Learn to make your own Clay Masks using a variety of dry clay powders, moisturizing oils and even ingredients you can find in your kitchen! Clay (or mud) is great for soaking up excess oil and removing impurities from your skin. In this episode, Anne-Marie shares 3 unique recipes which you can make for a fraction of the cost of store bought masks.
Ingredients used in this video:
Recipe 1) Just Add Water Mask
- 3 Tbl Yellow Silt Clay
- 3 Tbl Sea Clay
- 3 Tbl Zeolite Clay
Get everything you need to make the ‘Just Add Water Mask’
Recipe 2) Rich Mud Mask
- 2.5 oz Bentonite Clay
- 1.1 oz Kaolin Clay
- 1.1 oz Rhassoul Clay (Rhassoul clay has been discontinued. To substitute, increase the amounts of bentonite and kaolin clay in equal parts.)
- 1 oz Meadowfoam Oil
- 1 oz Tamanu Oil
- .6 oz Vitamin E Oil
- .6 oz Buckthorn Extract
- 2.5 grams Phenonip
Get everything you need to make the ‘Rich Mud Mask’
Recipe #3 Fresh Clay Mask
- 1 Small Avocado
- 1 Egg White
- 1/2 tsp Olive Oil
- 1/2 Tbl Honey
- 4 tsp Sea Clay
Found my answer! Looks like it’s Sea Clay, yes? Thanks so much – I love learning from you all!
Hi Carleigh!
Sea Clay and French Green Clay are actually two different products, but if you are interested in clays, I would suggest trying out our Cambrian or Brazilian Clays — both are great for soaps, scrubs, masks and more! =)
Brazilian Clays: https://www.brambleberry.com/Brazilian-Clay-Sampler-P5510.aspx
Cambrian Blue Clay (wet): https://www.brambleberry.com/Cambrian-Blue-Clay-wet-P5523.aspx
Cambrian Yellow Clay (wet): https://www.brambleberry.com/Cambrian-Yellow-Clay-wet-P5582.aspx
I hope this helps! Let us know if there is anything else we can do for you. =)
-Becky with Bramble Berry
I had a customer ask me about “French green clay.” Is that another name for one of the clays that you sell? Hopefully this isn’t off topic!
Hi Carleigh!
We don’t carry French Green Clay currently on Bramble Berry’s website, but we do carry Sea Clay and Green Zeolite Clay that you might want to try out! =)
Sea Clay: https://www.brambleberry.com/Sea-Clay-P4961.aspx
Green Zeolite Clay: https://www.brambleberry.com/Green-Zeolite-Clay-P4960.aspx
-Becky with Bramble Berry
how much water would you add to recipe one? My laptop wont let me play your video so I can’t see if the amount is on there.
Good morning, Becky!
For recipe one, you would add 2 tablespoons of water to 3 tablespoons of clay during each time you would like to use it. I hope this helps! =)
-Becky with Bramble Berry
If optiphen is used in place of phenopip, would the shelf life be the same?
Yep! As long as the product does not exceed the max temp for the preservative, both Phenonip and Optiphen will continue to work for about the same amount of time (1-3 years, recommended use within 1 year). Max temp for Optiphen is 176 degrees F.
Kristen with Bramble Berry
For the second recipe, do you rub on and let it dry then rinse?
the first clat listed that has yellow silt clay, sea clay, and zeolite clay, can you use other clayes besides these? How do you choose which clays are the best for a mud mask. Also if you go with the 2nd option that includes oils, is it absolutely neccessary to use a preservative like phenonip or is there a natural alternative? Thank you.
Good morning!
The clays that you use are totally up to you, but we chose those ones because we found that they have the greatest skin benefits. You can also use clays like Bentonite, our brand new Brazilian Clays, Kaolin, Rhassoul or Rose Clay.
Bentonite: https://www.brambleberry.com/Bentonite-Clay-P4059.aspx
Brazilian Clay Sampler: https://www.brambleberry.com/Brazilian-Clay-Sampler-P5510.aspx
Kaolin: https://www.brambleberry.com/Kaolin-Clay-P3235.aspx
Rhassoul: https://www.brambleberry.com/Rhassoul-Clay-P4058.aspx
Rose Clay: https://www.brambleberry.com/Rose-Clay-P5112.aspx
And, if you were to make the second recipe, you wouldn’t have to include the preservative, but we did because you would be sticking your hands in and out of it, and you definitely want to prevent microbes or bacteria for growing.
