Let’s finish up those bath fizzies so you can be on our way to finishing the delightful ensemble above. Click here for Day One of this tutorial. By the way, the set of items pictured only cost $6.02 in ingredients! Luxurious and cheap.
Step 5
Place a little of the white mixture in the mold just where the star designs are. Be as neat or as messy as you like – they always manage to look great in the end. I’m wearing gloves to protect my nail polish color. Making bath fizzies can dull fingernail polish color and shine.
(NOTE: The Guest Party Stars mold has been discontinued. It has been substituted with the 6 Cavity Christmas Assortment Silicone Mold.)
Step 6
Fill the mold with the Cappuccino brown mixture and press it into the molds really well. You want to pack this as tightly as you can. The more dense your fizzy, the more sturdy it is in transport and the longer it will last in the tub.
Step 7
Gently tap out the bombs onto a surface where they won’t be disturbed while they dry. I usually make one or two fizzies in this mold at a time. Flipping a full mold of fizzies is a sure way to have broken fizzies flying everywhere. It can take a few days for your bath bombs to fully harden – so keep that in mind when finding a space. Humidity can wreck havoc on the fizzies. Choose a dry area, well away from your bathroom and shower area.
Step 8
Wrap your fizzies and shower your friends and family with fizzy bathtime fun!
You could totally cut the mold into multiple pieces to help with unmolding. The plastic cuts rather easily actually =)
Thanks for stopping in with your suggestion.
Would it be easier (and maybe quicker) to cut the fizzy mold into ‘2’s’
Anyway, sorry to butt in rather rudely but I love this blog!!
I’m starting soaping in the New Year and am finding all of this information fascinating!!
Kari, Thanks for that great suggestion. One of the staff at Bramble Berry agrees heartily with you and thinks my tapping them out right away is straight wackiness =)
i just got my kit for bath fizzies and found if i let them harden on plastic wrap it worked the best (i tried paper towel and the table and it stuck a bit). Great tut!
Oh, you make it look sooooo easy and I know it won’t be for me! 😉
Thanks for the nail polish tip. Good to know. I also appreciate you putting the cost of making some of these things in perspective.