It was bound to happen – the merging of soap and cupcakes. We just got this photo from our custom mold sculptor. It’ll take a while to make this into an actual mold; it’s still in the putty stage. But,soon, there will be a cupcake soap mold. Cheers all around!
Layered bath bombs … cool. I’ll check it out and figure it out.
The Cupcake Mold will be available for sale at when it’s finally made. =)
hhhmmm… The only ones that I have really seen are from Open Sundaes. They look like Nanaimo Bars… They are layered Bath bombs – I think… they are really cool!!! But I want to know how to layer the product!!!
thanks!Oh – and where will I get to purchase the cupcake mold?
Hi Anon –
Tell me more about bath bomb cakes – I’ve never heard that term used – I’m sure we can figure it out if you have an example. =)
I cannot wait to get my hands on a mold! I do have another question though – do you have any idea how to make Bath Bomb cakes? It looks like layered Bath Bombs… Any idea how to do that?
Love your blog!
oh that’ll be a hotcake seller for sure!
I want one too! It’s so cute!!
Sa-weet! I can’t wait to get my soapy hands on one!
Isn’t it exciting? I can hardly wait to get it in stock … supposedly, I will have a prototype in my hot little hands in a couple weeks. So, Debbie, PJ and Alicia will all get to see it at the Soapmaking Weekend Intensive when they’re here.
Speaking of which, can you believe it? There’s just one spot left! I need to do a blog post on that next week just in case there were any last minute hold outs who were waiting til the end.
But, back to cupcakes, I’m so glad you like it! It’s the third version we’ve gone through and (sniff sniff), I think it’s perfect. =)
ooo..what a sweet mold!!
I know I will need one.
How cute! I want one too!
Now I know what I want for Christmas… my own mold sculptor!! Drool!!!
I want to see everyone’s take on this mold!
Well, great! Another wonderful thing to add to my ‘can’t live without it’ list! lol
Ooooooooooo! I WANT ONE!!
It’s just… perfect *sniff, sniff*
Happy days ahead for certain!