nanny almost 4 years ago that she would end up saving Lily’s life? We feel very blessed.
Oh my gosh! In spite if everything it certainly does sound like you have several things to be thankful for! Sounds like “someone” was looking out for you!
Oh absolutely – we feel the same way. There were just a series of amazing miracles and we are grateful; so very grateful.
First, thank God you are all okay. Second, I am taking some soap to my insurance agent and going over my insurance policy. I’ve been meaning to do it for months, now is the time!
So glad everyone is OK!!!!!
We really are too Robin! Thanks for your support.
-Kelsey with Bramble Berry
So sorry this traumatic, scary event happened to you and thankful that all of you are safe!
Thank you so much Jill! We truly appreciate it.
-Kelsey with Bramble Berry
That is some shocking video! It will sure make me reevaluate our own escape routes and plans. Im so glad everyone is ok!
We are too Kelly! Although it’s a difficult time, we’re happy Anne-Marie and her family are safe and that it may help others. 🙂
-Kelsey with Bramble Berry
Thank goodness everyone is well what a scare and I’m glad you are looking at the bright aide of things .
Oh my! I am soo glad that none of you were hurt! Wishing you all the best and a speedy clean up and recovery of the house. xo Shannon in Maine
Thanks so much for your support and kind words Shannon. It means a lot to the Bramble Berry family.
-Kelsey with Bramble Berry
OH MY! Thank goodness everyone is okay! My cousin was in a house explosion when he was 18 mos old. He had severe burns all over his body & had to have skin graphs. I’m so happy it wasn’t worse! And thanks for the info! It is a good idea to implement all those ideas you listed. xoxo
Yes, there are angels watching over you. So grateful to God no one was hurt.
We are so grateful too Colleen! Thanks for your kind words.
-Kelsey with Bramble Berry
So thankful you are all okay and safe, horrible shock for you all. I hope you can get some rest once the shock is diminished and be ready for the stressful times ahead. Life is all in the timing, isn’t it? xx
SO scary! My heart skipped a beat watching that video. I’m so glad that everyone is ok. xxoo xxoo
The video is very chilling! Thanks for your support TerriLin. 🙂
-Kelsey with Bramble Berry
I am so glad that you looked on the bright side of things with this accident. You made me appreciate my family and all I have. I hope you are able to get things back in order very soon.
Thoughts and prayers are with you all! So glad you are all safe!
Thanks so much Ronda! Means a lot to us. 🙂
-Kelsey with Bramble Berry
Wow! That’s incredible. SO very glad no one was hurt. Guardian angels were on the ball!
We are so glad as well! Thanks for your comment Cathy. 🙂
-Kelsey with Bramble Berry
So very glad you are all safe!!! Sending prayers to you as you sort through the clean up and insurance logistics.
Thanks Yvonne! It means so much to Anne-Marie and her family. 🙂
-Kelsey with Bramble Berry
I am SO HAPPY everyone in your family is alright. Truly your guardian angels were looking out for you.
Kudos to your nanny for acting quickly to get your children to safety.
So glad you are okay, thank you for the reminder, I just wish something like this hadn’t happened to remind me (Or anyone) how imporant it is.
We’re glad everyone is OK, and that it may help others in the future! Thanks for your support Sarah.
-Kelsey with Bramble Berry
I am stunned at what happened!! Blessings are true and this proves just how important our loved ones are. So happy that everyone escaped unhurt!!
We were shocked too! So glad everyone is safe. Thanks for your support Peggy.
-Kelsey with Bramble Berry
God is clearly watching out for you and yours. I’ll say prayers for an understanding insurance adjuster and a speedy rebuild. 🙂
Thanks so much Christi! Anne-Marie and her family definitely appreciate it.
-Kelsey with Bramble Berry
Whoa,so sorry this happened to you but glad that you and your family are ok.
Thanks a bunch Allison! All the support from everyone has been so amazing for Anne-Marie and her family.
-Kelsey with Bramble Berry
Omgoodness!!!! So happy everyone is ok:):):)
Us too Tammi! It was very scary. Thanks so much for your support. 🙂
-Kelsey with Bramble Berry
Oh wow!
I am so grateful that you are all safe and well. Best of luck with the clean up and recovery xx
We are incredibly grateful too Amanda! Thanks for your kind words.
-Kelsey with Bramble Berry
OMG!! I’m so GLAD everyone is safe & sound! I’m sure it took your breath away & realized to appreciate the smaller things! I have severe hearing loss, my sense of smell of gas & oil is so great! A year ago the fire department didn’t believe me that I smelled oil off of my sunroom & on the the paws of all my four dogs. Think of all the paw cleaning I had to do so quickly each time they went out! Then we had it inspected & found out how right I was! We had an abanded oil tank that been sitting there since 1978!!! And yes we did have a home inspection 5 years ago and it was partly covered so only the vent pipe was showing… Didn’t even looked like cause the the cap was missing!
Just had it removed a month ago. Bottom line.. Always have safety cks and a plan. Saves lives! And you guys have proven that!
Just so glad you’re all safe & how lucky you are to have such an awesome nanny! Hope the recovery goes smoothly!
Thank you so much for your kind words. Yes, it really does take my breath away to think about it – and I really have been appreciating the smaller things after that happened.
