Tutorials on soapmaking, bath fizzies, lotions and more
Filed Under: Bramble Berry News
Filed Under: Business Musings
I was super impressed with my order from Dress Green on Etsy. So, of course, I have to give the creator, Lauren, a soapy shout out. I love everything especially my Tricky Lip Lush and CP Soaps (Cocoa Addict and Cucumber & Guava). Her packaging was darling, her branding consistent and she even stuck in a couple of samples for me. I also ordered Fresh Start Skin Serum and Grapefruit Bergamot Body Cream. Yum! Thanks Lauren!
Anne-Marie: Tell us a little bit about yourself. What keeps you busy when you’re not making soap?
Lauren: My name is Lauren and I’m currently living in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Although I’m a native Michigander, I just recently moved back after spending the last few years exploring various other states and areas including Washington, Oregon, Arkansas, and Panamá.
It’s rare that I get out of my work studio, but when I do, I can usually be found spending time with my partner, Justin, and our pup, Porthos; on a hiking trail; at a great local brewery; sitting in my backyard with a cup of coffee (and even better if there’s chocolate involved too); or just reading in a corner. Oh and I’m also now found at the local community college taking classes in my *spare* time (this semester is Chemistry).
Anne-Marie: What inspires your recipes? Do you follow trends? Listen to your customers?
Lauren: My background is in mechanical engineering and industrial design, and my interests have always tended toward product design. I love combining the practical, problem-solving aspects of engineering with the aesthetic, user-focused aspects of design. These two worlds come together perfectly, allowing me to create all facets of my line – from the product ‘designs’ (recipes) to the packaging and labeling solutions.
I try to keep the focus of DressGreen products on not only effectiveness, but also user enjoyment. And I always try to choose sustainably-sourced and organic ingredients when available. Most every product I make is inspired by either a personal need I have had, or by a request from a friend, family member, or customer. I like to hear (and really do listen to) feedback, and always appreciate thoughts on new products people would like to see in the line.
Anne-Marie: What’s your favorite product (that you make or sell)?
Lauren: My facial care products! I can’t begin to describe how my skin used to freak out at most commercial products before I started the DressGreen line. It has been such a relief to have products that not only keep my skin from reacting negatively, but actually keep it healthy. Staples in my bathroom cabinet are the Calming & Clarifying Facial Cream, unDressed Facial soap, Toning & Clarifying Facial Serum, and Delicate Toner.
Anne-Marie: What’s your favorite fragrance?
Lauren: Hands down my Grapefruit Bergamot blend. I’ve literally been using this same scent for my body cream for years now, and still haven’t gotten the least bit bored with it.
Anne-Marie: Oh I agree. The Grapefruit Bergamot is fabulous. I’m so glad that I ordered the Body Cream! And I am loving the Fresh Start Facial Serum. I’m even using it on my belly to maybe stave on stretch marks. Thanks again, Lauren for the fabulous products!
Filed Under: Business Musings
Meaningful quotes (to me) from the book:
“Every time we find ourselves arguing, debating, running away, or otherwise acting in an ineffective way, it’s because we don’t know how to share meaning. Instead of engaging in healthy dialogue, we play silly and costly games.”
“In order to justify an especially sordid behavior, we suggest that we’re caught between two distasteful options. Either we can be honest and attack our spouse, or we can be kind and withhold the truth. Either we can disagree with the boss to help make a better choice – and get shot for it – or we can remain quiet, starve the pool, and keep our job. Pick your poison. What makes these Sucker’s Choices is that they’re always set up as the only two options available. It’s the worst of either/or thinking. The person making the choice never suggests there’s a third option that doesn’t call for unhealthy behavior. For example, maybe there’s a way to be honest and respectful. Perhaps we can express our candid opinion to our boss and be safe. Those offering up a Sucker’s Choice either don’t think of a third (and healthy) option – in which case it’s an honest but tragic
mistake – or set up the false dichotomy as a way of justifying their unattractive actions. ‘I’m sorry, but I just had to destroy the guy’s self-image if I was going to keep my integrity. It wasn’t pretty, but it was the right thing to do.’”
When is the last time you had a ‘Crucial Conversation?” Is there something you’ve been putting off for weeks, months? Deal with it, this week (!) staying calm, open, and following the road map from Crucial Conversations. Here’s to improving all of our interactions, one by one. Have a great week, team!
Filed Under: Tips & Tricks
Did you ever have a batch that you just knew would be perfect … only, it wasn’t? Sometimes, batches curdle, seize, separate or do otherwise strange things on us even when we think we’ve accounted for all of the variables in our cold process soap batch. Not to worry – your batch is not all lost. This post will show you how to save each of these formerly-ruined batches. This technique will work up to 24 hours after your batch has been ruined. If you check on your soap a day after you made it and found it’s separated in the mold into an oily top layer and a goopy hard bottom layer, not to worry, this method will work for that too.
