Cosmo Girl loves our New Mineral Make Up Eye Shadow Kit! I’m so overwhelmed with excitement I could just scream. What the heck…Ahhhhh!
Ahem, sorry about that! Grab the latest November issue of Cosmo Girl and read the raving reviews for our DIY Mineral Make Up Eye Shadow Kit on page 26. They call it their “favorite new product”. Eeek! Visit the Cosmo Girl website here or grab a Mineral Make Up Eye Shadow Kit herefor just $45 and create over 25 custom eye shadows.And if that wasn’t enough, MomTrends loves our Halloween crafting ideas.

I just love their thoughts on crafting and agree. It’s an inexpensive and entertaining activity for the kiddos (as well as a fun and sugar-free Halloween activity).
You deserve it. Thanks for linking up to my site and I hope you and I can work together again.
Happy crafting.
Editor Momtrends
It’s so great that some BIG name and Influential people are discovering we the rest of us have known all along!
WOW that’s huge. This will open you up to a whole new customer base. I know you were busy before but get ready.
Congrats! That’s really neat.
Congratulations. CosmoGirl – way to start them early on making their own stuff. That is very cool.
Congrats on the reviews and the press! I love you all too!
Great reviews!
What wonderful news and reviews!! So very happy for you, Anne-Marie, and Bramble Berry!
Wow, Cosmo Girl is a big deal. Congratulations. You have a great Web site.
Congratulations. That is wonderful.
Congrats on the reviews! Cosmo will bring heaps of new business to your site, how exciting!
And just in time for the holidays too!