What a crazy story about your dogs – and your sense of smell! I bet that makes you a fantastic soapmaker =)
OMG! So happy that nobody was hurt!
We are so happy too Karen! Thanks for your support, it means a lot to Anne-Marie and her family.
-Kelsey with Bramble Berry
I saw that story in the Herald! And that it’s in my neighborhood! But I didn’t realize it was YOU! (And now I know that we’re neighbors.) Oh my gosh! Glad you’re safe!
We’re neighbors!?! YES! I really want more friends in the neighborhood. Isn’t it such a lovely area to live? We moved in about a year and a half ago, right before I gave birth to baby Lily and we’re outside basically all the time with the kids.
I hope we run into each other =)) Do you work out? I need a running partner in the neighborhood. I’m a 10ish minute pace, which is basically fast walking. Also, we have quite the aggressive vegetable garden in the summer and would LOVE to share produce with you.
Oh my gosh! That was absolutely terrifying to watch. Praise God no one was injured. I agree with some other posters, your angels were definitely on their game. Best of luck with your insurance claim.
Thanks so much Virginia, we are so happy no one was hurt.
-Kelsey with Bramble Berry
Wow! that nanny cam was incredibly scary. Your guardian angels were on their A game that day, God Bless! Having my broiler inspected asap its time.
The video is so scary! Thanks for your support Michelle. A broiler inspection is definitely important!
-Kelsey with Bramble Berry
WHOA!!!! That’s so scary!!!! SO glad that everyone is safe!!!!
The video is very chilling, we are so glad they’re safe. Thanks Catherine. 🙂
-Kelsey with Bramble Berry
For your Homeowners insurance you always want “Guaranteed rebuilding cost” on the home structure itself. And for your contents that are not listed on Riders you want ” Actual replacement cost”. Those two things are most important. If your home is over 10 years old and your agent will write you a rider for any changes in the Ordinance & Law since your home was built it is worth getting. Different states different laws and I was an agent out on the East coast before I retired and you cannot get that rider here.
Glad all are well and for the inventory take videos too, because it is easy to forget things that are in front of you every day. Make copies for Safe deposit boxes or other family members that have a safe.
Oh Mary Lou, those are great tips! I’ve sent them over to my husband to ensure that everything is written that way when renewal comes up AND also am checking on the Bramble Berry building insurances now.
Thank you for popping in to share those. Hopefully they help others as well =)
I am so thankful you and your family are safe.
All of us here are definitely relieved! Thanks for your kind words Patti. 🙂
-Kelsey with Bramble Berry
My heart goes out to you and family.
Thanks so much for your support Rob! It means a lot to Anne-Marie and her family.
-Kelsey with Bramble Berry
I’m so glad everyone was OK.
Thanks Heather, we are too!
-Kelsey with Bramble Berry
Oh Anne Marie,this is just horrifying, thank god no one was hurt physically that is, this must be so upsetting but if anyone can count their blessings and move on it’s you,your my heroin, is that right????? ha ha lol
LOL! You make me laugh Carolyn. Thank you for your support.
We are making the best of it and really enjoying the process of being especially close with family as we all slept in a friend’s guest room during repairs. =) Boy, the kiddos are noisy sleepers!
We feel so lucky that no one was hurt; I mean, it was the childrens’ play room so the chances of no one being hurt were just teensy so we are super thankful.
Thinking of how badly this could have ended and thanking God you are all OK!
It definitely could’ve been a lot worse! Thanks for your support Lauri. 🙂
-Kelsey with Bramble Berry
Thank God you and your family are safe and well. I ask that God comforts and permits your family peace during the next couple of months while your home is being restored.
Thank you so much for your well wishes Catherine. Anne-Marie and her family appreciate all the support. 🙂
-Kelsey with Bramble Berry
Thank you. It is quite an adventure right now and I’m looking forward to picking new paint colors since so many walls cracked. They all have to be redone so it’s almost like it’s a home remodel, albeit highly inconvenient. =)
So glad you’re all okay! Take care of yourselves in the days to come. As a note – it seems like every year I argue with my insurance agent about how “overinsured” we are, and she talks me into just shutting up and paying the bill. Seeing your note, I’m glad we do! Off to create a home inventory now!
You and your agent rock! My father is an insurance agent and some people don’t take the advice and end up paying for it in the long run.
Always have replacement cost on your homeowners ins for the house and everything in it
or they will depreciate the hell out of you.Also all that your house has to be made to code
it’s not that expensive and well worth it
Totally – we got the insurance when we bought the house and it was one of those things where we just checked the boxes and didn’t review it too carefully. Clearly that was a learning lesson! =)
The entire house was made to code – and the remodel that was done before we purchased it also had all permits so that’s good. It would be horrible to be in a fight about rebuilding b/c someone had short-cutted and not done proper permitting, right? =)
We feel super blessed that no one was hurt – and the house can be repaired.
Thank God no one was hurt! Prayers and blessings for you and your family!
Thanks so much Terri! We really appreciate your kind words. 🙂
-Kelsey with Bramble Berry
WOW!!! So glad you are all fine! I’m sure the incident took your breath away and made you hold your kids and husband a little tighter
So much tighter. When I downloaded the video of the explosion, my heart just totally stopped. We got so very lucky and feel incredibly blessed.