ONE: Wearing all of your safety equipment, pour your entire batch into a stainless steel pot. The lye in your soap is still present because saponification didn’t quite work out the way we had planned on. Your pot must be 3X larger than the batch size. You need a lot of head space for this process.
THREE: With your goggles on, start to stir your gloppy, blobby mess. It’s okay if it’s still in chunks. It will start to liquefy shortly. Keep stirring.
FOUR: If your soap starts to pop oil up at you, turn down the heat until the oil is no longer spitting at you from the pot. You want to stay as close to medium as possible.
FIVE: Keep stirring. The soap should start to fully liquefy and become an oatmeal like consistency, easily stirrable.
SIX: When the entire batch is fully consistent in texture and color (no oil leaking, no strange looking globby spots) and the batch is sticking together in the pot in a smooth and homogenous manner, you are ready to glop.
SEVEN: This soap is hot, hot, hot. Make sure that the mold you are pouring the soap into can withstand the heat. This plastic mold started to bow on me soon after I put the hot soap into the mold (note to self).
EIGHT:Let the soap cool for 24 hours and harden up. The soap is ready to use right away. You have literally cooked the pH down to a soap-level (around 9). If you let the soap sit for 4 to 6 weeks, it will become harder as it evaporates out its water. PS – The ‘dots’ in the soap are just oatmeal. The soap itself is perfect and totally usable now (as opposed to when it was a gloppy oily separated mess).
Now, was this the design you planned on? Probably not but at least it’s useable soap that you can give away, sell, or turn into a promotional bonus at your craft show booths. It’s far better than (literally) throwing it all down the drain.
Filed Under: Bramble Berry News
I just wanted to give a shout out to Creative Soap Week. They’re having a Winter Wonderland Soap Making Contest. The prize is $100 gift certificate to Bramble Berry! Check out the details and how to enter HERE. I can’t wait to see what you come up with!
Filed Under: Personal Ramblings
We won’t find out for almost two more months but I’d love to know what you think! Boy or Girl? =)
If you’re not seeing the poll, click through to the blog here to take the survey!
Filed Under: Bramble Berry News
Our Kitchen Is Your Kitchen is a local cupcake shop located in Barkley Village in Bellingham, Washington. They heard the word on the street that I adore cupcakes (so true). So they hand delivered some samples to our retail store, Otion. That is some smart marketing, folks! We just placed an order for our all staff meeting last week. They were moist, delicious and gone in 30 seconds! Aren’t they cute? They were also pink for Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
Filed Under: Bramble Berry News
Thank you, loyal Soap Queen readers, for all of the congratulatory comments on the newest addition to the Bramble Berry Team! We’re calling the little one BrambleBaby for now until we figure out if it’s a boy or a girl. I’m so exited to have finally shared the belly news! It’s been a quiet Sunday after a full SoapQueen.TV shoot on Saturday that will continue on Monday evening.The projects are fresh and fun; I can’t wait for you to see them!
Filed Under: Bramble Berry News
In addition to the Bramble Berry building project, my sweet husband and I have been working on a little personal project of our own. We are expecting our first child, the first grandchild in my family, on our 4 year wedding anniversary (no really, that’s the actual due date). Come April, we’ll have one new Brambleberrian to add to our team.
We found out on a very special day – my husband’s graduation for his Masters in Business Administration. Ironically, he had been telling me that he didn’t want a baby until he graduated. And in a stroke of amazing timing, when the entire family was here for his celebration, we added an extra little teensy sunflower-sized celebration to the day. Chris was sweet enough to share his day of glory with his firstborn.
This is the baby’s first picture – taken at 6 weeks:
This is the latest picture – taken at 12 weeks:
Totally loving the excuse to eat cupcakes and ice cream.
Filed Under: Tips & Tricks
Learn to make Shampoo and Conditioner in this episode of Soap Queen TV.
I love making my own hair care products so I can scent them with my favorite fragrances and layer my signature scents with matching bar soaps and lotions (for a subtle scent that lasts all day)! Making hair conditioner is just as easy as making lotion. You won’t believe how fast and economical this project is.
As a special bonus, I made the label template used in the video available as a free download on the Bramble Berry web site- Check it out here!
How to Make Shampoo and Conditioner from Soap Queen on YouTube.
