I was so honored and humbled by two of the superstar guests for my talk on Building Your Business – Jamila White, the E-Commerce Diva herself and Donna Maria from the Indie Business Network.
This is Jamila White from Bootstrap Babes and the E-Commerce Diva. She was warm, funny and instantly engaging. I especially liked that she smiled at me throughout my talk. It gave me a perfect place to rest my eyes any time I felt my energy flagging throughout my 1 hour talk.
Here I am, meeting Donna Maria from Indie Business Network. I love that both she and Jamila look bright and cheery in their colors and always have huge smiles on their faces. I felt really lucky and privileged to meet them both.
Donna Maria also writes a blog and updates it faithfully. She writes about small business and ways to increase your possibility of success. You can find her blog here. I read it at least once a week. Donna Maria’s husband is also at the conference, helping to film. He was such a nice guy and it’s clear why they’re such a good match.
I remember your sharing Donna Maria’s blog with us before…I just forgot to bookmark it to go back, but I will this time. 🙂 I’ll also check out Jamila’s sites; it’s always fun to see what the pros are doing!
I have met DM at a conference in 2005 and listened in on teleseminars with Jamila. Both women have a wealth of information for us Indies.