Unfortunately, we have not found a quality natural preservative for homemade products yet, but we are on the lookout. To learn more about the preservative we do carry, you can check out this blog post:
Talk It Out Tuesday: Preservatives: http://www.soapqueen.com/bath-and-body-tutorials/lotion/talk-it-out-tuesday-preservatives/
I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions. =)
-Becky with Bramble Berry
dear A.M.,
for recipe 1 can i use austrailian red reef clay and mix different clays together or will the recipe only work with the three you said thanks so much
Hello Amelia!
We choose the Yellow Silt, Sea and Green Zeolite Clay because we felt they were the best for our skin, but if you find another clay(s) that works for your skin, you can definitely try it out.
Let us know how using the Australian Red Reef Clay works out for you!
-Becky with Bramble Berry
I would like to know which clay mask recipe you would recommend for which skin types? Also, If I were to add an essential oil, how many drops would you suggest adding to each recipe?
Thank you!
Hi Jasmine!
Everybody’s skin is a bit different, but we have found that all the recipes work really well for most types of skin. What I would do, is make a small batch and apply it to your face to see if it works for your particular pH level. And if you are wanting to add essential oils to your clay masks, I’d go with 9-12 mls (3-4 dropperfuls) max.
-Becky with Bramble Berry
P.S. I found that the 2nd one worked really well for me and I have skin that isn’t too oil or too dry.
Are there any different clays to use in recipe 1 because brambleberry seems to be out of sea clay
Hi Gretta!
Currently we are out of Sea Clay, but as an alternative you can use Rhassoul Clay or any other cleansing clay you’d like!
-Becky with Bramble Berry
hi do you have any more facial mask recipes that can be stored for long periods like the second one you did. I loved it but best of all I loved not having to make it every couple of days! thanks
Hi Michelle!
As of the current time we don’t have any other dry facial mask recipes (but I’ll pass the suggestion on), but you can always pre-mix your dry ingredients and add the liquid when you are ready to use it.
-Becky with Bramble Berrry
For recipe #2 could I add an essential oil to the recipe and do you have any suggestions as to what would be a good essential oil that also smells great? Thanks!
Hi Toni! You could absolutely add an essential oil to the recipe, we suggest either Lavender or Blue Chamomile, both of which are soothing to the skin.
-Becky with Bramble Berry
Hi, can you tell me the main functions of different clays? There are many types of clays in recipe no.2 but what do each of the clays do in this product?
Kaolin Clay is great to use because it works well with super sensitive skin. Rhassoul Clay has the ability to absorb oil and impurities from the skin and the Bentonite Clay is great for giving a very clean and smooth feeling to your skin.
Any of these recipes are wonderful for your skin and will leave your face feeling clean and beautiful!
-Becky with Bramble Berry
I’d love to make the clay just add water mask with some essential oils like tea tree and lavender, what usage would you suggest? Would you sift after adding them or just give it a good little mix? (Sorry if you mentioned this in the video, can’t seem to make it play at this time, silly comp!)
Thank you in advance
Actually I meant what would you use to package the one once per use as, and I noticed that some of the products that we need to order to create the mask are more then the recepie calls for. What would you price it at say if we cut the recipe in half and had to 4 once jars to sell?
I’m not sure that I fully understand your question…but I’ll try my best.
Any airtight container would work fabulously! We have a couple containers that might work for what you’d like
Pricing all depends on what you want to sell it at. We always suggest making sure you account for the materials and your time, as you are the one doing the work!
There is a great example of how people price their soaps and other items at our Teach Soap website, hopefully this will give you some fantastic ideas of how to price your masks!
I hope this helps!
-Becky with Bramble Berry
Thank you Becky so much, What container on BB would you suggest using to package this in?
We would suggest our 8 oz. bail jars, but dang it, we are out-of-stock of them at the moment! But any airtight container that would hold the amount of the recipe would work!
-Becky with Bramble Berry
How many applications does recipe 2 make?
Hi Linda! I’m guessing you could probably get around eight uses out of recipe #2 if you use about an ounce per usage!
-Becky with Bramble Berry
Hi Anne- Marie,
For recipe nr 2, I only have Bentonite Clay. Could I sum up all the clays weight (to total of 4.7oz) and use only Bentonite?
Thank you,
Yes, you can just use Bentonite clay. It will be a slightly different mask but still be good.
for recipe #2 can I use a different preservative like optiphen? I prefer paraben free preservatives:)
Yes, you could use a different preservative. Parabens work best for a wide range of products and since we’re essentially trying to preserve mud, I went with the big gun! =)
Recipe 1 is easy, it would just be 18 oz. of each clay. Recipe 2, you just take all the ingredients and multiply each one by 12 to get the amount of final product (2.5 x 12 for the Bentonite Clay for example). Let me know if you have trouble with the decimal points for the smaller things =)
These are super great masks.just trying figure out how much id sell them for. Any ideas?
