I’m super excited; our 10Fold Orange Essential Oil just arrived to the warehouse.
What’s 10Fold? And, why would you pay more for it? Because it’s super concentrated and best of anything, lasts in cold process soap. 10X Orange is a form of concentrating the oil and removing much of the lower boiling components. The higher the number, the more times it’s been folded, or concentrated. Our 10X Orange is folded via fractional distillation. The still filters out the unnecessary components (or in this case, lower boiling point components) and concentrates all the “good smelling” components that really stick in your cold process soap. Unlike tradition citrus essential oils, this orange will actually smell good in your cold process soap after you’ve made it. We use it at .7 to 1 ounce per pound of soap and it smells juicy, ripe and delicious.
Distillation Method: Cold Pressed
Country of Origin: Canada
Part: Peel
Botanical Name: Citrus sinensis
Warnings: Can be irritating to eyes
Edible: Yes (kosher)
Is the 5x sweet orange EO still a photosensitzer then? I’ve had some for ages, smells amazing, but I’m leary to use it in anything but personal household cleaning products lol.
Yes, I would assume it’s a photosensitizer. I’d confirm with your vendor (and I’ve put out a couple emails to some aromatherapists to check to see if some 5X and 10X are different with photosensitizeraction) to be on the safe side but, I’d assume that it was.
Hi Pure,
I LOVE Orange EO (and in fact, have some of the 10X on my desk to sniff and smell my way to happy mood).
You're right, plain single distillation Orange EO is very inexpensive. Bramble Berry's current price on it is incredibly competitive – $3.83 for 7 ounces. Or, $1 for 1 ounce.
So you can get mood stabilizing for an economical price – or you can go with CP-staying-power with the 10X.
Thanks for popping in!
Oh my goodness, good to know! I made some lip balm for my own personal use with the organic oil. Good thing I live in Wisconsin where we only see the sun for about 15 minutes a year. I’ll have to order some of the 10 fold for my summer balm!
Just because an oil is edible does not mean that it is not a photosensitizer. In this case, the organic essential oil has all the components of orange essential oil with nothing removed so it is a photosensitizer.
The description on the BB website says it’s great for lip balm because it isn’t a photosensitizer. I’m curious if it is different somehow than your organic orange essential oil that has the lipbalm safe tag, but doesn’t make the distinction about not being a photosensitizer.
very cool!
Sweet! I’ve wanted to make an orange soap for ages!!!