Introducing Bramble Berry’s Spring 2011 Floral S.O.A.P Team!
Holly with Lotion Bar Cafe
Ruth with Sirona Springs Handmade Soap
Ann with Pitter Patter Designs
Catie with Catie Beth Bath and Body
Meghan with Dreaming Tree Soapworks
Amber with Addicted to Crafting
Erica with The Bonnie Bath Co.
New S.O.A.P. members, please email SOAP@brambleberry(dot)com with your shipping address so we can get these fragrances out the door and you can start having fun!
Thank you to all for Blogging, Tweeting and Facebooking all of about Bramble Berry and S.O.A.P! It was so fun reading about your favorite Bramble Berry product (seriously, I could do that all day, everyday).
I wish that everyone could be on the panel but we have a limited amount of fragrances to go around. Since there was so much interest in this panel, we’ll be putting another one together soon (like, in the next 6 weeks!) to test some fall/summer fragrances (think fun and fruity). So keep your eyes peeled for the announcement.
Jeanee from Dirty Laundry was on our very first S.O.A.P panel. She tested the fragrances in these mini cupcake bath fizzies (see blog post here). Be sure to check out her blog – we seriously heart her!
Here’s the original blog post with details:… We would love to have you enter for the next one – expect an announcement in the next couple months with the next panel =)
How do I get to be a S.O.A.P member?
Bring it ON! LOL!
Not just one Gardenia but 4 of them. You guys have a TOUGH choice. =)
I am likewise extremely excited and grateful. Did I see a comment about gardenia?! That is absolutely my favorite scented flower!! **sigh**
Welcome to the team! =)
Thank you! We have 4 years of soapy related posts (of course, I always toss in personal stuff too – but it’s mostly soap).
Aw, mutual admiration society …
You and me both! =)
You have your work cut out for you … the Gardenias are enough to make you go crazy. Whittling down from 16 that were good in soap to the 4 I’m sending you practically sent me over the edge. =)
Welcome! =))
I can’t wait to see what Gardenia beats … I had such a hard time figuring out the Gardenia after the RIFM reformulation that I’m counting on my S.O.A.P. panel to not let me down. =)
We love it too! It’s such a fun and new way of interacting with our friends and customers.
Congratulations! Y’all have fun!!
Oh, yay! I’m so happy and excited to be in such good company with the other soapers in this SOAP panel! Thank you!
I love this blog!
Thanks for the shout out on my cupcake bath fizzies & blog! I wish the new S.O.A.P Members loads of fun.
And I ♥ you too Bramble Berry.
Congrats everyone! Can’t wait to see what you come up with.
Yey, I’m so excited I can hardly stand it!
If you need french people to test them… We’re also following !

Congratulations Ladies that is AWESOME… Ya’ll will have a great time and give wonderful feedback!
The SOAP panel looks good! Have fun, for sure!
Love button!
Congrats to the S.O.A.P. team! Have fun!