Celebrate this Earth Day with Eco-Chic Soap (with one easy kit)! This kit is designed to be as eco friendly as possible. Reuse your own yogurt, tofu or cleaned out food containers to make an earth friendly soap that is made with 100% organic vegetable oils and essential oils. In keeping with the eco friendliness, no paper instructions will be included with this kit so grab your step by step paper-free instructions HERE.
You can provide additives like coffee grounds, oatmeal, clays or food-grade charcoal (just make sure that it’s skin safe). You’ll also provide a recycled “soap mold” like a yogurt container, tofu container, soy milk container, coffee cup, etc. You’re not limited to anything here (well, except glass containers which don’t release soap very easily) so feel free to get creative!
Running BB is definitely more than a full time job but I have help – the Bramble Berry team is definitely my ‘secret weapon’ advantage. They are fun to work with, hard working and best of all? They’re passionate about providing fanatical customer service to our customers, friends and fans. I am so glad that you like the blog projects and find value in them. =)
Totally agree – I try really hard to please everyone and do a little of one type of thing and then another (lotions, bath fizzies, lipsticks, mineral make up, all the soap types). Is there a specific idea you’d like me to try?
Also, not sure if you saw these projects but they’re definitely “creative” CP ones =)
I really appreciate it when you make cool or holiday soap projects and include CP soapers too. Our stuff is not as easy as MP but still needs to be creative.Thank you.
Thank you for your projects every day. I don’t know how you do it since running Brambleberry must be a full time job but this little soaper really appreciates all the effort you put into educating us.
Very cool!