I had the privilege of teaching a sold out goatsmilk soapmaking class at Otion. We had nine students who came from all over the Pacific Northwest to learn the technical aspects of goatsmilk soapmaking.

Some of the students really took to swirling.
Here I am, measuring out the lye.
This class had a particularly joyous time picking out their fragrance and color combinations. They were positively giddy at the possibilities for artistic choice.
I made an extra batch of brown sugar and mulled cider swirled in our 5 pound collapsible wooden log molds.
Here is Erik, demonstrating how to use the stick blender.
Some of the students got very creative with their second batches, doing layers, swirling and experimenting heavily with additions.
A few of the students colored their batches so dark that they will have colored lather when they shower with their creations.
The students also loved the exfoliants. Some of them will be finding out just how effective apricot seeds can be when added to soaps in large quantities.
It was a wonderful class. I’ll be teaching a goatsmilk lotionmaking class this upcoming Wednesday. There are still a few spots available here. If you’re in town, sign up and learn how to make lotion using goatsmilk as your base.
I second that. There needs to be a Florida location! 🙁
That looks like so much fun. Wish there was a soap making class in West Palm Beach!