Retail? A minimum would be 4X the cost of the product (materials + packaging). Wholesale would be 2X the cost of the product.
Those are very very loose and generalized rules that should give you a good place to start. =)
thank you! You are always so helpful. It’s nice to have a company that actually cares about their customer’s success enough to answer questions, give advice, and have a REAL LIVE PERSON answer the phone! Thanks for being so awesome!
Can you jar these up to use over and over? What would the shelf-life of each of these be?
If you leave them dry, YES, they can be stored and used over and over again. If you wet them but don’t use a preservative (Phenonip – in the second recipe), you only have a week long shelf life (a month if you refrigerate but unless it’s the dead of summer, it won’t feel great). So moral of the story? Use a preservative if you’re planning on mixing any liquids in with the clays.
What liquid in the 2nd recipe would promote bacteria growth.
You will not get mold or bacteria growth unless there is water, because water is the life source of the bacteria. We’re using a preservative(Phenonip)just to be on the safe side.
-Becky with Bramble Berry
Oh I must have skimped over you saying how long they would last. My bad…
Are we allowed to use these recipes for sale? If so do we have to have an FDA label on them? I’m new to all of this, so I don’t want to get out the gate on the wrong foot!
Oh… and where do you find the containers that you used?? They are awesome!
Yes, you can use these for sale. You don’t need an FDA label on them but yes, you need to label with ingredients and the like. This book explains more in detail how to do a label that complies with current labeling laws. https://www.brambleberry.com/Soap-And-Cosmetic-Labeling-Book-1-Book-P3663.aspx
Containers are here: https://www.brambleberry.com/Packaging-C191.aspx
I absolutely love making facial masks and learning which one is best for my skin. I don’t have these clays that you presented at the moment except Bentonite and Kaolin but I have used Rose Clay and French Green Clay…So much fun! Thanks for the tutorial including the use of preservatives
You can totally mix and match those clays so just because you’re missing one, just sub another one in there and make it work =)
Shelf Life for recipe two is 6 months if stored in an open jar; 1 year if stored in a airless container with no access to dirty fingers introducing bacteria – assuming that you made the product with fully sterilized equipment (better to not allow mold and bacteria growth). 5% bleachwater wash is your friend.
If I want to make about 10 of these just add water clay mask for friends. what would be the measurements?
Also, do you have labels and stickers foe the jars?
If you can show me this would be great..
You’d want to multiply the recipe by 3 to make 10 masks and make sure you give them to your friends dry, not mixed up.
We do not have labels and stickers made up for these jars but Avery labels, available at all the office supply stores, sells some great round labels and some lovely larger rectangle labels that should work fantastic.
Hi Anne-Marie!
Why do you recommend gifting these dry rather than already mixed up? Is it purely due to the lack of preservative? Or do the clays start to loose beneficial properties once hydrated or something? If we mixed them and added a preservative would they be OK to give out like that? Thanks!
Good morning, Ola!
You are absolutely correct about the preservative. Because these recipes don’t contain a preservative, we don’t suggest gifting (or selling) them already mixed. But, if you want to add a preservative, you could definitely sell them to-go. I’d suggest trying the Phenonip in your batches. I hope this helps!
Phenonip: https://www.brambleberry.com/Phenonip-P4038.aspx
-Becky with Bramble Berry
Becky, you’re so helpful, thanks!
would love to know which is these is your favorite, and the shelf life of each. why the phenonip in the rich mud mask and will almond oil substitute for the meandowfoam, is less pricy. thanks………
I like the second one. I find the oil really lovely on the skin and the mask doesn’t feel “tight” as it dries like the first one.
First one will last up to 1 year, in the powder form. If you put water in it and mix water in, it won’t last more than a couple days.
The second recipe will last at least a year since you used the Phenonip. That is a preservative that will protect against mold growth.
The third recipe will last around 3 to 4 days if stored in the fridge.
Yes, Almond Oil can sub for meadowfoam.
thats is very good….thamk you A-M …greece says hiiii
Hi right back! I’d love to visit one day =)
I actually have everything for the rich mud mask…I knew I put that extract on my last order for a reason, lol.
Awesome! Great minds think alike!
Sorry, one more: could you use the 3 clays mentioned in the 2nd recipe for the 1st recipe instead?
Yes, you could easily switch it around. The water based mask is a very different mask than the one with the oil. You should definitely check them both out and see which one you like (even if you use the same clays).
Hey A-M,
Could you substitute oils in the second recipe? I have all three of the clays, but none of the oils you use.
Yes, you can sub oils in the second recipe. I tried a lot of them and they were all fantastic so long as they were liquids. =)
Thanks A-M! You are so inspirational. Thank you for helping me achieve my dreams! <3