PaperSource makes the best papers, stationary and Japanese Papers. Our COO at Bramble Berry got me the most luscious thank you cards for a wedding present.
PaperSource Thank you cards were the perfect gift because a. great design, beautiful paper and gorgeous envlopes make life a little more cheery and b. I have a bazillion thank you cards to write for thoughtful wedding gestures from friends and family.
We had a rule in our house growing up, “Never use the gift unless the thank you card is written.” This little common sense rule, thought up by my beautiful Mother Wenche (pronounced Ven-KA), is brilliant in its simplicity. Now that I am growing up, many things that my Mother had us do are proving themselves to be practical, smart and well thought-out. It’s so cliche how this is happening as I hit my 30’s.
Apparently, writing thank you notes and hand written cards is getting all en vogue now that there are more and more emails written with less personal “touches” in our daily lives. There are appropriate ways to write thank you cards and less appropriate ways (hint: mentioning any personal news, like your new job or new hair cut or car, does not go in a thank you card).
Herb Bridge, from Ben Bridge Jewlers, gave my husband some great advice. After an amazing talk, sponsored by the Entrepreneur’s Organization, he asked Herb what business advice he left out of his talk. Herb thought for a moment and said: “Whenever I read the newspaper, if I see a friend or acquaintance listed, I cut out the article and send it to them with a handwritten note. This is the best business advice I could give you.”
One of the Greats, giving practical business advice … get clippin’.