My sweet and thoughtful younger brother (the indomitable ELF) baked me a giant cupcake birthday cake out of my favorite flavor (Cherry Chip, in case you’re wondering) to celebrate my birthday. Even though all the caloric goodness was enough, I also used my birthday as an excuse to finalize a big purchase for expanding Bramble Berry. Expect details and a press release on the exciting news early next week. In the meantime, I’m away for a long weekend with my sweetie to celebrate the joyful passing of another year but have some fun ideas for blog posts while supposedly relaxing (chocolate for men, anyone?).
Soap Queen TV Episode 2
Soap Queen TV Episode 2: Herbs and Colorants from Soap Queen on Vimeo.
For easy reference, here is the ingredient list for this week’s project:
White Soap base
Ultramarine Violet (violet oxide)
Lavender herb buds
Lavender fragrance oil
Royal Purple Labcolor
Amethyst MicaTools:
Heat safe container (like a Pyrex measuring cup)
Spray bottle with Rubbing alcohol
Soap mold
NOTE: You can subscribe to us on our YouTube channel or on our Vimeo channel. Please note you do need to sign-up (which is free) to subscribe to either channel and receive automatic notifications of our latest posts.
Need a Microwave for Palm Springs
Are you headed to Palm Springs next week for the Handmade Soap Guild Conference? Would you like my undying gratitude? If you answered ‘yes’ to both of those questions, read on. If you’re not going or just not all that enthused about my unwavering devotion, you can quit reading now.
I am teaching a super, duper hands on Advanced Lotion class. We’ll be making 5 recipes (and pouring them each into 100 little jars making for a grand total of 500 jars of lotion per class) in just 1 hour.
To make this sort of magic happen, I desperately need a 2nd microwave for the class. Thanks to SoapyLove driving a microwave to Palm Springs for me, I have one. But I need a second.
Do you live in Palm Springs? Are you driving there for the Soap Guild Show? Can you bring me a microwave? Email me if you can – info(at)brambleberry(dot)com and gain my eternal gratitude and maybe even one of our fabulous Bath Bomb Cupcake kits….
Packaging Your Products for MOMs
Guest blog by JoAnn Hines, Packaging Diva
So what does Mom really want on her product packaging? What will entice her to pick your product off the shelf? What siren screams “buy me” as she walks down the isle? The answers are not what you might think. Women perceive products differently than their male counterparts. They have different expectations of products. Women say that they product manufactures don’t understand their wants and needs either. In fact 59% of women feel misunderstood by food marketers. This market segment accounts for 60-70 of all product packaging. So, how do you get this powerful consumer (MOM) to connect with your packaging?
First, see the product though the woman’s eyes not the designer’s or brand manager’s. In my recent research, product attributes such as the shape and color were important to people in the packaging industry but not so important to the average consumer. The mostly highly rated characteristics that both groups agreed upon were convenience, ease of storage, and female friendly elements such as the size of package and handles for carrying.
Second, consider how and where the product will be purchased. External factors can influence the purchasing decision as to how and where a woman shops. Recent studies show that women on average no longer make a big “stocking up trip” to the store. In fact they make numerous short trips to get the essentials for the moment. Today’s Moms are under tremendous time constraints and are willing to pay a premium for the privilege of more free time. Convenience is a big selling factor.
Consider lifestyle issues, ease of use, consumer friendly, time saving anything that makes a moms life easier. The more you can demonstrate in your product packaging these attributes the more you can capture her interest in your product. Any new time saving innovation, a solution to a problem, an unfulfilled need product are all prime candidates for moms.
Packaging a product for the mom consumer doesn’t mean it needs to be in pink packaging either (a color many marketers have decided is female-friendly). In some cases pink works in many others its completely off target. So consider pink where it make sense to the brand not just because you are marketing to mom.
Moms are influenced by other people too, friends, family, kids. So if you can make a packaging connection to the other people in her life you can capture her interest in satisfying her needs. Products that express healthy lifestyles, or balanced living, nutrition and well being are woefully underserved in the mom community.
Finally, it is imperative to get noticed. How can you grab her attention? Make packaging simple, easy to read, use and understand. Get rid of the gimmicks and the hype. More than 89% of survey respondents said they would not purchase a product because it was endorsed by a celebrity, and those that did were embarrassed to admit it. Cause marketing also scored low on the scale of importance in influencing a purchase as did their concern for the environment.
So listen to your Mom buyers the next time you design a new product, bond with them on an intrinsic level not through gimmicks or the current “in” celebrity. Make your product easy to read, use and time sensitive. By adhering to these fundamentals you will have garnered her attention.
drive consumer purchasing? Be sure and visit the Packaging Diva website where you will find, packaging tips, technology
and the latest news.
JoAnn Hines
Packaging Diva
All Packaging All The Time
Crafty Pod Rocks!
“I just had to drop you a note and say WELL DONE! I loved the first installment of Soap Queen TV. Seriously, there’s not much really good instructional video on the web these days, and yours is well-lit, briskly-paced, with excellent sound quality and excellent instruction. I learned a lot, and enjoyed watching.”
Thanks for the positive feedback, Diane!
Visit SoapQueen.TV for this Thursday’s episode on colorants and herbs.
Tulip Time
Last weekend, my fabulous sister-in-law Cheriss, myself and a good friend, attended the twenty-Sixth Annual Tulip Festival in Mt. Vernon, Washington on bikes. It’s not an event to miss! The pictures turned out great but they just don’t give the magnitude of the event any justice. I guess it’s hard to capture 1,500 acres of colorful tulips in bloom.
Along with the beautiful weather, we enjoyed local food, music, art, shops and produce and we were joined by hundreds tourists from all over the country.
Here’s a field map if you live in the area and are interested in a jaw dropping experience. Better hurry, though! They’ve been in bloom for a couple of weeks and mother nature determines their schedule!
Order your own tulip bulbs from Skagit Valley here.
Alabama Soap Meeting
June 12-13, 2009
I just got this press release from a group that is near and dear to my heart. You might remember when I spoke at the Alabama Soap Meeting (posts here and here). If it sounded like fun and you’d like in, read the press release from the Alabama Soap below:
We hope you will come and join us! The 11th annual Alabama Soap Meeting will be held at the Doster Center in Historic Downtown Prattville, Alabama! Snowdrift Farm Founder, Trina Wallace and her husband Bill will be our keynote speakers and guests for the 2009 ASA Meeting! We’re very excited! A veteran cold process soap, lotion maker and perfumist, Trina will talk about what it means to open and operate a body care or supply business: how and where to start, the responsibilities involved and how to feed the creative process. Bill will cover his view of the FDA Globalization act and the importance of creating and maintaining Cosmetic Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMPs).
We promise fun, fellowship, food, education, and some awesome shopping opportunities. There will be several vendors there from whom you can buy on the spot, and many of our generous sponsors will provide samples of new products so we can try before we buy. Put this event on your calendar now…. it’ll be the *must attend* event of the summer of 2009! There are always several swaps that you can participate in. We promise you two fun-filled days of amazing demos. We have had amazingly generous sponsors who provide items for door prizes and for goodie bags. I’m sure that they will be even more generous in 2009. Some of our vendors may offer specials such as discounts and free delivery to the meeting.
We’d love to see you there! Make plans now to be there, Friday, June 12th and Saturday, June 13th, 2009. Click HERE to register now! Early Bird Registration ends March 31!!!
(PS: Last year was a blast! You can’t miss it if you’re in the area.)
Foot Balm for Mom
2.5 oz. Shea Butter
1 oz. White Beeswax
1 oz. Golden Jojoba Oil
1-2 drops Vanilla Select Fragrance Oil
1-2 drops Peppermint Essential Oil (2nd distill)
Microwave safe bowl