Fragrance Blend:
1 part Rosemary Essential oil
1 part Peppermint 1st dist. Essential oil
1 part Tahitian Vanilla Fragrance
For the Shampoo:
1/4 oz Fragrance Oil Blend
10 oz. Shampoo Base
For the Conditioner:
2 grams Liquid Silk
22 grams Liquid Glycerin
35 grams BTMS-50
13 grams Jojoba Oil
6 grams Sweet Almond Oil
12 grams DL-Panthenol
374 grams Distilled Water
4 grams Fragrance Oil Blend
4 grams Optiphen
Get everything you need to make this project added to your Bramble Berry shopping cart by clicking here.
Filed Under: Bramble Berry News
We’re hard at work planning our Summer 2011 line. Our Spring 2011 line has been determined (thanks S.O.A.P. panel!) and will be announced soon. One of the ways I work to plan future seasons is by reading a ton of magazines, walking the mall (color trend, scent trends, bottle shapes and sizes all play into that) and buying from a bunch of different vendors to see what they are making (what they’re trending towards, are they making traditional products with a twist, what colors seem to be hot, what new ingredients have caught their eye). So, lucky me, it’s part of my quarterly job to seek out cool bath and body products to buy and yes, use.
My first purchase yesterday was from Angel Face Botanicals out of Portland, Oregon.
Filed Under: Bramble Berry News
Wow! You are all so excited for the soap swap! We have had a huge response and can’t wait to see all of those amazing soaps. Below we will have a constantly updated list of who is participating and what fragrance they are using. Because we have so many participants, 2 people can use the same fragrance, but no more than that.
What’s that? You haven’t heard of our insanely popular soap swap? It’s not too late to sign up!
Here are the details:
Sound like fun? Sign-up here!
Here’s who we have for Cold Process:
And for the Melt & Pour Swap
X= swap soap received! Thanks!
Filed Under: Bramble Berry News
After being in our lovely 13,000 square foot warehouse for over five years, we were faced this summer with the prospect of moving or trying to build onto our warehouse. After working with the City of Bellingham to get a waiver for the 22 extra parking spaces they initially told us we needed to add (apparently they were treating our warehouse storage space like retail), we started planning for our very-needed addition in earnest. It was important to us to be able to stay in Bellingham and not add to the problem of sprawl in our county by being forced to move out there so we were thrilled to be able to add on to our building and stay in Bellingham city limits.
There’s a lot that goes on with a building project of this magnitude, not the least of which is that the City of Bellingham wanted us to put a sprinkler system into our entire 13,000 square foot warehouse and not just the 2,500 square foot addition. That added an extra month or so of delay and a significant additional cost. But in the end, we are happy to sprinkler the entire building to help keep firemen safer should a fire ever break out in our building (knock on wood). The middle photo up above is Norman, our COO and defacto General on the building project, wearing my pink soaping goggles to protect his eyes as the gravel gets poured.
After all of the i’s were dotted and t’s were crossed, we had the permits in hand but alas, it was October – much later than when we had originally anticipated starting and the start of the rainy season. We had our very first cost overrun the first day but luckily, one week later, nothing new or major has cropped up that wasn’t planned for.
This is the difference between 1 week to the next. Check it out! Trusses! Yay. Soon, by next week, it won’t even matter if it rains because the roof will be on. Yay!
We are so thrilled to be adding on to our space because it means more room for new products and more room to better serve you. We’ll keep you posted on how the building project goes. Right now, we’re just all thankful it’s not raining yet…
Filed Under: Bramble Berry News
We started with a fun team building exercise put on by Event Experience out of Seattle. They had us all break up into teams, generally with people we didn’t know that well, and follow a variety of instructions in a scavenger hunt/race/following directions challenge. We had to do things like golf together, shoot water balloons, put on a dramatic play, bike, run and play with a giant Jenga game. It brought out a uniquely unflattering competitive streak in me. I’m not proud.
Friday was all business, all day. We started the day at 8 a.m. and did not quit with the intensity until our brains were fried like an egg on a hot sidewalk. The morning was spent taking a ‘Life Assessment.’ With questions like ‘Rate your Spirituality’ ‘Rate the hand you were dealt in life’ and ‘Rate the quality of your relationship with your mate’, it was a wide ranging, insightful assessment. There was a lot of deep discussion around the answers and many insights to be gained. We worked through lunch, continuing down that path. We identified the values that we live our life by and then started on working on very general idealized future. And then the hard work really comes in when we put the low numbers from the life assessment and mixed it in with our values to come up with specific SMART goals. We continued with that work Saturday. And, I’m excited to keep going with the values-integrated goals over the next few quarters.
I hope you had a fantastic weekend with friends, family and yes, maybe even a little bit of work. We’ve got an exciting week ahead of us at Bramble Berry because we’re shooting more SoapQueen.TV next weekend.