Flexy Fast Molding Putty
Clear Melt and Pour Soap
Sunshine Yellow (from Soapylove’s Jewelry Box)
Fiery Fuchsia (from Soapylove’s Jewelry Box)
Sparkle Dust (from Soapylove’s Jewelry Box)
Liquid Non-Bleeding Green
Pumpkin Spice Fragrance Oil
Butter Cream and Snickerdoodle Fragrance Oil
Vanilla Color Stabilizer
A Perfectly Small Pumpkin (mine was 5.7 ounces)
Microwave safe container
Stir spoon
Vinyl Gloves
ONE: The first step to this project is making a pumpkin mold out of the Flexy Fast Molding Putty. Never used Flexy Fast Before? Check out Soap Queen TV to see a full tutorial.
Mixing your Flexy Fast: Flexy Fast comes as 2 parts, Part A and Part B. The usage rate is 1:6 (B:A) by weight or 1:20 (B:A) by volume OR mix a golf ball size of the white stuff to a marble size of the pink stuff. With vinyl gloves on, knead the two components together until fully incorporated. You’re done when you have a nice bubblegum color with no pink streaks, which will take about 1 minute.
Molding your Pumpkin: Carefully form the putty around your pumpkin. Really press the putty into the pumpkin to ensure that you get all of the realistic details and to release any air bubbles. Make sure there are no holes in the putty that the soap could potentially leak through. More thick is better than thin on this project so don’t be shy about forming a thick mold.
TWO: The soap, color and fragrance quantities may slightly vary depending on the size of your pumpkin (my pumpkin was 5.7 ounces). For the stem, melt about ½ ounce of clear melt and pour and add a smidgen of Liquid Green (not even a whole drop). Mix well. Use a dropper to fill the stem part of your mold with green soap and spritz with rubbing alcohol to get rid of any bubbles.
THREE: Melt about 6 ounces of clear soap and add your favorite fall fragrance. I used ½ ml of Pumpkin Spice, ½ ml of Butter Cream and Snickerdoodle and 1 ml Vanilla Stabilizer to keep my orange color bright and vibrant. It smells like pumpkin pie!
Variation Fragrance: ½ ml Pumpkin Pie Cybilla, ½ ml Cream Cheese Frosting and 1 ml Vanilla Stabilizer. Delicious!
FOUR: Now that our soap has been scented, add 20 drops of the Sunshine Yellow and 1/2 drop of the Fiery Fuchsia from Soapylove’s Jewelry Box Color Set (it helps to put a drop of the fuchsia on your spoon and drip half of that amount in the soap). The Fuchsia is really strong so it just takes a teensy bit compared to the Yellow. Mix well until you have the perfect pumpkin orange. Then add a pinch or 2 of Sparkle Dust to give the pumpkin an extra festive touch.
FIVE: Check the temperature of the soap and make sure it’s no hotter than 130 degrees (we don’t want to melt our green soap that’s already in the mold). Spritz your green stem layer with rubbing alcohol to ensure the layers stick then pour the sparkly, orange soap into the mold and give it a final spritz with rubbing alcohol.
Tip: If the soap seems a little too big just cut it in half for smaller version. Even though it’s half the size it’s still equally as cute.
Yes, Flexy Fast does great with CP soap. In fact, I just used a Flexy Fast Mold with some of the (extra) Coconut Milk soap this week. The soap pops out easily and is always very detailed with the Flexy Fast.
Same question as JoJo…can the fleximold hold up to CP? Or would it be better used rebatching?
Hi Anne-Marie,
I haven't followed the blog too much this summer, but I'm happy to be back and I love this project. I'm getting back into all my creativity this fall. Thanks for being so inspirational.
so cute! i'm curious can you use this molding putty for use with cold process? or will the heat process kill it?
Artist, You're totally right on – perfect gifts. It is the kind of thing you would ooh and cooh over if you got it as a gift. Or at least, I know I would =)
I love it…What a great idea,I know this would make great gifts for the family,mine always get excited to see what is their next cool soap present!!
It is so cute. I just love it. Man I am always amazed at all the creativity that us soapers have. I think that the half pumpkin is so great sitting on the dish.
love the little pumpkin! 🙂
So happy you all like the project – yippeee!
Concrete? Good question and one I don't know the answer to. I could test some concrete for you in a flexy fast mold and get back to you? It's a great idea to see if it can be used for that. I'm on it.
RoseValley, They are going to sell like hotcakes. Seriously, these little guys are so adorable and cute! And if you cut them in half, they lay nicely on a soap dish. I'd love to see a photo if you do the project =)
What a cute, fun and creative idea. Thanks for sharing!!
Oh my gosh what a cute idea! I have a consignment order due on Saturday… wonder how many I can make between now and then! 🙂
Super cute!
How cool!!!! Love these!
Awesome Project!
One question…do you think a mold made with the flexi mold putty would stand up to concrete? I make small decorative items out of concrete, and pumpkins like these would be really cute.
I ab-so-lute-ly LOVE this project!!
I am such a doughhead…I meant to buy the molding putty next time I placed an order and completely forgot. Guess I'll be back shortly to place another order… :}
OMG the cutest soap ever!
What a fun project!
These are really awesome!
I am so glad you started carrying the flexy fast putty. I was looking into buying a similar product that is sold for candy making, but it was so much more expensive.
Utterly amazing. Thank you for sharing!!