Spoon Sister Finds

We Love Our Commenters!
Thank you for all of your kind and supportive comments about SoapQueenTV this week – and in general, for sharing a bit of yourselves through your participation in this blog through your comments.
I have a goody pack to a randomly chosen commenter from the last week. And drumroll … that lucky winner is commenter:
Send me an email with your address and I’ll send you some fun fragrance blends, a candle mold, 1 pound of rebatch soap and a colorant or three. Member of the Week! went above and beyond and presented me with a $25.00 gift card for just in time for Mother’s Day. Thank you, Thank you and Thank you!

Sea Salt Foot Scrub For Mom
2.5 oz – 3 oz. Dead Sea Salt (fine grained or medium)
2 Tbsp. Purple Jojoba Beads
1 oz. Golden Jojoba Oil
1 oz. Sweet Almond Oil
2 drops Vitamin E Oil
2-3 drops Vanilla Select Fragrance Oil
2-3 drops Peppermint Essential Oil (2nd distill)
4 oz tin or container

Fizzing Foot Soak for Mom
1 oz. Citric Acid
1 oz. Powdered Milk
0.5 oz. Golden Jojoba Oil
2 drops Peppermint Essential Oil (2nd distill)
2 drops Vanilla Select Fragrance Oil
4oz tin or container
2 Bowls for mixing

Step 2:Mix Jojoba Oil and *fragrance oil then combine the wet and dry ingredients.*We made our own blend using vanilla a peppermint. It’s minty, sweet and refreshing. However, you can use any fragrance oil that you want.

Soap Queen TV is here!
The first episode of Soap Queen TV!
Soap Queen TV Episode 1: Fragrance and Essential oils from Soap Queen on Vimeo.
This is the first episode and will lay the foundation upon which I am building all future episodes – so pay attention. Just kidding!
For more information about fragrance oils visit the RIFM (Research Institute for Fragrance Materials) here
For more information about essential oils and how they’re made, this wikipedia article is a great place to start.
For easy reference here is the ingredient list for this week’s project:
4 oz. clear melt and pour soap base
2 ml tangerine essential oil
Soap mold
Heat safe container
Spray bottle with rubbing alcohol.
You can subscribe to us on our YouTube channel or on our Vimeo channel. Please note you do need to sign-up (which is free) to subscribe to either channel and receive automatic notifications of our latest posts.
Apologies to all who wrote applauding my fine dance moves in the preview video – I was too busy making soap and trying not to forget anything to dance.