We are so excited (and by ‘excited,’ we mean literally doing the ‘happy soaping dance’ in the office at Bramble Berry) that the iPhone application is finally ready for action! I’ve been playing around with it for the last month and absolutely have loved the freedom it gives me. No more running back to my computer to make small changes to my recipe; it’s always at hand and easy to create recipes on the fly. Now it’s your turn to play! It’s as easy as 1-2-3. This link will take you directly to the App Store Or just search for “soap” in the App Store on your iPhoneto buy the Soap App for just $4.99.

THREE: Choose a superfatting percentage.

Just hit ‘Edit’ and ‘Yield’ and enter the new ounce quantity you’d like your recipe to be. No more math or multiplication for you; the iPhone App does it all for you.
Hit ‘Done’ (upper right) and Viola! Your recipe is complete. Now it’s time to make some soap!
If you turn the phone sideways, your entire recipe appears in a 3 x 5 note card format allowing you to keep your hands free to make soap. The iPhone app will even save your favorite recipes so you can always have them on hand. Download the soapy application today!