Wow! Can you believe we’re already a quarter of the way into 2010? Like they say, “time flies when you’re having fun“! Last week, we had our Bramble Berry quarter one wrap up meeting. We set new goals for quarter two, passed out prizes for goals achieved and built popsicle stick bridges for fun and team building (oh, and a cash grand prize). We were split up into two teams and had 30 minutes to build a 19” long bridge out of 60 popsicle sticks and Elmer’s glue (gotta love team building exercises). We let the bridges dry over night and had the final weigh in the morning. I could hardly sleep that night. Me? Competitive? Nah.
Drawing for prizes.
Here we are making a game plan.
This is my team’s bridge that came in second place holding 25.8 lbs of soap.
This was the winning bridge holding 85 lbs. of soap and citric acid. Their bridge was so sturdy, we had to scramble to find more weight to put in the hanging bucket below. Well played, team!
Please do! I’m flattered you asked =)
Wow! What a cool experience for your daughter! We all got really competitive too. It’s a great exercise for all ages =)
I thought the side bar was getting too long, so I removed a few things. Maybe I can do a post on my current favorites in the Blogosphere? They change so frequently!
Sounds fun! But what happened to your links? I enjoyed clicking through them.
My daughter’s 6th grade Honors class did this using toothpicks! They got to go to the GE plant and the engineers did a load test on each bridge. There were 12 of the most competitive, excited kids I have ever seen. A great exercise.
Michelle in NV
Honestly, Anne-Marie, what a cool exercise!
I can think of three groups of people who might benefit from this exercise! Thank you for sharing this!
I hope you don’t mind if I copy this? (i hate copy cats but this is waay cool)
Go Team!
I love this!
Wow 25 lbs and 85 lbs on popsicle sticks! That’s more weight than I ever thought popsicle sticks could hold. Great job.
How fun! The winners sure got something right!